
Sandstorms in Egypt. Seasons of storms and natural disaster September 9, 2015

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Sandstorms in Egypt. Seasons of storms and natural disaster September 9, 2015
Sandstorms in Egypt. Seasons of storms and natural disaster September 9, 2015

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Sandstorms in Egypt rage every year. This dangerous natural phenomenon can seriously spoil the impression of a vacation, so you should know the frequency of its occurrence. To help you understand this issue, let's try to talk a little more about unsafe seasons.


Sandstorm - what is it?

Sandstorms in Egypt - an event not unique. Similar atmospheric phenomena are often observed in desert and semi-desert regions. Sometimes they happen in the steppe and forest-steppe zones. In very rare cases, can be observed in forest areas.

It should be understood that a sand (dust) storm is not just sand (dust) that is driven by the wind at the surface of the earth. A huge amount of sand, dust or small particles of soil rises to a height of several meters, impairing visibility, making breathing difficult, covering all objects.

The wind flow, increasing force, causes vibration of loose particles (grains of sand). Gradually, from vibration, they move to jumps and, hitting the ground, release more and more particles, which also rise up.


When such a natural phenomenon can be found in Egypt?

Sandstorms in Egypt rage twice a year. This happens in the spring from March to April, in the fall - in October and November. Each storm can last from two to four days. In anticipation of an unpleasant phenomenon, the resort life of the country is quiet. A state whose economy depends on tourism is losing an important part of its income. Sometimes, if the storm is especially strong, Egypt falls into a state of paralysis. Ground and air transport stops, shops and bazaars do not work, people do not take to the streets. It’s good that this happens infrequently.


The strongest sandstorm

The strongest sandstorm in Egypt in September 2015 completely stopped the life of the country. A significant part of the Middle East and North Africa was hit by the elements. Due to the low visibility on the roads, traffic jams and accidents occurred. And at the airport, a real collapse began. Thousands of passengers expected canceled flights, unable to leave the building. This sandstorm in Egypt (September 9, 2015), in fact, was unprecedented in its strength and duration. In some countries of the Middle East, there were human casualties.
