
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Biography of a young politician

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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Biography of a young politician
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Biography of a young politician

Video: Justin Trudeau: From prime minister's son to PM 2024, July

Video: Justin Trudeau: From prime minister's son to PM 2024, July

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is one of the youngest politicians in the country who have ever held such a high post. At the time of taking office, he was only 43 years old. Although there was another young prime minister in Canadian history, Joe Clark, who took a senior position in 1979, at the age of 40.


Biography Politician

Justin Trudeau was born 12/25/1971, in the family of the ex-leader of Canada, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. His political career was predicted by the 37th President of the United States - Richard Nixon. This event occurred in 1972, when Trudeau Jr. was no more than 4 months old. While on a visit to Canada, Nixon attended an official reception, where he delivered a toast that sounded like this: "For the future Prime Minister of Canada - Justin Trudeau."

After graduating from Jean-de-Brebeuf College High School, she enters McGill University and receives a bachelor's degree in English literature. Later, he graduated from the University of British Columbia and became a bachelor in pedagogy. After studying, she teaches at a Vancouver school such subjects as mathematics and French. In addition to working as a teacher, he is involved in various social studies.


For two years, from 2002 to 2003, he has been studying engineering. Justin Trudeau is a diversified personality, in 2004 he tried himself in a completely new direction - the work of a radio host on SKAS. From 2005 to 2006 he studied at McGill University with a degree in Environmental Geography (Master's degree).

In his resume, he also indicated professions such as a snowboarding trainer and a bungee jumping instructor.

Prime Minister's family

Justin Trudeau is the eldest of three brothers. The youngest - Michelle (born in 1975), died when he was 23 years old. He skied in the mountains and fell under an avalanche. His body has not been found to this day. The second brother is Alexander, younger than Justin for exactly 2 years. He was born on Catholic Christmas in 1973. Alexander is engaged in directing and journalistic activities. The Prime Minister’s parents broke up when he was only 6 years old.

Justin Trudeau created his own family in May 2005. His wife was the famous model and presenter Sophie Gregoire. The politician’s wife is also a certified yoga trainer, her hobby is writing music. Justin and Sophie are raising two sons (9 and 2 years old) and the charming seven-year-old daughter Ella-Grace Margaret.


Interesting facts from the life of a politician

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau immediately after being elected to this high post became the topic of discussion No. 1 on social networks and the media. Here are just some interesting facts from the life of a young politician:

  1. In 2012, Justin took part in a boxing tournament, which was of a charitable nature. His opponent was Patrick Brazo, a Canadian senator. "Canadian dude" - under this name Trudeau entered the ring. He defeated an opponent, and this event was immortalized in the documentary "God Save Justin Trudeau."

  2. The British publication The Mirror called the family of the Prime Minister of Canada "the sexiest dynasty of politicians after Kennedy."

  3. An original tattoo adorns Justin's left shoulder. The image is made in the form of a Hyde raven, in the center of which the globe is located. According to the Prime Minister, he made a tattoo in the form of our planet as early as 23 years old, but the second part - a crow - after 40 years.


Election victory

In 2015, parliamentary elections were held in Canada, in which the Liberal Party won with a great advantage, thereby removing from the board the conservatives led by Stephen Harper, who had been ruling unchanged for about 10 years. After losing the election process, the leader of the conservative party resigned.

“First of all, there was a victory over the idea, which emphasized that the citizens of Canada are able to be content with the small, and also that the best is the enemy of the good, so do not strive for it, ” said Justin Trudeau.

The prime minister made high-profile statements, promising to end the economic policies of the conservative party and stimulate infrastructure projects by increasing funding from the state budget. It is planned to ease the tax burden on the middle class, while Trudeau promised to raise the tax rate by 1% for rich people. These steps should be an incentive for the Canadian economy, which during the reign of the conservatives has reached a recession.
