
Portugal: interesting facts about the country

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Portugal: interesting facts about the country
Portugal: interesting facts about the country

Video: 10 + Surprising Facts About Portugal 2024, July

Video: 10 + Surprising Facts About Portugal 2024, July

The list of amazing facts about Portugal is huge. This small European country does not occupy a small place in the world. On her account a lot of geographical discoveries, the invention of her own drink, musical direction and architectural style. Let's find out what else she can boast of.


Interesting facts about Portugal begin already with its geographical location. It occupies part of the Iberian Peninsula and is the most western state not only of Europe, but of the whole continent of Eurasia. Its extreme western point, Cape Roca, is an almost sheer cliff with a lighthouse on top of it.


The main fact about Portugal is that it is located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and Spain is its only land-based neighbor. Being closed to the mainland, the country developed in the marine direction, developing new lands and establishing trade relations with overseas states. From the 15th to the 20th century, it was an influential colonial empire, which owned lands in Africa, the Atlantic, Asia and Latin America. Today, in addition to the mainland, the country owns only Madeira and the Azores.


The sea and its exploration have always been an important part of Portuguese life. And today, their main cities are located on the shore and are ports, and the coat of arms and flag depict the armillary sphere - a tool that sailors used to orient and determine coordinates.

Many interesting facts about Portugal are associated with the conquest of the oceans, because it was from this country that the era of great geographical discoveries began. So, at the beginning of the 15th century, her ships reached the west coast of Africa, and later the explorer Bartolomeu Dias became the first European to circumnavigate the continent and discover its southernmost point - Cape of Good Hope.

Diash proved that you can get around Africa, but he could not get to the cherished India, the path to which everyone wanted to find. In 1498, the Portuguese did Vasco da Gamma, who became the pioneer of the trade route to the country of spices. Another outstanding native of the country was Ferdinand Magellan, who for the first time in the world traveled around the world.


The country has 10 million people, and here is another interesting fact about Portugal - about ¾ of its population is concentrated in the coastal area. Most local cities are very small, and even in the capital there are only 500 thousand people.

Nevertheless, Lisbon is the largest settlement and port of the state. Being the capital of Portugal, he took on the role of its main cultural, historical, tourist and financial center. And the main industrial hub of the country is the city of Porto.

As tiny settlements, they existed in the first millennium BC, which is why they can be safely considered one of the oldest in Europe. Currently, large agglomerations have formed around them - Greater Porto and Greater Lisbon, in which about five million people live, that is, half of the country's citizens.



Portugal could not move away from the marine theme even in architecture. Inspired by the successful discoveries and conquests of the lands, its architects invented a new style, called the “Manuelino”.

It originated all in the same era of Geographical discoveries and was used from the 15th to the 16th centuries. It mixes Gothic, Renaissance, Moorish style, as well as oriental and marine motifs. Typical attributes of the new direction are the relief images of anchors, chains, cables, ropes, densely decorating the facades of buildings.


Another national direction in architecture is the Pombalino style. It arose in the 18th century after a serious earthquake that destroyed part of the capital. Buildings had to be restored quickly, but it was important to make them reliable. So, the idea arose to create pile structures that would dig into the ground.

The houses were made outside the city, and then they were taken to the right street and they were assembled there, like a constructor. Pombalino became the first examples of anti-seismic architecture, which was also made from semi-finished materials.


In the list of interesting facts about the country of Portugal, it is impossible not to mention a separate musical genre that originated in it in the middle of the XIX century. It is called fado and is performed solo to the accompaniment of a guitar. But the main thing in it is not this.


From Portuguese, “Fado” is translated as “Fatum” and the whole meaning of this word should be expressed in the singer’s voice and in the sounds of music. The work is performed with special drama and emotionality, expressing light sadness and melancholy. Usually it is sung about the pain of loss, a broken heart, and other emotional experiences.

One of the first fadisht (performers of fado) was Maria Severa. She always performed with a black shawl on her shoulders, which became a real tradition for future generations and firmly entrenched in the idea of ​​fado.

The drinks

Portugal's alcoholic beverages are a real pride of the country. For centuries, grapes have been grown here, making a variety of products from it. Here is one interesting fact about Portugal - it was here that they came up with port. It is made in the Douro Valley, near the city of Porto. The drink got its name precisely from this settlement.

By the way, only the product that was produced in the Douro Valley and nowhere else can be called a real port.


In the north of the country produce Vinho Verde, or "green wine". This is a young and very sparkling drink that resembles champagne, but has a more delicate and mild taste.

Madeira Island boasts a “Vigne de Madera” - fortified wine with a special secret of preparation. Before you leave to insist in a barrel, the drink is aged for a long time at a temperature of 45 degrees. Because of this, it acquires a beautiful dark shade and a sweet nutty flavor.