
Priluchny Pavel: tattoos known to every fan

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Priluchny Pavel: tattoos known to every fan
Priluchny Pavel: tattoos known to every fan

Pavel Priluchny tattoo is not in such a significant amount, as, for example, Timati. However, as a popular actor, he draws a lot of attention. And part goes to the drawings on his body. Especially as outstanding as the tattoo of Pavel Priluchny on the neck.

How many tattoos does an actor have? What do they mean? Is he going to stop or is this just the beginning of an “ink disease”? Look for answers to these questions in this article.

Who is Pavel Priluchny?

Pavel Priluchny was born in Kazakhstan, but since childhood he lives in Russia. In his youth, he tried many hobbies - he was engaged in boxing, vocals and even managed to try himself as a boxer. This was facilitated by Paul's parents - the mother is a choreographer and father who is engaged in boxing.

However, acting fame began to “look for” him at school. Pavel was invited to various shootings. As a result, he made his debut in the series “Club” rather early. Then he was waiting for the projects "Children in a Cage", "School No. 1", "Travelers" and, finally, the series "Major", known to all.


To Priluchny fame began to come. Each new work became more successful than the previous ones - “On the game”, “On the game 2”, “For children under 16”, “Closed school”.

Now Pavel is a successful actor and family man. He has over 30 works in the cinema and even more plays performed in the theater. And ahead, of course, even more successful projects await him.

Priluchny Pavel: tattoos and their history

This is not to say that the drawings on the actor’s body are his most remarkable feature. However, they are a pretty debated topic. The fact is that Priluchny Pavel made a tattoo not only in more or less inconspicuous places, but also on such an open one as his neck.

By the way, a tattoo on his neck - this is the very first drawing that appeared on his body. It is a barcode located vertically on the side of the neck. In addition to the symbol itself, there is an inscription - DOC. Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with Paul's daily life. With this tattoo, he just wanted to add a twist to his character in the series “On the Game”.

After a series of dissatisfaction with the pattern did not appear and Priluchny is still pleased with his choice. He is not going to reduce this tattoo. According to him, this symbol did not become part of the hero, but of himself, like a birthmark.


The second tattoo is hidden in a more secluded place - in the lower abdomen. It is the phrase “maintain balance” written in Latin.

There is a third tattoo, which acts as a talisman. The sign is located on the wrist. The actor believes that this tattoo will be his last.

Where did the tattoo go while filming the Major?

Attentive fans could not help but notice that in the series "Major" Priluchny Pavel lost a tattoo. Of course, the actor could not help asking questions about this. There was even a theory that Priluchny's tattoos were originally fake. And they did not disappear during the filming of "Major", and the make-up artists simply stopped painting them.

Of course, this is not so. Priluchny's tattoos are the most real. Just for his hero in the series “Majors”, tattoos on his neck were completely inappropriate, because they were painted over with a special make-up. This information was confirmed by Paul himself in an interview.

Knowing this, the most devoted fans can now watch The Major with redoubled attention: they say that in some frames, even under heavy makeup you can see the famous figure on the neck.