
Why the sun is red: mythology, signs

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Why the sun is red: mythology, signs
Why the sun is red: mythology, signs

Video: Dungeons and Dragons Lore: Dragon Gods 2024, July

Video: Dungeons and Dragons Lore: Dragon Gods 2024, July

From the earliest times, the luminary has fascinated man. The sun was deified, and not without reason, because its light and heat are necessary conditions for the existence of life. The slightest changes in the color of the sun's disk became the basis for many traditions and folk signs. In particular, the red color of the star was disturbing the man. And yet, why is the sun red?


Myths about the sun

Probably, every nation of the world will have at least one ancient legend or belief associated with the solar disk. In ancient Egypt, the cult of the sun god Ra (or Amon-Ra) was widespread. The Egyptians believed that Ra floats across the sky every day in a golden boat, and at night in the underworld, he fights against the creation of darkness by the serpent Apophis and, having defeated him, returns to heaven again and brings with him the day. In ancient Greece, the Sun was considered the son of the main god Zeus - Helios, who rides across the sky in a chariot drawn by fire horses. Inca Indians worshiped a solar deity, which they called Inti. The sun, like the other gods of Inca mythology, made bloody sacrifices.


The ancient Slavs also revered the sun. The ancient Slavic god of the sun had four hypostases, or incarnations, each of which was responsible for a certain period of the year. The time from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox belonged to Khors, who was represented as a middle-aged man. For spring and the beginning of summer (before the summer solstice) Yarilo was responsible - the god of youth and bodily pleasures, purity and sincerity. He was portrayed as a young handsome young man with golden brown hair and sky blue eyes. In the period from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox, Dazhdbog came into force - the warrior god responsible for well-being and success, the god who gives life. Well, winter was considered the time of the old sun - Svarog, the father of all gods.

Signs related to the color of the sun

Observing the sun, people from ancient times noticed that at sunset and sunrise the solar disk sometimes acquires a reddish hue. For a very long time, the reason for such changes remained unknown, which did not prevent humanity from inventing beautiful legends in attempts to explain the inexplicable. In addition, various events were associated with the color of the sun. So a lot of signs appeared. In general, it all came down to one thing - the rising of the red sun in the morning or its sunset in the evening does not bode well. Perhaps this is due to the fact that red color at a subconscious level is associated in a person with blood and danger.
