
Gaiduchok Evgeny Iosifovich: predictions of the future

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Gaiduchok Evgeny Iosifovich: predictions of the future
Gaiduchok Evgeny Iosifovich: predictions of the future

This amazing person, Yevgeny Iosifovich Gaiduchok, was an alien from the twenty-third century, accidentally "stuck" here by coincidence. However, in our time, his life passed with absolute benefit. He became not just a futurologist and researcher of anomalous phenomena, he knew the story perfectly (what’s most interesting, he knew in advance everything that she was going to "play" with humanity, remembered the dates two hundred years ahead and didn’t mix up any).

Yevgeny Iosifovich Gaiduchok painted beautifully, wrote poetry, created a local history museum and directed it for many years. The chronology of human history, invented and made by hand through painting, did not end with the twentieth century, which he did not survive, but stretched to the twenty-second. The most interesting thing is that Yevgeny Iosifovich Gaiduchok “Tape of Time” left us with the events of Perestroika, the collapse of the Soviet Union and many other misfortunes, displayed exactly to the day.

Since E.I. died The gaiter on October 19, 1991, and M. S. Gorbachev abandoned his homeland only in December of this year, we can conclude that the time traveler is quite effective. And one could see what will happen next …


Sending home

To such an excellent education, which was discovered by a twelve-year-old boy who arrived on a time machine - Yevgeny Iosifovich Gaiduchok, today there are not even any prerequisites. The modern school - both high and high - so leave much to be desired that one can not start a conversation about it so as not to wallow in endless indignation. But, apparently, this situation will be corrected over time, and it pleases. Nevertheless, Yevgeny Iosifovich Gaiduchok realized that in the future there are certain gaps in the knowledge of history (we see how persistently they falsify it), and therefore he collected many millions of newspaper and magazine clippings with articles, with illustrations. A huge information archive turned out, which from floor to ceiling occupied the entire roomy basement. The predictions of Yevgeny Iosifovich Gaiduchka suggest that the addressee of the twenty-third century will surely receive his message.

But after his death, strange phenomena began to occur. They decided to move the archive from the basement and on the way they either lost most of it, or the loaders decided that it was something materially valuable. Another significant part of the remaining burned in the fire. Storage was handled by his wife, Elizaveta Petrovna Gayduchok-Meskhi. She survived her husband for exactly five years. She died on the same day - October 19, and at the same hour. Only in 1996. Further, the daughter was engaged in the archive. Most likely, as the famous ufologists say, the archive was precisely taken and it reached the address. Therefore, it disappeared without a trace. Eugene Gaiduchok spoke about the future without fear, he was absolutely sure of it. And the time machine, which he hijacked without demand, as now the kids take someone else's bike to ride, was clearly not the last or the only one in that future. They must have arrived, found and taken away to study quietly, so that no one would understand anything.


Future spaceport

It is unlikely that anyone will believe today that a future metropolis is located near Volgograd, from where ships will fly in all directions - to alien stars, and in remote times. There are some places in Russia, very beloved by domestic ufologists, and one of them is the banks of the Medveditsa River on the Volga Upland. The nearest city is called Zhirnovsk, it was there that Yevgeny Gayduchok settled after the Great Patriotic War. His predictions are strange, although very detailed. All the inhabitants of St. Petersburg will move here in the twenty-first century, since an unprecedented flood will occur and the city will be flooded forever. And not only will he suffer, the entire map of the world will undergo tremendous changes.

And Zhirnovsk will be a metropolis. This is a very good place for a spaceport. Ufologists say that aliens have long taken his fancy. The predictions of Yevgeny Iosifovich Gaiduchka largely coincide with the stories of these people, most of which he had never seen in his life. Oil is produced in Zhirnovsk, and therefore in a small town there are many amenities that are not yet on the periphery of modern Russia. Back in 1959, the beautiful Palace of Culture was built. There is an art school, four ordinary schools, six kindergartens, a college, a technical school, a training center, a stadium, libraries, as well as a local history museum, where Yevgeny Iosifovich Gaiduchok directed. The "tape of time" was there in the 70s.



Zhirnovsk has probably never seen so many strangers. The most famous ufologists gathered in one of the famous anomalous zones, where a flying UFO in the sky has long surprised no one. And the reason for such an invasion was another find made by the Cosmopoisk group, led by Vadim Chernobrov. This is the only person whom Yevgeny Iosifovich Gaiduchok once trusted completely and completely. His biography was so strange that Vadim, of course, immediately decided only that this person was not of this world. Not in a good and proper sense of the word. But time passed - and Chernobrov believed, only this time sincerely. And so, in 2015, he personally managed to find an ancient spaceship, petrified from time to time.

All researchers agreed that, most likely, stone disks (there are several dozen of them - from half a meter to four meters in diameter) are the remains of a flying object of extraterrestrial civilization. They were discovered near a strange quarry. The disks, as if drawn by a compass, are even and smooth, not at all like the whims of nature. It was not possible to lift and transport the largest immediately, the crane could not stand it. And the smallest was transferred to the museum, where Yevgeny Iosifovich Gaiduchok left his "Time Tape". The remaining discs are being studied: you need to look at what are the cavities inside and what the original material consists of, overgrown with stone over millions of years. Local people in UFOs do not just believe, they live with it, and therefore no surprise was expressed, but everyone came to see a round stone disk. And Vadim Chernobrov recalled the past.



It was this year that a guest from the future visited the still unknown fellow countryman in Moscow. Vadim graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, considered the problems of time travel, about which he wrote an article that was currently in the editorial desk. Gayduchok also tried to convey greetings from the twenty-third century to a future writer and UFO researcher, where he read his book on the design of a time machine. A book that has not yet been. But there will be, and not one. Even an experimental prototype of the machine will be built.

Chernobrov became interested, although he did not believe much. Then Evgeny Iosifovich Gaiduchok revealed predictions about Russia to him. The Yeltsin surname in Sverdlovsk was only known, and that is hardly all. The collapse of the Soviet Union. The war and the collapse of Yugoslavia. In 1985, Chernobrov did not twist his finger at the temple. And then it all began to come true.

In our time, Evgeny Iosifovich was born in 1915. His parents are very real, many people were familiar with them. But his grandfather is really a native of the Balkans, it is not clear how he ended up in Russia. He was adopted, he was given a surname nicknamed Haiduchok (small heyduk). Nevertheless, in the biography of Yevgeny Iosifovich, a lot seems very strange and not to our time. Already in the seventies, such newspapers as Kommunist, Pravda, and Red Star wrote about him. The most serious publications, just as seriously asking this question: "Who is the Hydeuchok really?" Even among our contemporaries, a definite answer has not yet appeared, although Gayduchok wrote a poem about a mobile phone in 1980. A decade and a half before he appeared. And he wrote about the Internet at the same time.


In the future, everyone will be kind!

So, the boy in the twenty-third century decided to impress the girl he liked and drove her to ride a stolen time machine. Neither an ion emitter, nor a blaster for the worst, didn’t capture anything. And then something went wrong. "Bolivar cannot stand two!" - the crying girl flew home, and the boy remained in the "dark" times that he hated. And, since he knew too much (and too many, about which below), the bloody Stalin reached out: they sent poor Gaiduchka to a political prisoner camp. Then they released for some reason, they called up the army, and even made a political instructor. He predicted the war, one of his colleagues confessed, as Chernobrov writes. They planned to celebrate the dismissal on a grand scale on Sunday, and Gaiduchok said that on this day they would not have fun. And he predicted the end date of the war. Well, they didn’t believe it. How so, we will throw their hats.

There are quite a lot of stories on the Internet about the predictions, life and work of Gaiduchka, but this phenomenon cannot be called massive in any way. Mostly the same people write and discuss everywhere. And this also seems strange. How much interest some videos and photos, for example, depict a man from the early forties in a modern sweater, dark glasses and a movie camera, a soldier of 1914, as if scrolling through a message on a mobile phone screen, or in a film with Charlie Chaplin, a lady in the background, clearly talking by mobile phone. And here was a living person from the twenty-third century, and for some reason people did not appreciate this phenomenon. The gaiter in the city was very loved. Many students, friends, family, and all the inhabitants knew him well. They note that he was very kind. Just to the absolute strangeness kind. I would like to see the future just like that!



In an ordinary Leningrad school, an ordinary class experienced a terrific event: the famous Herbert Wells came to them and wrote about a journey by time machine! It was in this school and in this class that Eugene Gaiduchok studied. And it was with him that the author of everyone's favorite books spoke. And Eugene answered. In clear and fluent English.

Now it is hardly possible to prove how true this legend is. Later, at the age of fifteen, Gaiduchok began working as a seller in the department of exact sciences and technology of the Leningrad Book House. The specialization is specific, but I managed to get to know Olesha and Bulgakov, Shulzhenko and Bernes, Korneev and Lebedinsky, Oleinik and Marshak. Kirov himself willingly talked to him. And Eugene decided to become a director, for which he entered the theater school, from where he went straight to Siberia.

"Tape of time"

Paintings Gayduchok Evgeny Iosifovich always painted quite professionally. It was from them that the “Tape of Time" consisted of, about which there is now so much talk. In the seventies, these numerous, oblong, oblong canvases hung in the local history museum of Zhirnovsk. But our time cannot be called good. The historical museum in the 90s already after the death of its director experienced a very difficult period, was even deprived of most of the premises. And when it was possible to restore the rights to them, it turned out that the bulk of the paintings disappeared from the archive. Earlier, there were at least a hundred ready-made works in the “Time Tape” (and the author did not have time to finish the entire exposition - time is displayed up to the twenty-first century, inclusive).

The paintings hung under the ceiling in chronological order, one after another - a giant ribbon. There was also an album on A4 paper, where Evgeny Iosifovich Gayduchok also performed drawings and poems. There is no full “Time Tape” photo. But from what remains, we can conclude that the author of the view of history coincides with a certain Fomenko. Maybe that’s why he shared few ideas with anyone: historians will condemn. And, most interestingly, the fate of the “Time Tape” fully repeats the fate of the multi-ton archive of postcards and newspaper clippings and the disappeared time machine with a crying girl on board. The Palace of Culture, where paintings were also stored, burned down. Only that part of the work that was in the museum has been preserved - two dozen of it.

Gaiduchok Yevgeny Iosifovich wrote poetry to illustrate each painting. So it was predicted the appearance of high-speed transport, mobile communications, events in Nagorno-Karabakh and many other today's realities back in the 70s and 80s, when, it would seem, nothing was foretelling.

At the time of captivity

Even Evgeny Iosifovich Gaiduchok does not look our way. The photo shows us a face with an extremely sharp and attentive look, as if he is somewhere not here and is looking at incredibly distant things. In newspaper chronicles of different years and different countries quite often appeared and appear messages about aliens from past or future times. Those who managed to capture, differed precisely in this piercing gaze.

For example, the Nepalese time traveler Said Nahano, with indescribable sadness, stated that their situation was completely different in 3044. And another wanderer decided to visit Japan at her most tragic hour and arrived here, three hundred years into the future, to prevent her death. Such people are described in Serbia, France, Sweden, Belarus, Kazakhstan. They were in the Crimea, and in the Urals, and Altai. The quantity of newspaper "ducks" cannot be so huge and varied.


Distant past

They won’t lie for sure. Historical chronicles also captured such phenomena. Alexei Mikhailovich quietly ruled the Russian Empire, when right in front of his court a suddenly dressed man appeared in some wonderful caftan of some demonic cut. This strange newcomer told about the past and future, about the secret and overt, and even about the royal dynasty! Executed from sin. And at the end of the nineteenth century, a document is dated (1897, St. Petersburg, the interrogation protocol), in which one Sergiy Krapivin admits that he lives in Angarsk and works on computers. We felt sorry for the poor fellow and placed him in a madhouse.

The Canadian Museum has a photo checked for the absence of Photoshop. Everything is usually on it: 1941, summer, a lot of people on the street, and among them there is a man in a jacket with a printed emblem, a beautiful haircut from about the 2000s, in branded sunglasses, and a portable camera in his hands. So, our Gaiduchok ten years before Volkov’s writing “The Wizard of the Emerald City” already told his daughter this wonderful tale, as if calling Scarecrow, Ironman, Ellie and Goodwin. And in the forties he told how the earth looked from space, about weightlessness, about a spacesuit …