
Why Tamara Akulova from "Children of Captain Grant" disappeared from the screens

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Why Tamara Akulova from "Children of Captain Grant" disappeared from the screens
Why Tamara Akulova from "Children of Captain Grant" disappeared from the screens

In February last year, the 190th anniversary of the birth of the world famous French writer Jules Verne, whose works are popular not only in his homeland, but also in other countries, was celebrated. Many of his novels were filmed. And most of us still enjoy watching the film “Children of Captain Grant, ” filmed in 1985 by Soviet director Stanislav Govorukhin. And today we will tell about the history of the creation of this picture and how the fate of the actors who played in it developed.

How did the idea come about?

In the 80s of the last century, the Soviet director Stanislav Govorukhin got the idea to retell the well-known history of modern cinema language. He understood that the younger generation stopped reading books, and in this way he wanted to introduce them to literature. Despite the fact that Govorukhin’s film is considered an adaptation of Jules Verne’s novel, this is not entirely true. It would be more correct to call it a picture taken based on a famous work. The director not only added new episodes, but also corrected the existing ones. In addition, the film has a second storyline that tells about the life of the writer himself.

Interesting Facts

The painting was a joint Soviet-Bulgarian project with a joint budget. Her filming was carried out on the territory of both states. They were attended by Russian, Bulgarian, Estonian and Belarusian actors. The coast of South America was filmed on the South Coast. And as the "deserted coast" on which Ayrton was landed, Chekhov’s bay was used in Gurzuf. The Canary Islands were replaced by Ayu-Dag, and the shooting of most of the marine scenes took place in the strait between the Chaliapin rock and the Adalar rocks.

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A dangerous episode with a falling avalanche was filmed on the Crimean peak of Ai-Petri. For this, a huge wooden shield was installed, replacing the fence. It was fastened with ropes and when they were cut, tens of cubic meters of snow fell down.

Scenes with the Indians captivating Paganel and episodes with New Zealand savage cannibals were filmed in Prohodna Cave and in the vicinity of Belogradchik. Two months were spent on the construction of the village in which the prisoners were kept. The Amazon forests, Australian swamps and Cordillera have been replaced by the mountains and forests of Bulgaria.

Tamara Akulova

She was born in a small village located near Voronezh, in a simple peasant family. When the girl turned yes, her father died and all the worries fell on her mother's shoulders. True, the woman soon married again. Fortunately, Tamara's stepfather was a good person, and it was he who first paid attention to her acting talent. But the girl herself did not seriously think about the profession of an artist and after school she became a student at the Voronezh Institute of the Food Industry. After studying there for a year, Akulova realized that she was mistaken with the choice, and took the documents.

She decided to try to enter the capital's theater university and went to her aunt in Moscow. The talented girl passed the competitive selection and became a student at VGIK. During her studies, Akulova made her successful film debut. And a day after the final exams, she was offered the main role in the musical film "Poor Masha."


By the beginning of the filming of the film about the captain, Grant Akulova already worked at the film studio named after Gorky was a recognizable actress with decent creative baggage. And the role of Lady Glenarvan brought her all-Union popularity. True, there were some difficulties while working on the film. Due to the fact that Akulova’s sister became the wife of a German from Germany, Tamara herself was not given permission to travel abroad. Therefore, in Bulgaria, the understudy was shot instead. In the story, the heroine Akulova's husband was the character of Nikolai Eremenko. And since they looked very organic on the screen, the audience immediately thought that they had a romance. In fact, the actress never had a love relationship with any of the partners on the set.

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In the early 90s, Akulova suddenly disappeared from the screens. For 10 years, the actress played only five film roles, and all of them were passing. The woman herself did not comment on her creative pause. And it was her silence that caused gossip. Notes began to appear systematically in the press, reporting that after a divorce from her first spouse, director Yuri Sherling, Tamara became addicted to alcohol, abandoned her daughter and ceased to pursue a career. Since all these rumors had nothing to do with reality, but continued to be persistently disseminated in the media, the actress had to publicly refute them.

In her interview, Akulova explained that it was not alcohol that was to blame for the creative pause, but the crisis in domestic cinema and the lack of proposals from the directors. In addition, the woman had to devote time to raising her daughter, with whom she developed a difficult relationship, because during the first six years of her life, her grandparents were engaged in it.


Later Akulova married a second time and gave birth to a son, Dmitry. Thanks to her director, she managed to resume acting and return to the set. Now she leads a closed lifestyle and practically does not give interviews. The actress continues to act in films and television series. In recent years, her filmography has been replenished with such works as Sklifosovsky, Murders on Fridays, Ordinary Woman, After You, Disappeared, and The Price of Treason.

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Galina Strutinskaya


The actress, who appeared in front of the audience in the form of Mary Grant, no longer acted in films. Prior to that, she got exclusively episodic roles, and she got to Govorukhin by chance. In the corridors of the film studio to them. Gorky saw her assistant director and invited her to audition. In the process of creating the painting, 18-year-old Galina got married, and a year after the premiere she became a mother. Soon Strutinskaya with her family moved to Germany and still lives there. The woman learned to be a beautician and opened a beauty salon.

Oleg Stefanko


The actor, who played the young captain of Duncan, who had a tender feeling for Mary Grant, also joined the ranks of emigrants. In 1992, he flew to the United States and settled in New York. To survive in America, Oleg changed several professions. He worked as a model, waiter, taxi driver, seller of cars and furniture. In 1994, he moved to Los Angeles and resumed acting. Stefanko starred in episodic roles in 14 Hollywood films. Since 2002, he often began to come to Russia, where he continued to act in films. Oleg Shtefanko gained wide fame for the role of Leonid Zubov in the series "Forester".


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Ruslan Kurashov


The 14-year-old teenager, who played the role of the younger brother of Mary Grant Robert, did not associate his life with cinema. Having received a certificate, he entered the choreography department at the Academy of Slavic Culture. After graduation, Kurashov became a ballet dancer of folk dance.

Vladimir Gostyukhin


The actor, masterfully recreating the image of Major McNabbs, made a brilliant film career. In his filmography, there are more than a hundred roles. Therefore, Gostyukhin can be safely called one of the most popular Soviet artists.