
Paul Roberts Craig: biography, articles

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Paul Roberts Craig: biography, articles
Paul Roberts Craig: biography, articles

Video: Paul Craig Roberts: Corona Virus, Nationalizing Banks, Debt Forgiveness, Globalization & Leadership 2024, June

Video: Paul Craig Roberts: Corona Virus, Nationalizing Banks, Debt Forgiveness, Globalization & Leadership 2024, June

Political scientist Paul Craig Roberts is known as a person who competently and popularly watched economic and political events in the world in programs. He was born in 1939 and even at a very advanced age is devoted to his beloved business, which has become a profession. His age, like all smart people, is very close to his face. Many people have always been interested in the opinion of a real experienced expert. His words sometimes sounded too harsh, like any truth about the inferiority of existing political systems, but those were the words of a person with a strong character.

The beginning of the way

Paul Roberts Craig was born April 3 in Georgia. Interested in what would later become his profession, he began in college. The educational institution was called Merton College. The ambitious young man did not stop at the development of a new subject and entered the University of Virginia. Both institutions should be satisfied with their graduate, who, while still a student, was already trying to have his own view of things and the rigor of independent thought. A brilliant education gave him a chance at a great career. Paul Roberts Craig worked with the most famous and serious publications of his country, honing his political views.


The US has always fought for democracy. That is why the career of such a scandalously famous person has become possible. He often said unsightly things that were disadvantageous to the current government. With stricter censorship, people like him simply could not have been journalists, critics, and observers of events in their own country.

Legion of Honor Membership

Paul Roberts Craig is a Knight of the Legion of Honor. This organization was established under Napoleon Bonaparte in France. The code of this public organization states that it can be perceived as a legal entity, because it is designed exactly like that. France confers the title of member of the Order only to special people of the state and the planet who have significant services to society. And economist Paul Craig Roberts was honored with this highest honor in France. According to the rules of the organization, it is not accepted posthumously, but for living citizens this is the highest award that a person from the Republic of France can receive.


Political beliefs

Paul Craig Roberts, whose photo is familiar to almost all politicians, is a Republican. In the US there are only two main parties, which are the largest. In fact, the entire domestic policy of the country was the result of their confrontation. The Democratic and Republican parties have been opponents for more than a century. The Republican Party officially began to exist in 1854 in Wisconsin. It was originally conceived as a protest against slavery and injustice.


Republican Commitment

In his articles, Paul Roberts sometimes addresses the topic of the bipartisan system of the United States. The Republican Party has long advocated enhanced centralization of power, without which the current United States would probably not have been a single state. In those days, in the 1850s, the main core of the state was the industrialists of the North. In history, their name remained forever - the Yankees. The Democratic Party, in spite of its name, did not comply with the principles of democracy, since only wealthy planters possessed the corresponding rights. They were the very slave owners who used the free labor of workers and preached racism.

According to Roberts, today's democrats are no longer the same and hold different views. Racism in modern USA is banned as an idea. The fact that the backbone of the Democratic Party used to be slaveholders and racists, however, does not mean that Republicans have no flaws in their history. They advocated the free distribution of land. It sounded tempting, but not for the Indians, who at that time owned most of the prairies. Nobody was interested in their opinion, and the seizure of squares by the natives was legal in the eyes of white people.


Paul Roberts Craig and Conservatism

Today, Republicans are considered a conservative party. Although once they were in favor of the abolition of slavery, but today their electorate is the wealthy white citizens of the country. They aloud violently deny the need to combat global warming, they are categorically against the legalization of drugs and prostitution. They actually support the opinion of the older generation of people in the United States, for whom the old truths are obvious, and many of the innovations, such as gay marriage, seem absurd. However, it is the Republicans who are against the creation of trade unions and the increase in minimum wages.

Paul Craig Roberts, whose biography is closely connected with politics and economics, expressed loud criticism of the reign of Bush Jr. In his opinion, the statistics on improvements in the labor market do not reflect the whole truth, and there is no real increase in the number of jobs. He does not tire of repeating that America imports much more than it exports. This negatively affects its economy.

Is Russia an Enemy?

Paul Roberts Craig unambiguously speaks about color revolutions. In his opinion, they always have a bad effect on the economies of countries. Roberts always had the audacity not to hold. So, in July 2015, it was he who openly said to the whole world that Russia specifically assigned a special role to the enemy on duty, since the US system needs such a character to exist. The critic has never been stingy with frank statements.
