
Needs: An example of human needs. Real and imaginary needs

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Needs: An example of human needs. Real and imaginary needs
Needs: An example of human needs. Real and imaginary needs

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Video: What happens if you cut down all of a city's trees? - Stefan Al 2024, July

The classic definition of “need” is the need to supplement the body with something that does not apply to it. Any living organism constantly needs something. Food, special environmental conditions - all these are needs. An example of human needs can reflect real or imaginary needs. How to learn to distinguish between these concepts and what classification of needs is correct?

Main types


Needs can be material (physical) and spiritual (mental). Some philosophers believe that such a division is true only for man. Other experts say that many animals also feel the need for communication and feel uncomfortable in isolation from relatives. This is an example of a spiritual or psychic need. Physical needs are the need for some material objects. A person needs food and water, clothes to maintain a comfortable body temperature and an impressive list of items that are used in a given culture. The desire to communicate with other people, to experience feelings, to learn something new - all these are spiritual needs. An example of the needs of this type is not difficult to give. Suppose a person moves alone to a foreign country. He feels alone, discomfort is also caused by lack of knowledge of the language and a vague idea of ​​local culture and religion. Accordingly, there is a need to make new acquaintances for regular friendly communication and a desire to learn more about the mentality and mentality of local residents.

Need or desire?


Imaginary and genuine human needs are also distinguished. Everyone can find examples, having understood themselves. Suppose at the moment you want to buy a new expensive car and feel hungry. Which of these two needs is more relevant and more relevant? Of course, this is a physical desire to eat. But the acquisition of new things is not always an imaginary need. Suppose you want a car, because you live in a suburb, spend too much time and effort on daily commuting trips. If the purchase of personal vehicles will bring you benefits (saving time, the opportunity to increase earnings), and you only want to get a vehicle - this is a real need. In the case when you already own a car, but you want to buy a more expensive and prestigious car, your desire can be described as an imaginary need.

Primary needs


The main consider human needs, defined by nature itself. Any living organism needs nutrition and fluid. If these needs are not regularly met, a person, animal or plant will simply perish. Another important natural process - breathing, respectively, it is appropriate to say that fresh air is a natural need of the body. Rest after work, sleep after prolonged wakefulness and physical activity after rest are also natural needs. An example of the needs of this type is the fear of a life threat (self-preservation instinct), and the desire to have sexual intercourse with a member of the opposite sex.

Is it possible to survive without satisfying primary needs?

We know what man needs from nature. Most of these needs are vital. If a person stops drinking or eating, after a while he will die. Death can occur due to severe hypothermia or overheating of the body. This is exactly the case with physical overwork or constant relaxation. It is important to understand that all natural needs must be met in the right amount. This will help maintain health and well-being until a very old age. By incorrectly assessing your needs, you only harm your own body. Eating and drinking are genuine needs. Examples of their improper satisfaction can be found in modern society at every turn. Choosing harmful products or instead of pure water - carbonated drinks, canned juices and alcohol, a person seems to satisfy the need (calories are received, hunger and thirst really receded), but it does not bring any benefit to his health.

Psycho-emotional needs


Any person seeks to know and receive new information. Depending on the range of interests, one individual seeks to read a scientific encyclopedia and write his essay after, while another wants to study the latest issue of a glossy magazine cover to cover. To learn something new, to think and draw conclusions - all these are psychological needs. The example of needs of this type given above clearly shows that very often human needs are not so easy to classify. The desire to purchase a magazine or a book is a material need, since it is about owning a real object. But at the same time, the print edition is bought to obtain information, i.e., to satisfy the spiritual need for new knowledge.

Life in society


There is one more branch of psychoemotional needs - these are communicative needs. Any person feels the desire to communicate with other people, to establish close relationships, to help or receive help, and so on. The desire to work, to obtain a certain status in society and to actively participate in the lives of those around us are social needs. Everyone can find examples in themselves: this is the desire to create a strong and happy family or achieve professional heights. Do not forget about political and social activities, any thoughts or real work in these sectors also apply to the social sphere.

Existential needs

Philosophical questions about the meaning of life today do not have unambiguous answers. Each person decides what is the main thing for him and what is his main mission. Without thinking at least periodically about your life, it is impossible to exist. Finding answers to philosophical questions and determining one's place in life are existential needs. Examples can be found in the conversion of a particular person to religion or attempts to create their own theories. For each individual, it is important to maintain a sound mind and find the most suitable explanation for everything that happens. Nowadays, it is not necessary to invent something new - there are many religious and scientific theories. Mystical explanations of the meaning of life also suit someone.