
Museum of Local Lore, Kemerovo: History and Exhibitions

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Museum of Local Lore, Kemerovo: History and Exhibitions
Museum of Local Lore, Kemerovo: History and Exhibitions

All major cities have their own museum of local lore. Kemerovo is no exception. This city is the administrative center and ranks second in terms of population in its area. The Museum of Local Lore in Kemerovo is the oldest in Kuzbass.

History of the museum

The Museum of Local Lore (Kemerovo) was opened on October 6, 1929. Initially, the building was located in the city of Scheglovsk, in the Palace of Labor. The museum had several departments:

  • geological;

  • agricultural;

  • industrial;

  • antireligious.

The departments kept many collections and 3835 books on all possible topics. After the museum was opened, it was led by S.K. Kumashinskaya. In 1929, S.F. Ivanov became the director. In 1932, the city of Scheglovsk was renamed Kemerovo. Accordingly, the museum was named the city.


In January of the thirty-fifth year, the People's Commissariat of Education elevated the institution to the status of a polytechnic. The first ten years the Museum of Local Lore (Kemerovo) exhibited monuments of the revolution, participated in school conferences, organized circles and conducted excursions with the help of teachers. In 1937, F.V. Vinogradov became the director of a cultural institution. Since 1939, V. S. Danilenko began to manage the museum

War years

The period from 1941 to 1955 was a real test for a cultural object. During the Great Patriotic War, evacuated enterprises were located in the building of the Palace of Labor. Collections were constantly moving to schools, apartments, cinemas. All these frequent travels, cold and dampness spoiled many exhibits, which were not subsequently restored or were lost.


Until 1943, the Museum of Local Lore (Kemerovo) was part of the system of public urban education. In the same year, the NKP of the RSFSR issued an order to elevate a cultural object to the status of a regional. In 1955, A. I. Martynov became the director of the museum. He underwent a major reorganization, and two years later the building reopened for visitors.

Museum Description

An ancient cultural site located in the center of Kemerovo. The Museum of Local Lore, whose poster is not only located in the city, but also published on many Internet resources, currently has three separate buildings that stand next to each other. Exhibitions are organized in a modern way. Many have video chronicles that can be viewed on a 3D screen. The expositions collected in them are divided into four parts:

  • pre-revolutionary and modern history;

  • nature;

  • military history;

  • memorial workshop of the artist Kirchanov.

Museum funds have been replenished for many years, their asset has reached one hundred thousand copies. They were brought from expeditions, business trips, from archaeological sites, etc. Collections are divided into separate groups:

  • numismatics;

  • ethnography;

  • faleristics;

  • documentary;

  • paleontology;

  • archeology;

  • rare book.

The second and third museum buildings

In 1975, the museum received the second building - on the Pritomskaya embankment. There was opened an exhibition dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. Since then, the department has expanded significantly. In 1985, another building was given over to the museum - a former art gallery located on Sovetsky Prospekt. Part of the premises was immediately used by the cultural institution to store exhibits.

The first exhibition in the regional museum of Kemerovo, opened in the third building, was dedicated to the Soviet government. In 1994, a new exhibition from the department of crafts and crafts was exhibited. A separate wing of the building was allocated for the museum workshop of the artist A. Kirchanov. Exhibitions are held using not only existing exhibits.

Gift Collection Tuleev

The museum has its own zest. This is a whole collection of gifts that were intended for the governor of the region Tuleyev. The unique collection began to be collected from the ninety-seventh year and is still constantly updated. It includes exclusive second-hand books, sculpture, painting and many other items.
