
The couple raised $ 400,000 for a homeless donation. After that, he sued them

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The couple raised $ 400,000 for a homeless donation. After that, he sued them
The couple raised $ 400,000 for a homeless donation. After that, he sued them

Video: In alleged scheme, couple, homeless man accused of raising $400,000 'on a lie' 2024, July

Video: In alleged scheme, couple, homeless man accused of raising $400,000 'on a lie' 2024, July

To truly understand this story, you should learn a little more about the couple in question. New Jersey-born Katie McClure and Marc D'Amico were formerly regular American spouses. Katie worked as a secretary in a government organization, and Mark as a private carpenter. However, their life completely changed when they met Johnny Bobbitt, and soon they became involved in a very scandalous lawsuit.



At 35, Johnny Bobbitt lived on the street. He had no job and no roof over his head, and he had very little money. Every night he slept wherever he needed, and at the same time he tried to maintain a positive outlook on life. Despite his difficult life circumstances, Johnny always tried to be with other people. It was this feature that brought Katy and Mark to him, after which the storyline developed, which was then mentioned more than once in the news.

The day it happened

This story began in November 2017. The nights were cold, and Johnny tried to make ends meet in the streets. At the same time, Katie drove to a local gas station to refuel the car before returning home. When she went to the cashier to pay, the woman soon realized that she had no money with her. She was bewildered. Johnny Bobbitt has been watching from the start. It was then that he decided to donate his last 20 dollars to this woman.

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She couldn't leave it just like that

Katie did not know what to say. She was struck by the fact that someone could provide such assistance, especially a person who clearly did not have a home or even any food. Despite the fact that the woman did not have money with her to return it immediately, she soon found Johnny to thank for the generous service. When Cathy found out more about him, they began to communicate closely. She often returned to his street with food and water to make sure that the man was as comfortable as possible.


In fact, Katie and Mark were so overwhelmed by Johnny's kindness that they decided to do something about his predicament. The couple wanted to raise money for a man so that he could leave the street and arrange a full life for himself. So they created the GoFundMe page and asked their loved ones and friends to help the person who once helped them when Katie needed it. Initially, they wanted to raise $ 10, 000, but everything turned out to be much larger.


Amazing reaction

Before the couple knew what was happening, their story became viral. People around the world heard about Johnny’s selfless act and wanted to help him. Weeks passed, and the amount of donations literally skyrocketed. Soon, the couple exceeded their goal. In fact, for nine months, the couple was able to raise Johnny a little over $ 400, 000, thanks to caring people from all over the world. However, they soon realized that there was a small problem with their plan.


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They kept money at home.

Because Johnny was homeless, he did not have his own bank account or documents to open it. This meant that the couple could not accept the money collected for him by the generous visitors of the web page. They thought seriously and tried to decide how to get around this problem, and soon realized that only one thing could be done. While the couple dealt with Johnny's documents, they temporarily kept the money in their bank account.


Man with a dream

Having received funds in their bank account, Katie and Mark began to discuss with Johnny his hopes and dreams. What was he going to do with the money? How did he want to spend it? It was during these discussions that Johnny spoke of a simpler life. He did not want to buy a house, but instead wished to buy a trailer in order to move to Alaska and live outside the mainland. The man did not want anything unusual - he only wanted to fish and sleep somewhere warm every night.


Gave him a chance

Katie and Mark knew that they could only do one thing. The couple took Johnny to a local dealership and let him choose his own trailer. The homeless man was in seventh heaven, having the opportunity to have personal property, but there was one problem - where was he going to leave it? The couple found a solution to this problem, and eventually Johnny was able to park the trailer on their site. They wanted to give him a chance.

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First deposit

After a couple of weeks, the documents were finally ready, and Johnny was able to access his own bank account. Now, to pay the man, the couple deposited an initial $ 25, 000 into an account that he could use. They were glad to do this, since it was his money, but soon the couple began to feel awkward. After just 13 days, $ 25, 000 disappeared, and Johnny seemed to spend it all. But what for?

Undesirable costs

Katie and Mark soon suggested that Johnny spent his small fortune on illegal substances. He wasted all the money in less than two weeks, and the couple were not happy with it. They wanted Johnny to use this money to make his life better and leave the street, rather than investing in a destructive habit. They tried to convince the man to undergo rehabilitation and change his life, but he refused their offer. Because of this, Katie and Mark did not know what to do with the money.


They were unhappy

Katie and Mark did not want the money to be wasted, so they began to doubt whether they should even give it back. This upset Johnny, who believed that the couple was intentionally holding funds for him. According to the man, the money rightfully belonged to him, and he should have been able to do whatever he wanted with them. In the end, this collection was open to him.

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In fact, Johnny was convinced that the couple was investing the money raised for him at GoFundMe in their own luxurious lifestyle. Despite the fact that they had a well-paid job and a beautiful home, the spouses seemed to increase their level while communicating with the homeless. They were able to spend two expensive holidays and even bought a brand new BMW car. Johnny couldn't help but think that was a little suspicious, and wondered if they were using his money.


He acted decisively

In the end, Johnny decided to ask a couple about this money and what they really used the money for. Spouses categorically denied his claim. They confirmed that they spent $ 200, 000 on the homeless since they raised all the money. They paid for his stay at the hotel, a trailer, talking on a cell phone, a laptop, and deposited an initial amount of $ 25, 000 into a bank account. According to the spouses, they could track every purchase they made. However, Johnny was still not convinced and decided that he needed a little extra help. With the help of a lawyer, he decided to sue Katie and Mark.


As soon as the couple found out that Johnny sued them, they were shocked and amazed. According to the spouses, they did nothing wrong. They just wanted to help a person who was in a difficult situation, but several problems got in their way. The couple claimed they were honest, and even wanted to let the police keep track of all their expenses in order to prove that they were not mean.


By the end of August 2018, Johnny and his team of lawyers ultimately filed a lawsuit against Katy and Mark. The couple managed to prove that they did not appropriate the money and did not spend it on themselves, but the judge ruled against the couple. Although they were not charged with any unlawful act, the court ordered the couple to transfer the money to the former homeless person under the supervision of his lawyers.