
Writer Gabriel Marquez: biography and works

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Writer Gabriel Marquez: biography and works
Writer Gabriel Marquez: biography and works

Video: Gabriel García Márquez: What To Know About The Master Of Magical Realism & Nobel Prize Winner | TIME 2024, June

Video: Gabriel García Márquez: What To Know About The Master Of Magical Realism & Nobel Prize Winner | TIME 2024, June

Gabriel Marquez is a talented writer who presented the world with such immortal works as One Hundred Years of Solitude, Love during the Plague, and Nobody Writes to the Colonel. This amazing person died at the age of 87, but continues to live in his novels. Why not remember the brightest fruits of his work, but at the same time interesting facts from life?

Gabriel Marquez: curriculum vitae

The birthplace of the writer was Colombia, where he was born in the small town of Aracataka, a joyful event happened in 1927. The first years of his life, Gabriel Marquez spent in the house of his grandfather and grandmother, since his young parents were busy with a career. As a child, the future writer loved to listen to the fascinating stories of the colonel’s grandfather, who shared with his grandson memories of military campaigns and battles. From his grandmother, the boy heard a lot of folk traditions, which subsequently played a significant role in his work.


Gabriel Marquez left the house in which he spent his early childhood, at the age of 9, moving to the city of Sucre, where his mother and father lived. At age 12, the boy became a student at a Jesuit college located near Bogotá. He then continued his education at the National University of Bogota, chosen by his parents. The jurisprudence that he studied there did not captivate the young man, but he met the girl Mercedes, who was to become his wife and muse.

Journalistic activities

Gabriel Marquez never received a law degree, leaving the university, despite the protests of his mother and father. Influenced by the novels of such geniuses as Hemingway, Kafka, Faulkner, the young man decided that his calling was literature. In 1950, he first tried his hand at journalism, having received a column in a newspaper in Barranquilla, where he then resided. He also joined the informal community of writers, whose members prompted him to start creating his first work.


For several years, the writer Gabriel García Márquez worked as a correspondent, moving to Bogotá and settling in the newspaper “El Espektador”. He traveled half the world, having visited the States, Venezuela, France, Italy. It is interesting that among the states visited by a genius in those years, Russia is also listed. He ended up in Moscow in 1957, being invited to a youth festival.

Finest hour

Surprisingly, only in 1967 did the world learn about the existence of such a talented writer as Gabriel Garcia Marquez. He put the life of ordinary Latin Americans at the forefront when writing the work "One Hundred Years of Solitude" - and he did not lose. The novel gave the creator world recognition, many honorary awards.


The work "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is difficult to compare with any other existing novel. It subtly intertwined folk traditions and historical reality. The book examines the history of Colombia, covers a two-century period (19-20 centuries). The heroes of Marquez demonstrate a stormy temperament, while not forgetting about spirituality, this combination falls in love with readers.

The most famous works

“One Hundred Years of Solitude” is far from the only outstanding work that Gabriel Marquez created. Many fans acquired the novel "Love during the Plague." His main character is an unrequited man in love. The fiancee prefers another fan, but the character does not lose faith, continuing to wait for the attention of an inaccessible beauty. Year after year, his love only gets stronger.


Other works by Gabriel Marquez are also worthy of attention. For example, “Nobody writes to the Colonel” - a sad story about a man whose exploits are forgotten. The hero of the civil war is forced to survive, receiving only a meager pension. However, misadventures do not deprive him of fortitude, courage to fight the injustice that flourishes in this world.

Autumn of the Patriarch is a novel that Marquez worked on for many years, repeatedly rewriting the book. Some features of the irremovable dictator from this work, which for 100 years tyrannizes its subjects, were borrowed from real-life personalities. The Chronicle of the Declared Death is also noteworthy. When creating this novel, the writer recalled many grandmother's stories that he had listened to in early childhood.


Like any other talented writer, Gabriel Garcia Marquez has his fans and haters. Reviews of his works are very controversial. To some they seem boring and tedious, others find them fascinating and exciting, they can not tear themselves away from reading.

Fans of Marquez often note how well the writer works out the characters of his characters. Characters appearing on the pages of his stories are often called living in reviews. Also, the author is often praised for his ability to convey feelings, experiences of people.