
Hand position: basic, intermediate, in motion. The position of the hands during gestures

Table of contents:

Hand position: basic, intermediate, in motion. The position of the hands during gestures
Hand position: basic, intermediate, in motion. The position of the hands during gestures



As a rule, when people hear about the position of their hands, they immediately associate this phrase with any particular occupation or action. For example, with playing musical instruments, dances, or the techniques used in delivering speeches to the public.

Meanwhile, there is a general classification that describes the position of the hands without reference to specific actions or activities of people.

What could be these provisions?

The way a person holds hands can correspond to certain generalizing types. This means that any hand position is:

  • main;
  • in between.

All other options relate to one of these types. Movements often combine them.

About the main provisions

The initial position of the hand is often taken as the main one. But this is not entirely true. The starting point is that position in which a person holds his hands before starting a movement. She can be absolutely anyone. The main positions are natural and there are only five of them:

  • at the bottom;
  • on the sides or on the sides;
  • up;
  • in front;
  • from behind.

Of course, each basic position of the hands is supplemented by some positional elements. For example, if a person holds his hands in front of him, then he can cross them on his chest, stretch, push him to the body and so on.

It is the main positions that are used during the traditional warm-up, light exercise, or with other types of sports exercises, light physical exertion.

About intermediate provisions

Intermediate positions are considered to be those in which the arms are at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the main ones.


That is, this is the position that the limbs take when making a movement, moving from one main position to another.

About the position in motion

Any movement of the upper limbs is a way to change the position of the hands. Such changes can be of two types:

  • unilateral;
  • circular.

One-sided intermediate positions should not be understood as changes in the position of only one hand, the movement can be made by both. The essence of the name of these positions is that the movement does not occur in a circle, but in any direction.


All one-way positions in motion combine movements in the following directions:

  • left
  • right;
  • top;
  • bottom;
  • forward.

Circular changes in the position of the hands are characterized by the execution of an arcuate movement, which is why they differ from unilateral ones.

About bent arms

In addition to such positions, the body positions at which the limbs are bent at the elbows are separately distinguished. It is these poses that are the most common.


Such positions include the provisions:

  • on the belt;
  • on the chest;
  • behind the back;
  • on his knees when a person sits, and many others.

Despite the fact that such poses are the most common, both in ordinary life and in any occupations, and are considered separately, they nevertheless belong to intermediate ones.

About the right positions

The concept of “correct position of the hands” directly depends on the occupation, action, or some other process carried out by a person. This means that in different life situations, not the same positions are considered correct.

For example, when playing the piano, during a gala dinner or during choreography classes, the correct postures will be different. Of course, the position in which it is correct to hold hands during first aid, for example, with massage that stimulates the work of the heart muscle, will also differ.


This means that in order to hold hands correctly, you need to know exactly how to do this with the practiced lesson. There are no general provisions for this position.

About the positions of the hands

The position of the hand is one of the main ways of gesturing. Indeed, if you observe any person engaged in a conversation or giving a speech, you can notice one feature. A person may not at all move his hand completely, but move only with his hands.

Of course, there are a lot of positions in which hands can be. Nevertheless, all this abundance consists of several positions of the palms.

With gestures, the back of the palms are directed:

  • up;
  • down;
  • inside;
  • to the sides;
  • combined;
  • compressed.

Each of these positions has a specific meaning. Gestures used unconsciously can tell a lot about what emotions and feelings a person experiences, tell about his mood or intentions.