
The first family in the world to give birth to 6 twin girls - how they live today

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The first family in the world to give birth to 6 twin girls - how they live today
The first family in the world to give birth to 6 twin girls - how they live today

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Janet and Graham Walton more than anything else wanted to become parents. But, as luck would have it, their desire did not come true. The long-awaited pregnancy did not occur, so the couple decided to seek the help of doctors. The woman was diagnosed with infertility and began to be treated, but not a single method gave a positive result.

A long and hard way to fulfill a dream

Doctors decided to resort to IVF (in vitro fertilization). Janet survived 12 painful attempts. Usually women give up after the 3-4th IVF attempt, but you need to know Janet. She could not give up her dream and decided by all means to achieve the long-awaited 2 stripes on the pregnancy test.

And a miracle happened: on the 13th attempt, the Walton learned that they would finally become parents! Can you imagine how happy they were?

An ultrasound machine can also show tricks!

Now imagine the expression on their faces when they found out that they will have 6 children at once!


The spouses were worried how they could raise so many children, would only two pairs of hands be enough to surround each child with care?

Meanwhile, Janet was hospitalized and was not discharged until delivery. Because pregnancy, even twins, is considered a pathology, that is, not the norm. What can we say about pregnancy gears! At any moment, something could go wrong, so the doctors decided to keep the expectant mother under control.

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On November 18, 1983, as a result of Caesarean section, 6 healthy girls were born. This happened in Liverpool (UK). It was the first gear in the world consisting exclusively of female babies.


The twins developed well, and in January 1984 the happy family finally left the clinic.

Difficult happiness

All the time, the Walton couple dedicated only to children: they did not have a second of free time. Anna, Ruth, Kate, Lucy, Sarah and Jenny turned their parents' lives upside down.


If only you could know how hard it is to grow twins! And gear - this is at all something unthinkable. The diapers alone took Walton 11, 000 pieces a year, and that, with all the savings. Parents slept with strength 2 hours a day for 2 years.

The life of Janet and Graham was an endless cycle of feeding, changing diapers, vests and sleep. It is amazing how parents did not end up in a psychiatric hospital with such a regimen of the day. It's amazing how they survived at all!


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But not only the first years of the girls' life were difficult for the Walton. When the kids grew up, Janet and Graham had to deal with a bunch of homework, endless quarrels between the twins, their problems with friends, uncleaned rooms, and finally, puberty.


“Looking back, I myself do not understand how we succeeded, ” Janet comments on her life situation.


“The first years of the girls’s life we ​​were somehow perplexed. And I really regret that I could not enjoy motherhood, as I would like, ” she regrets.

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Despite the fact that they had a hard time, the couple are very proud of their daughters.
