
Parapsychologist Sergei Finko: reviews, biography, activities and interesting facts

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Parapsychologist Sergei Finko: reviews, biography, activities and interesting facts
Parapsychologist Sergei Finko: reviews, biography, activities and interesting facts

Sergei Finko is a well-known Russian psychic and parapsychologist who created his philosophical concept called "The Way of Mind and Soul." Often calls himself an "angel" because of his unique esoteric capabilities. This article will talk about his activities.

Biography of Sergey Finko

It is known that trainer and parapsychologist Sergei Finko was born in the Far East.


In the late 2000s, he was one of the first to actively develop psychological training in his native region. He also promoted and professionally trained other specialists in conducting psychological trainings. Thanks to his activities, psychological training has become one of the priority areas in the Far East. Sergey and his team trained dozens of professional trainers. At the moment, is one of the most famous life coaches in the country. Created his training project "Path to a Dream" to find his vocation.

Coach Activities

Today he is successfully building a career as a coach, helping many people from different countries solve their internal problems. He considers himself a practitioner. Often he calls himself an angel or a messenger of heaven because of his esoteric abilities. According to reviews of the angel parapsychologist, Sergei Finko knows how to work with limiting beliefs, get rid of fears, internal blocks, change thinking, implement what was conceived with the help of thoughts and emotions, and realize goals. Knowing their unique characteristics, each person can live a happy and full life, the psychic claims.

Why did the parapsychologist decide to help others

Sergei Finko, he said, from an early age realized that he has unique extrasensory abilities. He claims that he found the reason for his complexes, fears, strangenesses accompanying him from early childhood, and dealt with them with the help of his own abilities, and then began to work with people.


In his work, he also uses knowledge in the field of parapsychology, magic, extrasensory perception. He also claims to read any person as an open book. This helps him to open a guide to the happy present and future of the client. The parapsychologist is 100% sure that each person can live the life he dreams of. The main thing is to find out how! According to him, he gets real pleasure when he sees how the lives of other people after his consultations and seminars are changing for the better.

Principles of working with a client

According to the reviews of Sergey Finko of his clients, the person who has passed his training begins to find inner harmony, believing in himself, sometimes even through not very pleasant processes, but always with gratitude. The psychologist considers his use of his abilities to help others.

The main rule in work is honesty, says trainer Sergei Finko. He advocates that the individual herself learn to use her own resources to solve any life problems she faces.


For this reason, at the consultations, he talks about the internal capabilities of the client, which can change life in the desired perspective to get the long-awaited effect. He calls himself only a vehicle of higher powers, which can help to better understand himself and better shape the future and get rid of the unhappy past using magic rituals.

How can a parapsychologist help

According to customer reviews, Sergey Finko teaches to build harmonious relationships with close people and business partners. Using the unique abilities of a parapsychologist, a person can change his life. Using these esoteric and psychological techniques, a person will become more open and communicative, and many will want to be close to a confident person. Working with a trainer will help create the most harmonious relationships with loved ones.


At the training or at a personal consultation, Sergei will help you find your vocation and favorite work that will give strength, and not take them away, as an unloved job does. Finko helps to get rid of fears that limit beliefs, psychological blocks, depression, and also explains how to unleash the inner potential of opportunities. Sometimes it is necessary to remove esoteric negative programs: damage, curses, evil eye, love spells. A person will be able to rebuild his unconscious for success and prosperity and change his fate. Finko advises on how to start your own business, if you decide to become a businessman. A parapsychologist will teach you how to achieve your goals and live with ease.

Reviews about Sergey Finko

According to customer comments, many who applied to him solved their life tasks and began to live a more harmonious life. Basically, people get consulted with two questions: either an unsettled personal life, or a lack of money. Many clients of Sergey Finko, according to reviews, got real results, and their life has really changed for the better. Also, a parapsychologist works great with depression, limiting attitudes and a variety of fears. The trainer from Moscow Sergey Finko, according to the reviews of the people who worked with him, successfully solves many psychological issues.

Benefits of working with a specialist

Firstly, saving your time, which is inherently precious. And secondly, it is a qualitative solution to various problems in life. The task of parapsychologist No. 1 is to diagnose, explain to you the essence and causes of the events. The second task is the correction of fate and finding the best way out of this situation.


Often, as a psychologist, Finko has to deal with a stupor in a client when a person has a long depression, when the client makes a lot of efforts, and the expected result does not occur. Could this be negative influence from without? Perhaps this is a spoilage? Or has a man himself cornered? This must be understood, and for this there is a professional diagnosis. Often people do not pay attention to some aspects on which the result directly depends. In these cases, the help of Sergei Finko, according to him, will be relevant.

Customer service

All that is required of the client is his presence. Sergei should not talk about what worries a person, what he would like to get rid of or get something. He will tell about it. Sergei will name the causes of life problems and name the limiting beliefs and negative programs that the client has in his mind. Any person who seeks help will receive individual tips on how to deal with this situation. The main thing is to realize your own capabilities. A lot of his consultations a person is aware of himself.


Reviews about the "angel" Sergei Finko are mostly positive, confirming the effectiveness of his methods of work. A person does not always hear his individuality, personal inner essence. The task of the psychic and parapsychologist is to open it in every person and direct him on the path along which he should go of his own free will, according to his spiritual plan.