
Pavel Vaschekin - biography, career, personal life and interesting facts

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Pavel Vaschekin - biography, career, personal life and interesting facts
Pavel Vaschekin - biography, career, personal life and interesting facts

At one time, Mosestrada and the Moskontsert paid a fixed rate to artists and singers for labor, the size of which forced stage workers to take a boiler and canned food on tour. When perestroika came to the country, somehow suddenly a large number of very rich people arose in Russia. They were ready to pay crazy money for luxury homes, prestigious cars, branded clothing and exclusive entertainment. It turned out that the work of popular artists can be profitably sold. It has become fashionable to invite stars to private corporate events for large fees. The first video clips and artist ratings appeared. Like mushrooms after the rain, new stars and stars of the pop scene began to appear, and with them a mysterious profession at that time appeared - the producer. Money rained on particularly entrepreneurial merchants.

Producer from the nineties

In the legendary nineties of the last century, the young and enterprising Pavel Vashchekin was at the right time in the right place. At that time he was known throughout the rave Moscow. It can be said that he stood at the origins of the birth of a new social life in the capital. Together with Fyodor Bondarchuk and Stepan Mikhalkov, Pavel participated in the creation and work of the Art Pictures studio, which was one of the first to shoot fashionable videos, organize modern music festivals and promote new names. Vashchekin says that it was with their light hand that the group brought Leg Down, singer Irina Saltykova, began a successful career.


According to Pavel, the studio actively supported Valery Meladze at the beginning of his career. The biography of Pavel Vashchekin is inextricably linked with the formation of domestic show business. At one time, Pavel Yegorovich promoted a successful women's team, “Not Married.” The group began to take the first noticeable steps to success, Vashchekin had high hopes for it. But something did not work out. One of the most successful commercial projects of the producer was the star of the nineties - Natalia Vetlitskaya, whose career took off in an instant after the release of the video “Look into the eyes”.

Multifaceted Vaschekin

Pavel Vashchekin is an energetic and active person. He is a producer, businessman, radio host, organizer of beauty contests and a director. Vashchekin is a regular in social events, always stylish, fashionable and charming. He has many friends, even more friends and acquaintances. The personal life of Pavel Vashchekin for a long time was filled with novels with famous and not very, but certainly beautiful women.

Beauty contests

Pavel Egorovich Vashchekin was the owner of the Red Stars modeling agency and the organizer of the first beauty contests in the country. The agency lit such podium stars as Natalya Simanova, Inna Zobova and Maria Bateeva. Vashchekin took part in the organization of the Miss World beauty contest, in which Russian woman Julia Kurochkina won. To the journalist’s question, how reliable are the rumors about various ugly stories related to beauty contests, Vashchekin answers that everything is actually not so.


He says that the process of organizing such events is very troublesome and complicated, all employees and participants are busy preparing models (speech culture, dancing, stage skills), costumes, a program, and the higher the status of the competition, the more they protect the participants from the attacks of fans. Of course, Pavel Yegorovich is a little disingenuous. He himself admits that sometimes he abused his official duties and made novels with beauties.

Radio Silver Rain

Pavel Vashchekin worked for a long time as a host at the Silver Rain radio station, which has an ambiguous reputation. The radio has ardent fans and the same ardent detractors. Vashchekin became famous for the famous telephone draws of famous people in his program “Radio Mile”. Moreover, the scenario of the draw was as close as possible to reality, so many stars came across the network of the treacherous Vashchekin.


For example, he invited the singer Lada Dance to pick up underwear sets specially prepared for her at the Black Orchid store, and she believed. Or practically persuaded Irina Saltykov to do a nude photo shoot. True, then it turned out that Irina did not know what a nude was. According to Pavel, he always tried to be correct and tactful with his counterparts, so he tried not to put people in awkward situations, for which they would later be ashamed. According to the presenter, many popular people were not averse to being the object of the Vashchekin raffle, although there were also enough offended stars.

Silver Galosh Award

Remaining true to himself, the shocking Vashchekin in 1996 proposed the idea of ​​creating the Silver Galosh anti-award. Silver Rain radio supported the idea, and a new cultural phenomenon arose in the country - the presentation of awards for dubious and ambiguous successes and achievements. The idea itself was copied from the American Golden Raspberry, a similar award in cinema. Russian organizers went further. “Silver galosh” covers all aspects of the life of the bohemian elite. An interesting feature of the award is the annual change of nominations that have offensive, but witty names. The only nomination “Plagiarism of the Year” remained constant. Celebrities who have been awarded this dubious award relate to it differently. Someone is seriously offended, someone ignores, and someone has fun with the participants in the ceremony and receives a prize in person. The idea of ​​Pavel Vashchekin turned out to be long-playing; last year's award marked the twentieth anniversary.


Vashchekin also tried to find himself in the cinema as a director and producer. It is known that he initially directed the film "Run", which tells about the everyday life and the backstage of production activities.


That is, Vashchekin wanted to tell the general public about what he was well versed in. But at some point, the director of the picture was Alla Tretyakova, and Paul reserved the production. Unfortunately, the film went unnoticed and did not have much success. Although the topic was interesting, and the actors starred wonderful: Dmitry Maryanov and Elena Podkaminskaya. Pavel Egorovich also previously acted as a producer of feature films.

Novel with Vetlitskaya

Pavel Vashchekin and Natalya Vetlitskaya met in the early nineties. In a bright and stylish Natalia, her nine-day marriage with Zhenya Belousov, the idol of girls all over the country at that time, was just about to end. Pavel says that he met the singer, arguing with his friends. The fact is that Natalia Vetlitskaya was an impregnable and very beautiful lady. Conquering her was not so simple. Charming, witty and talkative Vaschekin succeeded.


Their romance lasted three years. They say that it’s the “Look in the Eye” clip that Pavel shot for Vetlitskaya that made her a superstar of domestic show business. Eyewitnesses say that the novel was passionate and serious. Natalia even dedicated the song “Playboy” to her beloved man. With her light hand, many friends began to call him exclusively a playboy. After parting with Vashchekin, Vetlitskaya for some time disappeared from the horizon of show business. According to one version, it was Pavel who had a hand in their separation and the subsequent “creative leave” of the singer. According to another version, the initiator of the breakdown was Natalya herself, having met by then billionaire Suleiman Kerimov on his life path. Anyway, Natalya Vetlitskaya played a big role in the biography of Pavel Vashchekin. How many years have passed since then, and the producer very warmly and reverently recalls the former lover. Without exaggeration, he calls her the face of a generation.

Playboy and socialite

Paul never hid his love for women. Beauty contests appeared in his life, probably not by chance. He himself says that he has some kind of magnetism for women, he never had problems in winning their hearts.


Pavel with self-irony says that the main thing in seduction is that the girl smiles. And he managed to achieve this literally in the first minute of acquaintance. Vashchekin is a regular in fashionable party places in Moscow, he is always up to date with the latest fashion events, exhibitions and fashion shows. He makes friends with actors, directors, singers, stylists and models. He loves everything beautiful and unusual. In women, she appreciates beauty and intelligence. But there is more beauty.


Pavel Vashchekin, at the age of forty-five, finally met the one with whom he offered his hand and heart. Ironically, she was the finalist of the beauty contest "Miss Russia - 2005". The wife of Pavel Vashchekin - Alla Tretyakova hails from Omsk, at the time of meeting with the famous playboy she was twenty-three years old.


Acquaintance quickly grew into a novel, which ended with a wedding and a wedding in the church. Perhaps for both this was somewhat unexpected. Pavel was never married and did not seek marriage, Alla was a serious girl and her plans did not include early marriage. But, apparently, really marriages will be made in heaven. A convinced bachelor and hanger took an oath of allegiance in front of the altar to his young wife. Since then, Paul settled down, fell in love with the house and family comfort. Now the main love and joy in life is the daughter of Pavel Vashchekin, whom he calls the princess and fairy.