
Ukrainian elections in Odessa and other cities: what happened at polling stations?

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Ukrainian elections in Odessa and other cities: what happened at polling stations?
Ukrainian elections in Odessa and other cities: what happened at polling stations?

Video: Upwards of 4 Million Ukrainians Barred From Voting in Elections! Kiev Does Not Want Turnout! 2024, July

Video: Upwards of 4 Million Ukrainians Barred From Voting in Elections! Kiev Does Not Want Turnout! 2024, July

Presidential elections in Ukraine and some foreign countries began on Sunday morning, March 31, at exactly eight in Kiev time. Opinions about the degree of fate of this event in society differ. Pessimists believe that nothing will change in any case. Optimists hope for the best. At the same time, everyone sees the future of the country in their own way.

Long before the date of the will of the people, substantiated assumptions about possible violations, fraud and attempts to disrupt the electoral process were repeatedly expressed. How do these expectations come true?

Differences between these choices from previous ones

The period of the election campaign was predictably characterized by a huge amount of incriminating evidence posted by candidates for their competitors. The suspicion of an intention to falsify the results is caused by the following features of the process:

  • Opt out of using online cameras. They were purchased under the "previous government", but somewhere disappeared. Acquiring and installing new ones was considered inappropriate.
  • Lack of numbers assigned to candidates. Previously, this attribute was part of the “Vote for No. …” campaign, and was mentioned in propaganda materials. The voter has become more difficult to navigate.
  • A large number of candidates - as many as 39. A significant part of them performs an obvious technical function, expressed in spraying electoral preferences.
  • A massive psychological attack on voters, who were actively encouraged by the idea that only the top three leaders had chances to win. It seems to be useless to vote for others.

So, there are differences, and significant ones. It is difficult to predict how much they will affect the results. Now for the cities.

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The author of this material voted and did not notice any visible violations. This, of course, does not mean that they were not there. At about one in the afternoon, at section 135, which was located in the gymnasium of secondary school No. 68 on Uspenskaya Street, it was not very crowded, although it was necessary to stand a short queue. The reason for the congestion near the desired table was an elderly woman who insisted that her husband, at an equally advanced age, should also receive a ballot. He himself could not come: the state of health did not allow. A member of the commission talked to her, and the issue was resolved.

Observers were present, and the activist who tried to put pressure on voters, the author of the material did not notice, as well as attempts to campaign. In general, the situation is peaceful and calm.

Photographing ballots was prohibited in order to exclude the possibility of direct bribery of voters. Previously, information was published that some political forces were ready to pay for the vote, but required confirmation in the form of a picture of a “bird”, placed opposite the name of the candidate.

Other cities

On Sunday morning, a briefing was held by adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs Ivan Varchenko. As of 11 hours, there were revealed violations of the electoral law in a total of 284. Most of the incidents occurred in Donetsk region. They were expressed in illegal campaigning (25), bribing voters with a classic set of buckwheat and sugar (9), spoiling ballots (10), photographing them (25) and theft (6), including one attempt to remove the form from the station.


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According to information provided by the press secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Andriy Shevchenko, criminal cases have been opened on the facts of violations (Art. 158.2 and Art. 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - violation of secrecy of voting and hooliganism).


Late in Volhynia

The observer was not allowed to attend the meeting of the election commission. The reason for the refusal is the delay of the representative of the public movement "Support". The victim filed a complaint with the police. According to him, he appeared ahead of time, but the door was locked. The chairman of the commission objected that the time of arrival is 7:21, while admission ceases at 7:15.

Fire in Borzna, Chernihiv region

The cause of the fire was a Molotov cocktail bottle thrown into a polling station. Fortunately, no one was hurt by the fire, and the hearth was quickly extinguished. The attacker was detained by the police.

Damaged urns in Konotop

In this city of the Sumy region, the polling station would be equipped with unusable ballot boxes. It was impossible to seal them. Similar problems arose in other regions. Violation was revealed by members of the public, demanding the replacement of damaged items. Acts drawn up.


Tardiness in Zmiev and Kharkov

In these cities, polling stations did not open at exactly eight in the morning. Tardiness is rated as negligible. Information is registered in the message register. Police are checking.

Lack of ballots in the Poltava region

The Ukrainian media published data on the huge number of printed ballots (60 million), significantly exceeding the country's population, not to mention the number of voters. However, they were not enough. Instead of 360, the commission received only 354 forms. Similar discrepancies have been noted in several areas, leading to suspicion of malicious acts.
