
The nature of Kazakhstan and its features. How is nature protected in Kazakhstan?

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The nature of Kazakhstan and its features. How is nature protected in Kazakhstan?
The nature of Kazakhstan and its features. How is nature protected in Kazakhstan?

Video: US Television - Kazakhstan - The Heart Of Eurasia 2024, July

Video: US Television - Kazakhstan - The Heart Of Eurasia 2024, July

The nature of Kazakhstan is very diverse. There are vast deserts, high mountains, vast steppes, full-flowing rivers and large lakes. The fauna and flora of the country are represented by rare species of plants and animals listed in the Red Book. From this article you will learn about what the natural world of Kazakhstan is and what measures are being taken to preserve it.


Features of the nature of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan occupies the ninth place on the planet in its area. At the same time, only seventeen million people live in it. This is a country of vast expanses, inhabited by thousands of species of birds and animals. The nature of Kazakhstan is magnificent in its own way. Most of the country (44%) is occupied by deserts. Almost a third (26%) in these parts are in the steppe zones. Forest in Kazakhstan grows very sparingly (5.5%). In the very center of the country is a huge "yellow steppe" - Sary-Arka. The territory of the state is so vast that it occupies Tarbagatai and Altai in the East, and the Ural Mountains in the West. In the south-west of Kazakhstan is the Ustyurt Plateau and the Caspian coast. The eastern border of the country rests on the northern part of the Tien Shan.

Local reserves

The protection of nature in Kazakhstan is of utmost importance to the country's leadership. An action plan has been developed to enrich and restore the natural wealth of this wild and beautiful land. Maintaining the activities of state reserves is one of the priority areas. Currently, seven of them operate in the country: Ustyurt, Markakolsky, Kurgaldzhinsky, Barsakelmessky, Almaty, Naurzumsky and Aksu-Dzhabaglinsky. Each reserve maintains a unique ecosystem on its territory. Narzumsky - is engaged in the study and conservation of the virgin feather grass steppe with deep lakes located on it, on the banks of which pine forests grow. Barsakelmesky - covers a desert island with an area of ​​18 thousand hectares in the Aral Sea. There are few animals and birds, but a rich flora. Aksu-Dzhabaglinsky reserve is one of the oldest in Kazakhstan. It occupies four high-altitude landscape zones, in each of which the rarest representatives of fauna and flora are found.


Water resources

Kazakhstan has no access to the oceans and is washed by two inland continental seas - the Aral and Caspian. The country's water resources are very vast - eight and a half thousand large and small rivers flow in it. The largest of them are Tobol, Irtysh, Ili, Ishim, Syr Darya, Emba and the Urals. The largest lake in the country is Balkhash. In Kazakhstan, much attention is paid to the conservation of the unique ecosystem, fauna and flora of the Aral Sea, partially located on the territory of the state. The coast of the Caspian, all of its northern and partially eastern parts also belong to Kazakhstan.


Forest zone

Most of the country's forest resources are located in the mountains of the northern Tien Shan. Alpine meadows and juniper forests grow here, in the gorges you can see walnut trees and apple trees. Among the inhabitants of these protected places there are brown bear, Siberian mountain goat, and snow leopard. In the vicinity of Altai there are taiga forests. In this region, on Lake Markakol, there is a nature reserve. In the Altai taiga live wolves, argali, deer, bears and lynxes. Capercaillie, hazel grouse and grouse also nest here. Four species of fish live in Markokolsky Lake. Among them is Uskuch, which has excellent taste.

Steppe open spaces

The steppes of Kazakhstan are an exciting and exciting sight. Hundreds of salty and fresh lakes can be found within their boundless limits. The natural world of these places needs careful protection. Lakes Tengiz and Kurgaldzhin are in the list of lands and reservoirs of international importance. The nature of eastern Kazakhstan is magnificent. The rarest species of birds live here. For example, pink flamingos are found on Lake Tengiz. This is the northernmost breeding ground for rare birds. In the vicinity of the Kurgaldzhin lakes, the sharp-nosed chamga lives. This bird displays chicks in a floating nest, then carries them for a long time on its back, dives and even hunts with them. These unique representatives of birds live in Kurgaldzhinsky reserve. The fauna in these parts is represented mainly by rodents: jerboa, water rat, steppe pestle, marmot, and so on.


Desert world

The nature of Kazakhstan is a world of diverse deserts. Among them are rocky - Betpak-Dala, gravelly - Ustyurt plateau, sandy - Kyzylkum, Karakum, Moyynkum. In the deserts there are jerboas, gazelles, as well as the formidable viper. The nature of Kazakhstan is rich in reptiles. The country has sixteen species of snakes. In the sand dunes of Kyzidkum you can find a gray monitor lizard - the largest lizard in the world.

Ustyurt Reserve is the youngest and largest in the country. It supports the livelihoods of twelve species of birds and animals living in the northern desert. They are listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan. Wild boar, dressing, gazelle, four-lane snake are subject to protection. Of the representatives of the birds, a desert partridge, saker, mullet, black-bellied sandgrouse live here.
