
Pit bull began to behave strangely, and then completely grabbed a 7-month-old baby, trying to take him out into the street. Only after getting out of bed, adults realized what was

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Pit bull began to behave strangely, and then completely grabbed a 7-month-old baby, trying to take him out into the street. Only after getting out of bed, adults realized what was
Pit bull began to behave strangely, and then completely grabbed a 7-month-old baby, trying to take him out into the street. Only after getting out of bed, adults realized what was

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Sasha, an 8-month-old pit bull, was sitting near his home in Stockton, California. It was a summer Sunday morning. The animal suddenly noticed that a fire started, and the fire began to cover the apartment building. Mistress Sasha, Nana Chaychanda with a small child, was inside.

The quick-witted dog jumped up and rushed to the house, warning people about the fire before they themselves understood what had happened. The fire eventually destroyed most of the four-plex. But an alert dog named Sasha was able to protect the family.


Formidable danger

“On June 3, 2018, my puppy, Sasha pit bull, woke me up at the door of my backyard and whined loudly. Could I know that Sasha will become my savior, ”Chaichanda wrote on the GoFundMe page, which collects money to help after losing the house. “The house of my neighbors was completely destroyed, and the fire quickly spread to my unit.” Sasha tried to warn us about the fire."

A woman got out of bed to see what was happening. The moment she opened the back door, a pit bull burst into the house, right into the master bedroom.

Chaychanda said that at first she was very surprised, and then realized that her cousin’s apartment, which was located in the neighborhood, was on fire. The woman ran into the bedroom, where Sasha was already dragging her 7-month-old baby from the bed by the diaper. Thanks to Sasha, the family was able to get to a safe place and call the rescue service number.


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