
Politician Biden Joseph: biography, activities, history and interesting facts

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Politician Biden Joseph: biography, activities, history and interesting facts
Politician Biden Joseph: biography, activities, history and interesting facts

Video: Biography of Joe Biden, Former Vice President of USA and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate 2024, June

Video: Biography of Joe Biden, Former Vice President of USA and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate 2024, June

Not every politician can boast such a brilliant career, which for the 43 years of active participation in the political life of his country was able to make US Vice President Biden Joseph. Moreover, he is the author of statements, including about Russia, which cause bewilderment.

At the same time, the biography of this figure is of interest, if only because of his longevity on the Olympus of American politics. So what was the path to power for the 47th US vice president?


A family

Biden Joseph was born on November 20, 1942 in Scranton (Pennsylvania, USA). He was the first born in a family of Catholic Catholics Joseph Robinett Biden and Katherine Eugene Finnegan. Later, the couple appeared two more boys - James and Francis, as well as daughter Valerie.

Joseph Biden: biography (childhood and adolescence)

At the time of the birth of the first-born, the father of the future politician was not in the best condition, and he and his wife lived in the house of her parents. Nevertheless, Biden Sr. found the opportunity to send Joe to the prestigious St. Helena in Wilmington, and later at the Archmer Academy in Claymont, where he moved with his family.

After graduation, the young man continued his education at the University of Delaware, becoming a bachelor of history and political science. In addition, in 1968, Biden defended his doctoral dissertation in jurisprudence at the University of Syracuse (New York).



In 1973, Biden Joseph was elected a senator from Delaware, having reached the minimum age allowing election to this post. He got down to business so zealously that within a few months of Time magazine he included the young senator among “200 people who will make history in the future”. Repeatedly re-elected. From 1987 to 1995, Biden Joseph headed the judicial committee in the US Senate.

Despite the fact that in 1988 he was diagnosed with aneurysm of cerebral vessels, after an urgent operation and seven-month rehabilitation, the politician returned to work.

Biden has repeatedly become chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.


Vice presidency

By 2008, Biden Joseph, having spent 35 years as the representative in the US Senate from Delaware, was one of the most experienced senators in the country. Before the presidential election, he decided to run for the Democratic Party. However, in early January, the politician withdrew from the primaries and began to actively conduct his election campaign for re-election to the Senate from Delaware. The situation changed after Obama became a Democratic candidate. He invited Joseph Biden to speak with him as a candidate for the post of vice president.

In November 2008, their tandem won. In addition, on the same day it became known that Biden was re-elected representative of his state in the highest legislative body of the United States. In this regard, 5 days before the inauguration, the politician had to resign from the Senate, leaving his post to another Democrat - Ted Kaufman.


In 2012, Vice President Joseph Biden was again nominated by the Democratic Party to the same post in tandem with Barack Obama. They won again and were re-elected for a second term.

Interesting Facts


As already mentioned, one of the authors of modern US foreign policy - Joseph Biden - is known for his speeches that cause mixed reactions, including abroad. They even forced The New York Times to call him a man who "made a career thanks to politically incorrect statements."

So, once, talking about Barack Obama, he called him "just a fabulous character." At the same time, at the beginning of his speech, Biden noted that he was the first African American to speak well and be handsome. He later apologized for his words, as many US residents considered them racist, and Obama told reporters that he did not consider the statement of his comrade-in-law to be offensive.

Among the curious facts about Biden is the fact that in 1987 he was nominated for president by the Democratic Party. However, he was forced to withdraw his candidacy, as he was caught in selective plagiarism of the election speech of Nill Kinnock, the then leader of the British Labor Party.

In addition, in 2011, the vice president fell asleep in front of everyone during a speech by Barack Obama, which was dedicated to reducing the US budget deficit.


Joseph Biden: Attitude Towards Russia

In December 2001, the current US vice president proved himself one of George W. Bush's most implacable opponents during the campaign of the latter to withdraw from the 1972 ABM Treaty.

After 8 years, he harshly demanded a reboot in relations with Russia, calling our country "weakening."

His speeches after the events in Crimea became even more hostile. In addition, according to many political scientists, the US vice president actually patronizes the Ukrainian ruling elite, which occupies an active anti-Russian position. What is only his statement that he communicates with P. Poroshenko more often than with his wife!

Biden also spoke out with regard to the Russian president, calling him a practical person who would not stop until he met a worthy opponent. Moreover, according to him, the US does not set as its goal "to drive Putin into a corner" or change the regime in Russia. At the same time, he is an opponent of breaking ties with the Russian Federation, since he understands that Middle Eastern problems cannot be solved without the participation of our country. All these statements were voiced by Biden at the Brookings Institution after the Sochi meeting of Jim Carrey with the Russian leadership.

Personal life

The first time Biden got married at age 24. Six years later, shortly before Joe Biden was elected senator, his wife Nelia and her one-year-old daughter Naomi died in a terrible car accident. There were also sons in the car: Bo, who was 3 years old, and two-year-old Hunter. They were injured, but survived, although they were forced to undergo a course of serious treatment. Aware of the fact that his beloved boys needed him to survive the tragedy of politics.

After 5 years, Joe Biden married a second time to Jill Jacobs. In the marriage, the couple had a daughter, Ashley.

Biden currently has 5 grandchildren.
