men's issues

The guy came home tipsy and wanted pizza: when the order was brought, his girlfriend was struck by the amount of food

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The guy came home tipsy and wanted pizza: when the order was brought, his girlfriend was struck by the amount of food
The guy came home tipsy and wanted pizza: when the order was brought, his girlfriend was struck by the amount of food

Video: Hostage girlfriend calls for help in pizza order 2024, June

Video: Hostage girlfriend calls for help in pizza order 2024, June

Everyone at least once in his life ordered pizza. Anyone who does this all the time sometimes faces a delivery problem. They may or may not report something, or go too long, or, even worse, bring the wrong order. But what happened to a drunk guy in the United States defies any explanation.

What happened

One day, a family guy named Lee Ramney went to his friend's birthday. His wife and child stayed home. He was gone for about 12 hours, and after he somehow got to the house and found that there was practically no food, he decided to order pizza. But something incredible just happened! His wife accepted an order for 118 dollars! After the courier opened the trunk of the car to get the order, the girl felt something was amiss.

It turned out that her husband ordered pizza and 170 chicken legs for her!
