
Glass processing as a business: technology and equipment

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Glass processing as a business: technology and equipment
Glass processing as a business: technology and equipment

Video: Glass Making Process - Discover Heavyweight Productions | Technology Connections 2024, June

Video: Glass Making Process - Discover Heavyweight Productions | Technology Connections 2024, June

Most modern people simply do not see value in glass containers. That is why city dumps are littered with glass jars and bottles, although glass is actually very valuable, since it can be recycled and as a result make good profit. By the way, to realize this idea is not at all difficult - glass processing as a business is relevant in any multi-million city.


In many modern countries, the issue of reuse of various materials is highly relevant. It is recycling that makes it possible to prevent the accumulation of household and industrial waste. And the resources will remain intact precisely thanks to the recycling of materials. In addition, it is possible to alleviate the "suffering" of nature and not pollute the environment once again.

Glass recycling as a business today is very much in demand. This material at various enterprises is used for the manufacture of various products. Glass is especially popular in the construction and food industries.


Due to the government’s loyal attitude towards waste recycling enterprises, and also due to the small number of companies, a simple conclusion suggests itself: glass processing as a business in Russia and other countries is a profitable, demanded and promising business.

How to start a profitable business

Start should be with the opening of a glass container receiving point. First of all, it is necessary to install special bins or containers near each high-rise building in which people will be able to put glass products that they do not need. Just keep in mind that the boxes used should attract attention, so that residents would like to throw bottles in them, separating them from the rest of the garbage.

In addition, to receive glass products, you can open a point at which people can donate them for money.


If you want to start a glass processing business from scratch, but you don’t have the means to launch points of reception and purchase special containers, you can go the cheapest and most affordable way. The bottom line is finding raw materials in landfills. Of course, this method is unpleasant and not everyone will like it, but believe me, landfills are a real storehouse of glass.

Although, if you think about it, you can find several more options for finding raw materials. For example, you can negotiate with beer suppliers for the delivery of defective hops.

Glass recycling as a business

Of course, you should not flatter yourself. The glass recycling process is a rather complicated job. Although the most labor-intensive stage of production is the separation of raw materials from garbage, but after processing the new glass will have excellent quality and strength.

Before you start the process, prepare a workplace that meets all the requirements. The processing site should be surrounded by a high fence. There will be a large container. In addition, for the delivery of bottles and cans, care should be taken to create a convenient entrance.


Remember that the glassworks are almost always very noisy. That is why it is advisable to place it away from settlements. By the way, for the same reason, recycling glass as a business at home is impossible. It is best to refrain from dangerous experiments.

Sorting stage

Glass recycling as a business brings in impressive revenues, but before sending the container for recycling, it must be sorted by color and type.

In addition, before processing, the raw materials should be cleaned of dirt and impurities. After grinding, the material must be cleaned again. Only after going through all the stages can you start the process of remelting.


Necessary equipment

To start the business of processing broken glass, you, of course, will need special equipment:

  • sieve;
  • crushing unit;
  • special conveyor for transportation;
  • melting furnace;
  • air installations.

According to experienced entrepreneurs, the advantage of this business is the lack of the need to maintain a large staff, since almost the entire process is automated. For a well-functioning company, you will need only a few people to perform simple actions.


If you decide to open a processing plant, give preference to equipment of domestic production, as they rarely fail, and spare parts for them are much easier to find. To avoid unnecessary expenses even at the stage of business organization, you can save and purchase used equipment. On average, you will need about 70 thousand rubles for all equipment.

Organization of production

To organize an enterprise, it is advisable to find a place near the landfill. Typically, such sites are located in the industrial zone or on the outskirts of the city.

Waste transportation from the landfill is not possible without your own truck. Otherwise, you can agree with the utility on the delivery of glass containers.

In general, for a high-quality business organization, it is desirable to have two premises, one of which is required for the warehouse, and the second - for the workshop. 100 sq.m. will be quite enough for the warehouse, and for the workshop you need to look for a larger room - about 500 sq.m.

Judging by the reviews, glass processing as a business cannot be started without start-up capital. So, for the first time, you will need to pay staff salaries and allocate funds for the organization and uninterrupted operation of packaging receptacles.

Responses of entrepreneurs who started their business from their own area say that to start in the arsenal it is enough to have a simple car for collecting glass containers and at least one point of reception.

We emphasize once again that this business is very profitable and pays off within six months. Although the income, of course, depends on the turnover of the company.

Business plan

Glass processing, like any other business, requires a competent business plan that will help you organize and organize the process.

A large sum will have to be paid for the construction of a large workshop, but for a start it is quite possible to get by with a small enterprise, which will also bring good profit. You will need approximately 35, 000 dollars (about 2, 300, 000 rubles) for it.

Another 2, 000 dollars (about 132, 000 rubles) will need to be laid out for the improvement of the warehouse and workshop. First of all, these premises must be equipped with all sanitary and fire standards.

Another 70, 000 rubles will need to be spent on the purchase of equipment.

Preparation of documents

A company specializing in glass processing must work legally, so first of all, take care of getting a license from the Ministry of Ecology.

Then get permission from the sanitary and fire services.

For the proper conduct of business, you need to prepare a detailed project, which will describe all stages and technological processes.


Gathering all the necessary documents is a responsible and difficult matter, it may take about six months to bureaucratic chores. Be prepared for the fact that representatives of the fire service will regularly visit your company.


The required number of employees depends entirely on the size of your enterprise. For example, for the quality work of an average company, about 40 people will be needed. The staff will:

  • sort glass containers;
  • clean defective products;
  • engage in material cleaning;
  • accept glass products at collection points;
  • control the melting of glass in the furnace.