the culture

Legal culture. Its types, structure, concepts

Legal culture. Its types, structure, concepts
Legal culture. Its types, structure, concepts

Video: Jan Christoph Suntrup: Conceptualizing legal culture (The Normative Complex) 2024, July

Video: Jan Christoph Suntrup: Conceptualizing legal culture (The Normative Complex) 2024, July

Legal culture is a part of the culture of society, which was created during the whole period of its development, and includes the acquired experience of previous generations and other world cultures.

According to history, law enforcement and law-making activity is effective only if in these processes a higher place is occupied by intellectual work, organizing, creative work. Analyzing these conscious and creative processes in law enforcement and law-making, the concept of legal culture and legal awareness is explained.

Legal culture intersects quite closely with spiritual morality and political types of cultures. First of all, naturally, behavioral, which is associated with the upbringing of people, their adaptation to respect, organization, discipline, order and laws of the country. It is impossible to call cultural a person who is not legally prepared. Another important element of the legal system of society is the legal culture - a prerequisite for the normal functioning of the country.

Legal culture supports all relevant values ​​that currently exist in the state. However, this takes into account the experience of the world.

Legal culture is not only the activities of people in the legal sphere, but also beyond its borders, which in one way or another is related to the application of legal knowledge. To date, legal knowledge is in demand by many specialties, sciences and disciplines of both the humanitarian and non-humanitarian areas. This knowledge is in demand in areas where legal norms and laws exist; it is not without reason that in almost all the universities of our country, the educational program of students includes a legal program, since no profession or a single type of activity can do without it.

Not the last place the legal culture takes in the implementation of the famous legal principle "that the law is not prohibited, it is allowed." A person with an insufficient level of morality and legal culture can easily go through the abuse of this principle. Or he simply will not fully understand what is allowed and what is not worth doing. In our country, this axiom, due to the legal illiteracy of most of our citizens, has already generated and continues to generate significant negative consequences. Even despite the fact that in the conditions of market relations, which involve the enterprise of the subjects and their personal initiative, it is simply necessary.

The primary task of carrying out reforms in our state should be to strengthen the moral as well as cultural factor. This will help restore order in the country, increase the awareness and responsibility of every citizen, confirm ideas of discipline and legality, overcome legal, political and moral nihilism.

Culture is the spiritual basis of all transformations. The legal culture and legal education of the population is of great importance here. Without knowing their rights and not having the habit of abiding by the law, it is impossible to solve serious problems.

Among other things, legal culture is a multi-level concept. There is such a whole society and an individual, the culture of diverse groups and segments of the population, employees of the state apparatus, officials, as well as professional culture, external and internal. Hegel also spoke of the discrepancy between practical and theoretical culture. As for the legal one, this includes indicators such as respect for laws, clear and streamlined work of law enforcement agencies, legal literacy of the population, and strong legal traditions. As well as a wide range of rights and freedoms of citizens and their guarantees, a developed legal system, full-fledged legislation, the achieved level of legal consciousness and much more, which determines the development and life of the state.