
Examples of writing analytic notes: document structure

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Examples of writing analytic notes: document structure
Examples of writing analytic notes: document structure

Video: SOAP NOTES 2024, July

Video: SOAP NOTES 2024, July

Any analytical document is a management category tool that allows you to make the right decision. The document displays an overview of a specific subject of research, with conclusions on the outcome, indicating the methods for their implementation. Information may be included in the note on past studies and findings.

Document structure

At the level of regulatory acts, the structure of the document is not defined, there are no strict requirements for its preparation. A certain practice has developed in the paperwork, the following mandatory points are distinguished:

  • document header, title;

  • annotation;

  • introduction;

  • the essence of the described problem, that is, the main part of the document;

  • conclusions and conclusion;

  • Signature of originator and date.

At the end of the document, after the conclusions, there can be a list of the literature used, reports that its author relied on when writing the note, and a list of applications.


Cap and title of the document

This part of the document is prepared in strict accordance with the standards adopted in the business workflow.

An example of writing analytical notes:

The head of the LLC ….


(from whom

The head of the structural unit ….


Analytic note

If the registration of such documents is provided for by the internal document flow, the date and the outgoing number of the note shall be affixed.


Annotation or Foreword

This paragraph of the document provides a brief description of the essence of the problem. If we are talking about the scientific community, then the main goal and methods that were used in the analysis of the data can be indicated. This paragraph of the note may describe the sources of data, the rationale for their use. The strategic goal, the achievement of which inspired the author of the document to conduct research, should be displayed.

Consider the example of writing analytic notes.

If the document relates to internal document management, then the preface can be generally short:

… On the results of the inventory of warehouse No. …. carried out … date …


… On the progress of work planned for the current quarter by the department … name …

If we are talking about documents used in the scientific community, or about analyzing a serious problem, then the preface may look like this:

… Abstract: Over the past 3 months, an analysis of consumer demand for cars by their categories and brands in the store … the name …

The study was conducted using classical multivariate analysis. The data are summarized in a common table with an assessment of all factors on a ten-point scale. According to the results of the research, the undisputed leader was identified … by the name of the vehicle …

Examples of writing analytical notes on the sales department of an enterprise:

… The company … name … for 6 months, an analysis of the results of the sales department. As a result, a number of deviations from the planned indicators were identified with possible reasons for their appearance.

The indicator that was analyzed



% deviation


Cash receipts from sales, RUB

Stock balance………


The main part of the document

In this part of the note, it is recommended to adhere to a certain structure:

  1. Description of the problem to be analyzed.

  2. Methods used in the analysis.

If the document as a result turns out to be voluminous, then it is possible to compose the content with the indication of page numbers, names of a certain part of the document.

The main emphasis is on analysis techniques with preliminary conclusions. If certain theories appeared in the course of work, then they are voiced in the document. The main thing is that the structure of the main part of the document has logic.

Consider the example of writing analytical notes, a description of the essence of the problem.

Company management …. I contacted our organization due to the fact that over the past 2 years in the sales department there has been a steady decrease in profits. During the negotiations, it was revealed that there was no decrease in the number of customers, on the contrary, over the past 2 years their number has grown by 20%. At the same time, revenue decreased by 30%. In the course of analyzing the activities of the sales department, the following methods were used ……………..

The final part, conclusions

An analytical note of an enterprise (examples are in this article) or of a scientist, politics cannot be without conclusions. In addition, one that contains a forecast and recommendations for further actions is considered to be a truly correctly drawn up document. And the construction of these conclusions and recommendations should only be based on the research conducted and the results obtained as a result. In this case, the conclusions should not be repeated, meaning with the previously obtained, which were spelled out in the main part of the note.

The analytical note (examples below) should not contain any contradictions, especially in the final part, a clear relationship between the conclusions and the analysis should be traced in the document. No final “speeches” that are not justified by the above text, that is, no personal conclusions.

Consider a sample analytical note (example).

… In order to eliminate the loss from sales that have been observed over the past 2 years, the following measures should be planned:

Expected Economic Effect

By what date should events be held

Necessary actions


It is not recommended to draw conclusions on more than one A4 page.


Signature and Applications

At the end of the document, the position and full name (with decoding) of the author are necessarily registered. If the analysis was carried out by several persons, then they must be indicated. The date of writing the note and signature is affixed. If the document is designed for a wide range of people or is transferred to another structural unit of the enterprise, you can specify contact details for feedback.

Analytical notes (examples we reviewed) may have applications. It is additional documents that may contain graphs and intermediate data, a list of terms that were used, or formulas for calculations used by the author. You can specify a list of references, information from which formed the basis of the analysis.
