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The problems of the information society. The dangers of the information society. Information Wars

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The problems of the information society. The dangers of the information society. Information Wars
The problems of the information society. The dangers of the information society. Information Wars

Video: A secret information war with North Korea | The Economist 2024, July

Video: A secret information war with North Korea | The Economist 2024, July

In the modern world, the Internet has become a global environment. His connections easily cross all borders, connecting consumer markets, citizens from different countries, while destroying the concept of national borders. Thanks to the Internet, we easily receive any information and instantly contact its suppliers.

The rapid development of the information environment has shaped the concept of the information society. Along with the progress came certain negative consequences. The problems of the information society are on a par with the development of new relationships, negative conditions and new conflicts are being formed for both man and society.


The concept of the information society

To begin with, we’ll figure out what is called the “post-industrial” or information society of the 21st century.

The very concept of "information society" took root in the United States as far back as the 70s of the last century, when the time came for the post-industrial space.

So, between the terms “postindustrial” and “informational” one can put an equal sign, since in everyday activities a society cannot do without new knowledge and technologies.

The concept of post-industrial time is the latest historical phase in the development of human civilization, where knowledge and awareness can be called the most important products - these are the main features of the information society.

In turn, a postindustrial society has a priority in the service sector; they dominate production volumes. In them, the number of working people is increasing every year. All this despite certain problems of the information society, which undoubtedly arise in the process of life.


Features of a post-industrial society

Post-industrial society is developing rapidly. If at the end of the last century the industry was the main one, then already the 21st century has taken its informational positions in almost all corners of the planet. The leading places go to services.

The main features of the information society are:

  • the role of knowledge and the possession of information are at the forefront of society;

  • the share of products, services related to cognitive communications is growing significantly;

  • a global information space is being created that provides interaction between people, accessibility, openness of network resources, and meeting the needs of everyone in information services and products.

The service sector is understood as an extensive service to the population. It was here that the global infrastructure was born, which plays a huge role in the information society.

Cognitive technologies are used almost everywhere; they have fundamentally changed social reality.

Digital Inequalities, Problems of the Information Society Formation

The use of the information space as a whole in the world is completely disproportionate. At the same time, there is a division of people into those who have the skills to understand the computer, the Internet, as well as those who do not possess them. Thus, the problems of the formation of the information society are formed. For example, in the developed European countries, the USA, and Asia, the number of people using a computer significantly exceeds all others. In Africa, this figure is minimal. In general, access to information technology is directly related to the economic development of the state.

Also, the problem is related to the level of information in a particular country. It is no secret that in Russia the regions are provided differently with communication capabilities. The information structure has various levels of development. This is explained not only by the remoteness of objects. “Digital Inequality” is manifested due to economic, organizational, moral and ethical reasons.


Legal Regulation

Listing the problems of the modern information society, first of all, it is necessary to say about the legal settlement. Modern technologies open access to various services: distance learning, electronic commerce, information retrieval and so on. All this can cause a number of legal problems. These include the distribution of prohibited, obscene materials, fraudulent acts, copyright infringement. In solving these problems, the state must certainly participate. It should monitor what information services are provided to the public and direct them in the right direction. The problems of the Internet are global, and they can be solved only by relying on international cooperation.

In maintaining order in the information society, legal regulation plays a crucial role.

Personality problems in the information society

The influence of the information society on the individual is increasingly studied by researchers. Related problems are divided into social, psychological, value, ethical.

The problems of the development of the information society also arise due to the unification of the mass consciousness of the population. People use the same large-scale information products (advertising, news, entertainment), especially young people are affected. National identity is lost in the world of information, ethical principles are violated, language is degrading. The psychological impact on the public and individual consciousness of more developed countries suppress political, cultural and economic independence.

Virtual reality, a hardly distinguishable illusion, creates mental or psychological problems in fragile individuals, more often this refers to the younger generation. Creating his space in the virtual world, a person may lose the adequacy of perception of the real. With the massive increase in the volume of various information, due to its oversupply, it is becoming increasingly difficult for people to sift out unnecessary information. The imposed information is capable of manipulating the minds of society. Thus, the information society is losing its stability.


Freedom within

Speaking about the danger of the information society, it is worth mentioning attempts by the state to control certain types of activities, which jeopardize personal freedom. At the same time, there are problems of restricting information in conditions of easily accessible, open, easily filled networks.

The education system is changing. Remote and multimedia technologies for learning allow you to discover the individual inclinations of the child. But if you look at it on the other hand, from a moral and ethical point of view, the role of a teacher-mentor in such an educational process completely disappears.

The problem remains the protection of the security of personal data, the observance of the rights of the author and producers of information in electronic form.

Finally, discussing the impact on the personality, one can pay attention to the physical aspect. A sedentary, inactive lifestyle does not contribute to spiritual and physical development, and this ultimately affects not only health, but also mental abilities.

Information Wars

Information weapon is a combination of unauthorized access to electronic information and the incapacitation of various control systems. This may include systems that manage the armed forces, the country as a whole, government infrastructures, and more. There is a probability of destruction of energy, transport, atomic systems. At the same time, the army and navy may find themselves in a helpless position, unable to repulse the enemy’s attack, and resist aggression. Information wars can lead to leaders being cut off from the necessary reports. They will be unable to make critical decisions.

The use of information weapons can be compared with the use of the most terrible means of mass destruction. It goes directly to people. Various methods of propaganda, promotions, misinformation form public opinion and are able to change value orientations. The impact of the information field is so huge that it can simply “zombify” the population.


Information Confrontation

One of the dangers of the information society is confrontation. It manifests itself in the monopoly of the computer technology manufacturer, as well as in the aggravation of competition among information disseminators on the world market. In this case, “power” impacts on rivals are used.

This factor is one of the most dangerous and is of an economic and political nature. Legal means to neutralize it is almost impossible.

The confrontation over the capture of the information monopoly is manifested, for example, when Microsoft operating systems were installed and dominated on the market, their products have been filling the global market for operating systems for decades.


The problems of the information society include cybercrime on their list. The massive use of high technology, computers leads to the latest offenses, which in the last century could not be conceived. The spread of various malicious programs, viruses on the Web is becoming global. At the same time, thousands of systems in the entire great world space suffer. In addition, the mass Internet, the absence of restrictions leads to the dominance of "dirty" information, which destroys the moral image of mankind. In these matters, global intervention by global structures is required.

Penetration into personal space


Significant problems of the information society, such as protecting privacy from outsiders. The eventual existence of any person, especially a famous one, has always been an increased object of attention of the whole society, and of the state. Human life has always been declared a great value. In the information society, the protection of personal space has become much more complicated. Technologies and tools make it possible to turn a closed system into a transparent one.

Using either mobile phone, any of us rarely thinks that information may become available to unauthorized persons. This has long been not a technical problem for prying ears and eyes. However, this is not the only problem. Massive sources form databases containing personal information. This circumstance also poses a threat of violation of frequent life.
