
Polina Polkovnitskaya - "Moscow Beauty"

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Polina Polkovnitskaya - "Moscow Beauty"
Polina Polkovnitskaya - "Moscow Beauty"

Modern psychologists have proven that beautiful people cannot be stupid. They are more positively perceived in society, they are more purposeful and confident. Perhaps the Russian leadership should listen to the opinion of scientists and give a green light to all the beautiful women who dream of public service.

Competition "Miss Moscow-2014"

Every year, a competition for the title of the most beautiful resident of Moscow is held in the capital of Russia. Every year, the scale of the event is growing. The organizers invite famous celebrities, politicians, actors, singers, in general, experts in the world of beauty and grace. The winners are annually young, erudite, figured Muscovites.


2014 was no exception. The competition was attended by 28 applicants for the title of the most beautiful. Girls should not only defile in swimsuits, but also make a speech, highlight their position in life, dance, demonstrate their artistry. The victory went to Anna Alekseeva, a talented 18-year-old Muscovite. According to the jury, and this was the color of Moscow society, it was this talented blonde who deserved to win. Second and third place was shared by no less pretty girls - Polina Polkovnitskaya and Ekaterina Bozhenova.

After the competition results were announced on the web, heated discussions began about the correctness of the judges’decisions. The appearance of "Miss Moscow 2014" did not fit into the standard canons of beauty, which is why her victory caused such a resonance.

"Moscow Beauty"

How other participants reacted to Alekseeva’s victory will remain a mystery. The second and third place was shared by the charming brunette Pauline and Catherine. The title "Moscow Beauty", this is the third place, went to a native of Voronezh. This fact also surprised many users. Nevertheless, many came to the conclusion that Polina Polkovnitskaya has all the external qualities to conquer the capital and get first place.


Among 28 participants, the girl stood out favorably with pretty features, thick hair and curvaceous forms: 93-62-92 with a height of 173 cm - almost ideal figure parameters. Many critics agreed that the makeup of the first-place contender was imperfect.

Facts from the biography

Colonel Polina, despite the desire for fame and glory, is in no hurry to share facts from her past life with her fans. Journalists managed to "unearth" that she was born in Voronezh in 1995. Received primary education there. Since childhood, develops many talents. I went to a dance club, vocals.

In her hometown, she took part in the Miss Voronezh contest and won the title Voronezh Beauty 2011. Participated in the International Vocal Song Contest "Francophonie" and became its winner. Runet users who managed to attend this song contest note that Polina Polkovnitskaya is the owner of a soft and at the same time deep voice.

At the time of the competition, the girl was a student of the law faculty of the Russian Academy of National Economy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. Thanks to her intellect and active life position, in 2013 she, along with the best representatives of the course, trained in Europe under the program "European Public Law Organization".