
Why and where did Sergey Netievsky disappear from the “Ural dumplings”

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Why and where did Sergey Netievsky disappear from the “Ural dumplings”
Why and where did Sergey Netievsky disappear from the “Ural dumplings”

For the third year in a row, fans of the Ural dumplings comedy show cannot get a clear answer to their question: where did Sergei Netievsky disappear from Ural Dumplings? Indeed, it was so customary to see the whole team assembled that the thought that the roster could change did not even slip in. But it still happened. Why? Indeed, it was thanks to Netievsky who had put a lot of effort into the development of this show that the team had reached the federal level; it was he, as director and producer, who entered into a long-term contract with one of the TV channels.

“His departure is another science …”

So, Sergey Netievsky left the “Ural dumplings”. The reasons for his action are still hidden by a veil of secrecy. He was dismissed from his post in the fall of 2015. For that period of time, the changes in the leadership that occurred were explained by Sergey's constant employment in personal Moscow projects. And because of this, there was a lack of time to work with old friends from Yekaterinburg - “dumplings”. Sergey Isaev sat in the chair of the head.


Ex-Director of Ural Dumplings Sergei Netievsky firmly decided to challenge his dismissal by contacting the arbitration court. He is still convinced that everything was not designed as necessary by law. The first meeting was held in early June 2016. Netievsky won the process. But…

What we did not know about "Dumplings"

A little earlier than what was happening, the Ural dumplings filed a lawsuit against the company of their colleague Netievsky under the name First Hand Media. According to this lawsuit, they wanted to invalidate the contract under which the exclusive rights to the verbal trademark were alienated - 333064. It was under this simple number that the sign of their team was once registered. Now there is speculation in the air that Sergei still transferred all the rights to use this sign to his company.

Where Sergei Netievsky disappeared from the Ural Dumplings remains a mystery. Recall that the LLC, bearing the name of your favorite team, was created in the not-so-distant 2011. Vyacheslav Myasnikov, Sergey Netievsky, Andrey Rozhkov, Sergey Ershov, Sergey Isaev, Sergey Kalugin, Dmitry Brekotkin, Maxim Yaritsa, Dmitry Sokolov and Alexander Popov became its co-owners. According to official sources, in the year of the stumbling block of interests - in 2014 - the company's turnover reached 64 million rubles.

And it's all about him…

Sergey Netievsky has always been a very talented person. Still, he is a TV presenter, and screenwriter, and actor, and even the general producer of Idea Fix Media. And in every area of ​​his activity, he showed himself very well.


In his youth, he did not think that he would ever reach such heights. After receiving a school certificate, the boy studied at the Ural Polytechnic Institute of Yekaterinburg. He never had any debts, because Sergey was very disciplined and purposeful. After graduating from the institute in 1993, he became a specialist in the development of mechanical engineering.

By profession, he did not work a day. Sergey got a job in a hardware store, not just a simple worker, but a director right away. And the next year he met with the "Ural dumplings." And so it all began.

Hello, KVN!

Now it is impossible to say with certainty why Sergey Netievsky left the Ural dumplings. The story of his appearance on the team is simple and straightforward. And then, twenty years ago, nothing foreshadowed the current situation.

Then the popularity of this fun team grew day by day. There were a lot of tours and concerts. Therefore, Sergei once had to make an important choice for himself: either to remain working in the store, or to enter the scene of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. He understood that sitting in the director’s chair, it would be difficult for him to cope with his artistic nature. And he liked all these performances and the applause of the grateful spectators. By some sixth sense, Netievsky realized that with the team he would win both fame and success. So he left the store.

Life in KVN

In order to gain the popularity that fell upon him, Netievsky had to overcome many obstacles with his team. At the very beginning of their career, the Ural Dumplings performed at the festival in Sochi. It was 1995. Then the team got into the Premier League.


From this began the ascent of the guys to Olympus of glory. They played without ceasing to go on the stage of the Club. They were in 1/8, 1/4 finals. We were able once to reach the semifinals, but the guys from the opposing team were a little more successful.

Now it’s not possible to understand exactly where Sergei Netievsky disappeared from the “Ural dumplings”. But then, in the 98th, he finally said goodbye to the director's post and became the official head of the team.

Their friendly victories

The team continued to play in KVN. The guys firmly decided to defeat everyone who stood in their way. They courageously overcame all difficulties and difficulties. Finally their dream came true. Thanks Netievsky "dumplings" were the first. For the next three years, they fought together for the KVN Summer Cup, taking it with a confident hand in 2002. Netievsky himself in parallel with the game began acting in films.

Is the director post vacant?

So, “Pelmeni” changed the director, but this did not immediately become known to a large audience. It is possible that only the participants in the show were in the know. Rumor had it that they expressed no confidence in Netievsky. For quite a long time it was not clear whether Sergey would remain in the team or not, and if so, in whose capacity? The decision could not be taken for a very long time. Yes, and the main reason for the breakdown, according to rumors, was a conflict of financial interests.


It just so happened that Sergei Netievsky resigned. Journalists at that moment were not able to get through to Netievsky to interview him and get answers to all questions. Neither the founder of Ural Dumplings Dmitry Sokolov, nor the new director, Sergei Isaev, said a word. In addition, as it was accidentally managed to find out, the new boss did not allow colleagues to comment on what was happening. True, he promised to release a press release.