
Train No. 15 "Murmansk - Moscow" and its features

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Train No. 15 "Murmansk - Moscow" and its features
Train No. 15 "Murmansk - Moscow" and its features

Murmansk is a worthy city to visit. From Moscow, St. Petersburg and Petrozavodsk you can get there by car, fly by plane or travel by rail. In the latter case, the route should be traveled by company train number 15 "Murmansk - Moscow".


Features of the composition

The train leaves from Murmansk at 19:30. The distance of 1950 kilometers from the polar regional center to the capital, he travels in 35 hours. The fare on the train number 15 "Murmansk - Moscow" depends on the type of car, season and shares of Russian Railways:

  • Reserved seat - from 2600 rubles.
  • Kupeyny - from 5700 rubles.
  • Sleeping - from 12, 000 rubles.

Wagons can be of different types. In some you can transport animals, while in others not. Some reserved seats may not have air conditioning, but basically they are all equipped with it.

The cheapest places are the upper side seats in the reserved seat, they cost from 2600 rubles, and the usual lower place in the reserved seat costs 4200 rubles, therefore, the fare is 2 rubles per kilometer.

The compartment wagons are equipped not only with air conditioning and a dry closet, they are given out newspapers, a hygiene kit, food and a multimedia portal "Travel companion".

Sleeping cars are the most comfortable, they are equipped with a shower, washbasin and TV.

The train arrives in Moscow by 7 a.m., which is also convenient; the metro is already open.
