
Poet Alexander Kochetkov: biography and creativity

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Poet Alexander Kochetkov: biography and creativity
Poet Alexander Kochetkov: biography and creativity

The poet Alexander Kochetkov is best known to readers (and moviegoers) in his poem "Do not part with your loved ones." From this article you can find out the biography of the poet. What other works are noteworthy in his work and how did the personal life of Alexander Kochetkov develop?


Alexander Sergeevich Kochetkov was born on May 12, 1900 in the Moscow region. The literal birthplace of the future poet is the nodal station Losinoostrovskaya, since his father was a railwayman and the family’s dwelling was located right behind the station. Often you can see the erroneous mention of the poet's middle name - Stepanovich. However, the poet’s incomplete namesake - Alexander Stepanovich Kochetkov - is a cameraman and a completely different person.

In 1917, Alexander graduated from high school in Losinoostrovsk. Even then, the young man was fond of poetry, and therefore entered the Faculty of Philology at Moscow State University. During his studies, he met the then-famous poets Vera Merkuryeva and Vyacheslav Ivanov, who became his poetic mentors and teachers.


After graduating from the university, Alexander Kochetkov began working as a translator. The works that he translated from Western and Eastern languages ​​were widely published in the twenties. In his translation, the poems of Schiller, Beranger, Gidash, Cornell, Racine, as well as eastern epics and German novels are known. Kochetkov’s own lyrics, which included many works, were published only once during the poet’s life, in the amount of three poems included in the Golden Zurna almanac. This collection was published in Vladikavkaz in 1926. Alexander Kochetkov was the author of adult and children's poetry, as well as several plays in poetry, such as "Free Flemings", "Copernicus", "Nadezhda Durova".


Personal life

In 1925, Alexander Sergeyevich married a native of Stavropol, Inna G. Prozriteleva. The couple did not have children. Since Alexander’s parents died early, his father-in-law and mother-in-law replaced his father and mother. Spouses Kochetkov often came to stay in Stavropol. Inna's father was a scientist, he founded the main museum of local lore of the Stavropol Territory, which exists to this day. Alexander sincerely loved Grigory Nikolaevich, Inna wrote in her notes that they could talk all night long, since they had a lot of common interests.


Friendship with Tsvetaeva

Kochetkov was a great friend of the poetess Marina Tsvetaeva and her son George, affectionately nicknamed Moore - they were introduced by Vera Merkuryeva in 1940. In 1941, Tsvetaeva and Moore visited the country house of the Kochetkovs. George went swimming in the Moskva River and almost drowned, Alexander was just in time to save him. This strengthened the friendship of poets. During the evacuation, Marina Tsvetaeva for a long time could not decide whether to go with her son with the Kochetkovs to Turkmenistan or to stay and wait for the evacuation from the Literary Fund. After the death of the poetess, the Kochetkovs brought Moore with them to Tashkent.


Alexander Kochetkov died on May 1, 1953, at the age of 52. There is no information about the cause of his death and the further fate of his family. Until 2013, the place of his burial remained unknown, but a group of enthusiasts calling themselves the "Society of Necropolists" found an urn containing the poet's ashes in one of the columbarium cells at the Don cemetery.
