
Dressing stations in Russia: overview, description and reviews

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Dressing stations in Russia: overview, description and reviews
Dressing stations in Russia: overview, description and reviews

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Dressing stations are specialized places where animals are kept. Moreover, both wild and domestic. Basically there are rabbits, foxes, wolves, bears, cubs of cats and dogs. They set dogs on them, thus preparing for the hunt.

Purpose of Attraction Stations


Dressing stations today are a form of business related to hunting. And very cruel. Bonded animals are known to often receive injuries, which often lead to their death. In the legislation in force in our country, they are not prohibited, although their existence has been repeatedly criticized by environmentalists and animal advocates.

As a form of business, pick-up stations in Russia in recent years are becoming increasingly popular. As their opponents note, angry dogs, in which aggression and anger are specially cultivated, often simply tear up young wild and domestic animals. This is allegedly done in order to educate them. However, in reality, during the baiting, the decoy animal has neither the ability to hide nor run away. Everything happens in a small paddock, in which it is doomed to a quick death or serious injury.

No chance of defense


Moreover, they cannot even defend themselves. Their fangs are removed, their claws are pulled out. So that they do not have the slightest opportunity to injure expensive hunting dogs.

In some stations, large animals, in order to make them defenseless, interrupt their paws or force them to come out again and again against aggressive dogs with serious injuries.

Especially cruel to wolves. A wooden stick is inserted between their teeth and they are firmly fixed. This is called a "build up." So they cannot bite.

Bears are put on a short leash, as a result they are significantly limited in movement. Often very young cubs are brought to the docking stations in the Moscow Region. Bunny or fox. For foxes and badgers, they build a special hole made of wood, in which they are simply torn to pieces.

Conditions of detention


Dressing stations in Russia are places where animals are deliberately raised under unnatural conditions. Sometimes in crowded places and dirt. In addition, they are almost not fed. They are doing everything so that no resistance forces remain. They are released from a limited cage with only one purpose - that they are torn by a hunting dog. Injured animals are usually not treated, but continue to be tortured until they die.

The cost of using such stations varies by region and season. On average, from 10 to 400 rubles are taken from the owner of the dog in 10 minutes. This time is enough for the dog to bite the driven animal enough. If the owner wants his dog to be allowed to bite the "opponent" to death, you will have to pay extra for this.

Also, claims of animal defenders are related to the fact that animals listed in the Red Book are often brought to the testing stations. Most often, a brown bear gets into such situations. They are used repeatedly, and in the event of their death, the owner of the dog who committed the fatal bite pays for the full purchase of a new individual.

The case that occurred in the Perm Territory is well known. At one of the stations, the Red Book Tien Shan white-clawed bear was hunted. Zoodefenders have learned that it is used by pickup stations. However, when they arrived to save him, a brown bear appeared in his place. Moreover, he was already so badly mutilated by hunting dogs that he could hardly move. His genitals were damaged and his nose was almost completely ripped out. He could no longer get up. He just lay and whined plaintively.

Where are the stations located?


Each hunter expects to find good hauling stations. Moscow region is famous for such. One of the largest is located at the Korotygino hunting base. You can get here by car or on your own by train from the Kursk station to Podolsk. Then take one of the buses (No. 28, 36, 50) to the Korotygino stop. There is an etching of a badger, fox, raccoon, duck, wild boar and even a bloody trail.

Most stations offer an engraving on approximately the same beasts. But there are exceptions. So, to set a hunting dog on a squirrel or raccoon dog is possible only at the Ataman station. Tests and competitions are also held here. Here, a comprehensive assessment of the animals will be carried out for you. The station operates five days a week - from Wednesday to Sunday.

You can set a dog on a bear in the Noginsky district. Here is the station "Fryazevo". Also, from non-standard animals, they offer a marten etching. It is most convenient to get from the Kursk station.

In the reviews, dog owners note that getting to the stations mentioned above is convenient. There is an asphalt porch, as well as its own parking lot. Dogs are placed in spacious and clean enclosures, each has its own booth. Provided with a balanced diet.

Starving life


Animals are fed just enough so that they do not die of hunger. Moreover, the cells themselves and the pens in which they are kept are in a terrible state. Garbage is almost never taken out, nothing is repaired, special feeders are not equipped.

Zoodefenders note that many stations do not even have quarantine facilities. There is also no veterinary office, and even the specialist in animal diseases, who would monitor their condition.

According to eyewitnesses, it is often so cold in the pens that, for example, foxes paw on the floor in a cage made of iron bars. If they are not fed for several days, for example, during the New Year holidays, when no one cares for them, they can attack even the corpses of relatives. Just to survive.

Often in the cells there are no special devices for watering animals. Especially because of this, they suffer in the summer. Dogs are hounded, not taking into account the biological characteristics of individual animals, all year round. Therefore, at many petting stations, bears and badgers do not hibernate for several years in winter.

Russian legislation

Currently, hundreds of such stations operate in the Russian Federation. They are based in their activity on the fact that the law does not prohibit a pick-up station. What is it, today almost everyone knows well.

Therefore, official petitions were repeatedly sent to the federal parliament and the head of state with a demand to ban them. However, no effective reaction has yet occurred.

Violation of applicable laws


At the same time zoodefenders argue that their existence they violate some existing laws. For example, an article in the Civil Code prohibiting animal cruelty. And both with domestic and wild, which can be found in captivity.

As well as the provisions of the federal law "On the animal world", which prohibits the breeding of wild animals in captivity, and also obliges them to be treated exclusively in humane ways and methods.

Also, according to activists, the actions of the owners of the docking stations fall under the article of the Criminal Code of Russia on animal cruelty. However, in fact, there are no judicial precedents regarding the application of these articles to station holders.

Stations Abroad


In the countries of the European Union, animals are protected more carefully. Even at the level of regulatory documents. If in Europe an animal is considered a special object of law, which is capable of feelings and suffers suffering, then in Russia they are equated with things. At least, such a provision is contained in the 137th article of the Civil Code.

On this basis, in most civilized European countries, gravitational stations are prohibited by law. Or the engagement is carried out so that the wild animal does not receive damage. For example, for this purpose a glass is installed in a hole through which the dog sees a predator, but cannot harm it.