
Popular types of flowers: names and photos

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Popular types of flowers: names and photos
Popular types of flowers: names and photos

Video: FLOWERS of the World - Names of 100 Different Types of Flowers 2024, June

Video: FLOWERS of the World - Names of 100 Different Types of Flowers 2024, June

There are various types of flowers, the names and photos of which are known to many. Someone loves indoor plants, and someone prefers the original design of a suburban area, using even rare varieties of flowers. Consider which flowers are most popular with those and other vegetation lovers.



To decorate the garden, primrose is just perfect. Firstly, it is bright; secondly, it refers to perennial plants; thirdly, it blooms the very first among forest plants. We love the flower for its unusual appearance, for which it has received the name “rams” or “keys”. It is noteworthy that this plant is popular in many countries, and in Russia you can find various types of primrose flowers. The most often grown primrose in an apartment is Obconica, which blooms beautifully throughout the year.



This plant is often found in flowerbeds of gardeners, it is loved for its beautiful lush inflorescences. There are about 600 species of asters that are easily grown from seeds. This garden crop can grow not only in gardens, but also in mountains or forests. Asters began to be cultivated in Europe as early as the 18th century, and the seeds of the plant were brought from China. Perennial species of blooming aster flowers are classified depending on the structure of the flower and inflorescence, the shape and height of the bush, as well as economic characteristics. Inflorescences of asters can be tubular, simple, semi-double, coronal, curly, radial, needle, spherical.


These plants delight with their grace, beautiful shape. There are about 100 species of this plant, which can be a meter-tall giant or a dwarf. Today you can choose a variety of varieties of this plant that attract attention with decorative properties, beautiful flowers and bright colors. Many people like this flower due to its beneficial properties. So, the rhizome is used as a laxative or diaphoretic, as well as a sedative.

There are various types of flowers. The names and photos of irises tell about the whole variety of varieties and shades. The height of plants can be from 10 cm to 120 cm, they bloom from May to autumn. It is noteworthy, but there is no generally accepted system of species of plants of the genus Iris, and therefore the flowers are divided into rhizome and bulbous.



These plants are the oldest garden crops and were used by the Romans and the ancient Greeks to create garlands that decorated the premises on holidays. Botanists have known this plant since the 17th century. To date, numerous types of popular violet flowers are known - there are over 450 of them. Flowers are common both in gardens and in natural conditions. They are attractive in miniature size and bright colors, so any flower bed is transformed.

There are so many varieties of violets that the difference between them is not always noticeable. There are one-color or two-color variations in which the eye is in the middle, and there are no spots, there are colorful, there are corrugated ones that attract attention with the wavy edges of the petals. Indoor violets, which are relatives of forest and garden violets, are very popular.


The genus Astra is various types of flowers. The names and photos of some few people know. So, let's say, it is very similar to the gatzany aster, which is presented in 40 forms. The inflorescences of this plant are simple, semi-double or double, and even the most sophisticated gardener will like the variety of colors. Gatsaniya hybrid has large and spectacular inflorescences, which are resistant to cold.


Another variety of asters is cosmea, which looks spectacular and bright. Beautiful views of cosmea flowers transform any garden, introducing elements of freshness and novelty into it. Magnificent magnificent flowering is provided by thin leaves that look like matted curls. Plants are stunted or tall, so it’s easy to choose the option for the particular design of a particular garden.

Large-leaved magnolia


You can highlight a number of plants that are in almost every garden. But there are numerous rare types of flowers that can decorate any suburban area and bring a touch of freshness and unusualness to it. For example, large-leaved magnolia is rarely found today, since the plant is under threat of extinction. A very beautiful variety is the Siebold magnolia, which is a tall shrub with cup-shaped flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. The peculiarity of this plant is its frost resistance: the magnolia is able to withstand up to -36 degrees.

Middlemist Red

One of the rare and wonderful plants is the red middleman. If you are looking for unusual types of flowers, pay attention to a very whimsical middler. Grown in China, this flower was transported to England, where it was widely distributed.

Another rare plant is the Schweinitz sunflower. Botanists still can not understand the history of its appearance and distribution. It is only known that today there are about 90 varieties of this plant that grow exclusively in the United States.

The largest

The largest type of flower is rafflesia, which attracts attention not only with its impressive size, but also with its original appearance. This plant was discovered on the island of Java in the XVIII century. The diameter of its flowers reaches 100 cm with a maximum weight of up to 10 kg. The flower itself represents five fleshy petals, which are covered with spots on top. Each petal is 3 cm thick and up to 46 cm long. But not the most pleasant smell of rafflesia is rotten meat.


The largest type of flower in height is titanic amorphophallus. He is beautiful, but, like rafflesia, does not smell pleasant. The cadaveric flower - it is under this second name that amorphophallus is known - was first discovered on the island of Sumatra. This plant can reach a height of two and a half meters with a width of up to one and a half meters. For natural conditions, these are simply unrealistic indicators.


There are numerous types of decorative flowers that delight with their fresh appearance throughout the year. All indoor flowers can be divided into 4 groups, which differ only in growing conditions:

  1. The first group includes decorative leafy plants that live long with proper care, their leaves remain green throughout the year.

  2. The second group is decorative-flowering plants, which are also long-livers, but also delight with beautiful flowering.

  3. The third group - potted decorative flowering plants. They delight with an attractive visual effect and are ideal for creating floral arrangements on window sills or walls in a cache-pot.

  4. The fourth group is cacti. In green room flora, these plants remain perhaps the most common.

What to choose?


Various types of flowers are suitable for room decor. Titles and photos will help you with the choice. Before you purchase specific plants, you need to think about how and where they will be located. After all, the main role is played by the harmonious appearance of any room. The following groups of indoor plants are the most popular:

  • grassy;

  • bushy;

  • upright;

  • creepers;

  • rosette;

  • spherical.

All these types of green flowers delight with their decorative qualities throughout the year. They are planted in pots and placed on the windowsill, becoming a natural decoration of the house.