
Why does Kim Kardashian hate being pregnant?

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Why does Kim Kardashian hate being pregnant?
Why does Kim Kardashian hate being pregnant?

Video: Terrible Things Everyone Forgets Kim K Did 2024, June

Video: Terrible Things Everyone Forgets Kim K Did 2024, June

Of course, children are happiness, as is the time a woman spends waiting for her baby. However, there are other opinions. For example, for Kim Kardashian, who, along with her husband Kanye West, is currently preparing for the birth of a second child, pregnancy is an occasion for countless complaints. She recently posted a post on her website with the following headline: "How I Really Feel Being Pregnant."


Talking frankly

“In truth, pregnancy is the worst thing that could happen to me in my life, ” Kardashian wrote on October 5. "I do not get any pleasure from this condition and do not understand how other women can enjoy it."


Not your own

The fact that 34-year-old Kim and her 38-year-old husband are expecting a second child (boy) became known in June. Kardashian does not change his style and even being pregnant continues to put on tight and translucent dresses. However, she notes that, unfortunately, she is not 100% confident in herself, because her figure has changed significantly.

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“I was faced with edema, and with back pain, and with the discomfort that my favorite clothes are getting small. When your body literally swells - it's terrible. It’s like I’m not my own, ”Kim continues to complain.