
Why is Gridin a creative person?

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Why is Gridin a creative person?
Why is Gridin a creative person?

Video: How To Become a More Creative Person 2024, July

Video: How To Become a More Creative Person 2024, July

The Internet has become an integral part of the life of every modern person. Now through social networks it is possible not only to receive information, but also to earn money doing what you love. One of the types of work on the Internet is video blogging. A blogger is a person who leads his page on social networks: Vkontakte, on YouTube, on Instagram. Among these people is Kuzma Gridin.


Kuzma's real name is Nikita Gridin. An Internet activist was born on July 17, 1994 in St. Petersburg. The boy was very active and seriously fond of sports. In 2003, Nikita became interested in computer games and once decided to repeat the trick for his favorite character. As a result, bed rest for two weeks and back problems, because of which sports are contraindicated for a young man. After two weeks, Nikita was sent to a sanatorium to restore health in the fresh air.

Gridin is a real badass in his school years. A good sense of humor, sociability and charisma have always been a hallmark of Kuzma. It is these qualities that will bring the guy popularity in the future.

Graduation and further fate

After school, Nikita decided to get a cook's education, but in the first year he changed his direction a bit and chose a specialty in managing catering establishments. Gridin reacted to school responsibly, but the guy was only enough for a couple of years. Since the young man worked part-time in his free time from school, the classes receded into the background. This fact did not affect the performance of the guy.

The teenage period is a time of searching for oneself and self-expression, therefore Nikita tries herself in music. Together with friends, the guys put together a group that had good potential. Gridin is the heart of the group, and when Nikita left the band, the rest of the participants followed suit.


The beginning of creativity

Gridin is undoubtedly a creative person who seeks himself and the best way to express his inner “I”. After leaving the group, the desire to continue to create something unique only intensified. At the age of 15, Nikita began to try himself as a dubbing actor. On the Internet, the guy found a video of a foreign stand-up comedian, translated a speech and voiced what was said on the screen in Russian. Then the channel of Nikita was created and the pseudonym Kuzma Gridin was taken. Such videos were laid out on the YouTube platform. Like any site of this format, video hosting has rules that are not allowed to be violated. Since video appearances were used without the permission of the copyright holders, Kuzma’s work could be banned or deleted, as well as monetization removed. This fact played one of the most important roles in the appearance of a young man’s own copyright content. The audience welcomed the change in the format of the blog.
