
Examples of emergency situations. Earthquake, hurricane, flood

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Examples of emergency situations. Earthquake, hurricane, flood
Examples of emergency situations. Earthquake, hurricane, flood

Video: 7 Ways to Survive Natural Disasters 2024, July

Video: 7 Ways to Survive Natural Disasters 2024, July

Examples of emergencies repeatedly prove that natural phenomena can lead to natural disasters. The power of natural accidents is often devastating and leads to serious negative phenomena. Each year, scientists register about 1 million seismic and microseismic oscillations of the earth. Approximately 100 of them are palpable to humans and 1000 cause major damage. More prone to seismic fluctuations: the Mediterranean zone, the south of Eurasia from the western side of Portugal to the eastern zone of the Malay archipelago and the Pacific zone, which surrounds the Pacific coast. This includes mountains: the Andes, the Cordillera, Crimea, the Himalayas, the Caucasus, the Carpathians, the Apennines and the Alps.

Earthquake strength is measured on a 12-point scale by a seismologist. A weak push is recorded as one point. Each new point means that the next push is 10 times more than the previous one. The most sensational earthquakes were recorded in 1906 in California (USA) - 10 points, in 1923 in Japan - over 10 points. The deaths here are approximately 150 thousand people. In 1928, Spitak suffered from shocks of 8 points. The city was completely destroyed, more than 25 thousand people were recorded dead. The record holders for the number and strength of earthquakes are considered Chile and Japan.


Scientists have recorded more than 1000 Earth vibrations per year in these countries. The strongest tremors from the bowels of the earth arise in the region of the Japanese islands of Suruga and Sagami. Weak fluctuations are observed in the city of Niigata. Local residents are so accustomed to this that they are no longer very worried. The city experiences small losses: advertising signs fall and sway slightly at home.

Japan earthquake

A strong earthquake in Japan is felt in the open. Cracks form in the soil of the earth. Over time, they become wider, the soil cracks, as if at the seams. If the vibrations are incredibly active, then the earth is literally distorted by wave-like shocks.

Such a phenomenon could be observed in Japan (1923) in the South Kanto region. The earthquake point was under Sagami Bay. Almost all residential buildings were destroyed on its coast. Scientists consider this earthquake in Japan the most destructive of all.

Panic horror reigned in the cities of Yokagame and Tokyo. In the capital of Japan killed 6 thousand people. Almost the whole city was destroyed in the fire that arose. Strong fluctuations arose in the afternoon.

Almost immediately, fires appeared everywhere. Gusty winds carried fire everywhere. Separate foci of fires merged with each other, and soon blazed from all sides. People fled from everywhere, fleeing the fire. So, during this earthquake, 3.5 million Japanese were left homeless and 150, 000 people died. Japan suffered catastrophic losses, which were 5 times higher than the country's spending in the Russo-Japanese war.



Scientists have registered about a thousand active volcanoes. Every 2 years, three new ones are added to existing volcanoes. This is an unpredictable and amazing phenomenon! According to scientists, the first volcanoes appeared on the planet 4 billion years ago.

The oldest volcano is in Ukraine. Its name is Kara-Dag. Eruptions of this power occurred approximately 150 million years ago. At the moment, Kara-Dag is not a threat, which cannot be declared about his other famous brothers.

Volcano Krakatau Located in Indonesia in the Sunda Strait. A monstrous explosion from the bowels of this mountain occurred in 1883. It is recorded that at this moment the shock wave of the volcano circled the globe 7 times and caused a giant tsunami, reaching a height of 30 meters! As a result of such phenomena, about 300 cities and settlements were destroyed.

People were literally burned in a cloud of fiery gas ejected by a volcano. In the history of science, the Krakatau explosion is the most powerful. The power of his energy was 200 thousand times higher than the nuclear explosion that destroyed Hiroshima!

Strong destruction destroyed Krakatau itself, but in 1927, researchers discovered a new volcano. The Indonesians gave him the name Anak-Krakatau, which means "child of Krakatau." Every year, a young volcano adds 3 to 7 meters in height.

There are no settlements around it. Examples of emergencies forced the Indonesian government to ban the residence of people near the volcano. But the place itself only benefited from this! In this zone, red wolves, wild boars, smoky leopard and the last Javan rhinos preserved on the planet are found.


This volcano is located in Italy. It is unlikely that there will be a man who would not hear about Vesuvius. The power of this eruption destroyed not only Pompeii, but also the cities of Stabia and Herculaneum.

For a long time this mountain was considered a calm sleeping volcano. But in 79, when the Italian people were in anticipation of gladiator fights, a cloud appeared in the sky. It grew before our eyes, covering everything with ashes. Ultimately, the sun disappeared from sight and an ominous darkness came.

The city of Pompeii hid under a three-meter layer of ash. This tragic story is told by poets and immortalized by artists. The ruins of the ancient city are visited annually by about 3 million tourists.

Volcano Eruption 2014


Back in early summer, experts recorded seismic activity in the Bardarbunga region. However, it was not until the end of summer that the volcano made people seriously worry. Researchers recorded the first tremors and activity of magma in the column: “Volcanic eruption, 2014, August 18”. The Icelandic government, worried about the melting of glaciers, blocked many roads. The evacuation of local residents began to produce on August 20, 2014. Tourists who visited Iceland were also forced to return to their homeland. The eruption of the volcano Bardarbunga lasted until October 2014.


Examples of emergencies show that as soon as people learned to erect building structures from wood and an abundance of flammable materials, fires began to arise. One of the most devastating fires occurred in the city of Boston (1872).

A crazy bonfire caused huge financial damage to the inhabitants of this area. As a result of the fire, an emergency deprived thousands of local residents of their homes. Hundreds of enterprises were destroyed and dozens of insurance companies went bankrupt.

A number of errors and misunderstandings led to the fact that 766 buildings and 20 people were burned in the city center. For example, the notification system lock was initially disabled. This was done due to frequent false messages. Fortunately, despite the enormous losses at that time ($ 70 million), Boston was able to rebuild after 2 years.

London burned in 1212. About 3, 000 people died in the fire, about a third of the city was in ruins. This is not the first fire in the history of London. Before that, fire disasters were in 1130 and 1135. This great city burned 6 times. The largest fire is the one that occurred in 1666. 6 people died in that fire, but the fire caused serious material damage to London, destroying more than 13, 200 houses and 80 churches.

The only thing that this fire created was useful - it destroyed the dirty slums associated with the Great Plague. This kind of cleansing later helped London recover from the fire already in the cleared places. Another sensational fire in the city of Rome occurred in 1964.

Fire in Rome and more

Legends of this fiery disaster go to this day. One of them is that Emperor Nero intentionally decided to put Rome on fire in order to clear the territory for the construction of his palace in the future. But this version is not supported by evidence, and therefore remained at the level of speculation. Although, subsequently, the emperor did erect a rich palace on the ruins, but a few years later his power fell into decay.

According to historical facts, the flame raged in Rome for 5 days. Historians count 8 more cities known to the world for catastrophic fires! These are Chicago (1871), San Francisco (1906), Pestigo (1871), Texas City (1967), Halifax (1917), Tokyo (1923). Tokyo residents were particularly affected by natural disasters.

The city was simultaneously attacked by a strong earthquake, and then was caught in the flames of a fire. A gusty wind carried the fire in different directions. People tried to flee to open areas, but this did not save them from injuries and death.

It is known that on one of the squares of the city more than 35 thousand people suffocated from the smoke of the surrounding burning buildings. Over 500 thousand people were lost, 174 thousand were killed in Tokyo. Surviving people for a long time remembered the exclamations: "Fire! An emergency!" No less large fires occurred in Amsterdam (1421, 1452), in Moscow (1547, 1812), and in Copenhagen (1728, 1795).


Over the past 3 years, fires have been recorded on the territory of Russia at industrial enterprises: in Yekaterinburg (2012), a fire ignited at a furniture factory, as well as at the Leningrad Mechanical Plant. Data on the dead and injured is not available.

In 2013, fires occurred: at a bakery in a bakery in the city of Plasvkom in the Tula region, at a tank farm in the Irkutsk region. In 2014, a gas-air mixture exploded in the workshop of the Omsk plant, after which a fire broke out. In February of the same year, a fire broke out at the Stavrolen petrochemical plant in the city of Budennovsk. The fire was liquidated in stages. This took several days. The emergency situation caused 11 people to suffer injuries and burns.

Hurricanes and tornadoes


These natural disasters are related to wind meteorological phenomena. The activity of cyclonic activity in the atmosphere contributes to the occurrence of hurricanes, storms and tornadoes. These natural phenomena can be characterized as the pressure of air masses with a certain force of dynamic impact and propelling action. A photo of hurricanes and tornadoes vividly conveys to us the image of a powerful monster.

Hurricanes often occur on Russian territory in the Kuril Islands, Chukotka, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories. Usually hurricanes occur in the autumn season and can be accompanied by snowfalls, hail, rain showers. The crushing wind is able to tear down light buildings, damage solid structures, break and root trees.

Examples of emergencies convince that during a hurricane and a tornado, people are threatened with serious injuries, injuries and even death. One of the strongest hurricanes is the one that hit in 1780 on the island of the Caribbean. The natural wind blew its power from Newfoundland to Barbados itself. According to scientists, this hurricane killed about 22 thousand people. More than 600 thousand inhabitants were left homeless. A seven-meter wave of a hurricane blew almost all the villages. Eyewitnesses mention that the air element was accompanied by incredible rain, which literally tore the bark from the trees before they fell.


Science knows another hurricane with the beautiful name "Catherine." It originated in the Bahamas in 2005, gained power and spilled its fury on the American coast. The authorities were not ready for such a rapid development of events. The devastating hurricane claimed the lives of 1836 people.

In Russia, a tornado was recorded in Lublino, which occurred on June 29, 1904. Eyewitnesses say that in broad daylight it became dark. Lightning flashed everywhere in heaven. The main focus of the tornado began in Lublino, then moved to Simonov monastery, Rogozhsky district and walked along the Lefortovo part, capturing both sides of Yauza. Something unimaginable was happening on the streets! People fled to their homes, dodging boards flying on them, bricks, and iron sheets from the roofs. Sounds of a strong wind: crackling, howling, rattling terrified. This tornado lasted no more than two minutes, but the witnesses of this spectacle shared their impressions for a long time. They were particularly struck by the fact that on one of the main streets a solid stone fence was destroyed. The impressive massive factory pipe was deformed and lay on the pavement.


Long and intense rainfall leads to floods. We can confidently say that in those regions where strong winds, storms, and hurricanes prevail, flooding is inevitable. It is considered a surge. Coastal areas are subject to this. Underwater earthquakes and volcanic eruptions cause floods caused by tsunami waves.

This spontaneous phenomenon also occurs in connection with the rapid melting of snow, for example, on the rivers of the Northern Hemisphere. In the foothills and high valleys, floods cause breakthroughs of intraglacial and dammed lakes.


The category of "large floods" includes St. Petersburg (1824). During this natural disaster, the water level in the Neva River rose 4.14-4.21 mm above normal. Killed more than 100 people. Another flood occurred in China (1931), more than 145 thousand people were killed.

In 1938, the water element once again struck the Chinese population. In Russian territory, a rather severe flood occurred in the Far East in 2013. It belongs to the category of “natural floods”.

The cause of the water catastrophe was the monsoon rains, due to which the overflowing rivers caused an unprecedented rise in water in the Amur. It should be noted that in the fall of 2012, the rivers left under the winter crowded with rainfall. According to statistics, 80 thousand people were affected by the flood, and the damage in agriculture was estimated at 8.5 billion rubles.

Instruction manual

So, some recommendations should help people in the event of a natural disaster. A person in an emergency can experience shock, so you should familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct at the time of a natural disaster.

If you are overtaken by a flood, then immediately try to climb to the upper floors, roofs and attics. Do not forget to give distress signals with a sheet or a towel, at night - with a flashlight.

If the flood does not pose a significant threat, then check if it is strong enough before returning to your home. Be sure to ventilate the living room to remove accumulated gases.

Beware of turning on the electricity. First of all, you should check the reliability of wiring and other communications. It is recommended to remove all sewage brought by water as quickly as possible. This will prevent the spread of infection. In the event that the flow of water is uncontrollable and carries a threat, rescuers of the Ministry of Emergencies will evacuate people from the scene of a natural disaster.

If there was a warning of the population about the hurricane, then the first thing should be to tightly close all windows, doors and attic openings. With the approaching wind (storm, hurricane), it is important for a person to find reliable shelter. It is best if it is either the smallest room in the room or the basement.

Keep as far as possible from door and window openings. The best thing is to lie on the floor and cover your head with your hands. If an individual finds himself in a car on a carriageway during a natural invasion, you must immediately exit the vehicle. The fact that there may not be premises nearby, ditches and pits should not lead a person into despair. You should lie down on the ground and try to protect your head with your hands.

Natural disasters, natural disasters - a frequent occurrence in our country. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone have a hiking backpack in the house in case an alert occurs: "Emergency. Accident." The backpack should have warm clothes, drinking water, a first-aid kit with medicines, dry ration, copies of identity documents, a flashlight and a small amount of money. Periodically check the expiration date of products and medicines.