
A popcorn seller built a jet plane for lessons on the Internet. However, he failed to demonstrate the flight: the man was arrested by the police

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A popcorn seller built a jet plane for lessons on the Internet. However, he failed to demonstrate the flight: the man was arrested by the police
A popcorn seller built a jet plane for lessons on the Internet. However, he failed to demonstrate the flight: the man was arrested by the police

Video: Man arrested for testing his flying machine, Pakpattan Popcorn Seller invented Plane, First Plane PK 2024, July

Video: Man arrested for testing his flying machine, Pakpattan Popcorn Seller invented Plane, First Plane PK 2024, July

To fulfill their cherished dream, some people are ready to overcome any difficulties. So did the resident of the small Pakistani village of Tabur, located in the province of Punjab (Punjab). He assembled an aircraft from improvised materials and carried out his first (and so far the only) flight on it.

A chidhood dream

Muhammad Fayyaz (Muhammad Fayyaz) "dreamed of the sky" from early childhood. His cherished dream was to become a military pilot. However, fate "ordered" otherwise. When Muhammad was in eighth grade, his father suddenly died, and the young man became the head of the family. In his care were his mother, as well as five younger brothers and sisters. Therefore, I had to drop out of school. To feed his family, Muhammad did a very different job. However, even having matured, he did not cease to dream of conquering the sky. To build an aircraft on his own, Muhammad needed information that he tried to find by all available means.

Self-education and creation of an aircraft

Every professional aviator is familiar with concepts such as traction, propulsion, air pressure, torque, or axial load. A Pakistani enthusiast received information about them by regularly watching the television series Air Crash Investigation, which aired on the American popular science channel The National Geographic Channel. Naturally, the knowledge gained to create their own aircraft was clearly not enough. Muhammad decided to get acquainted with projects of the same as he "do-it-yourselfers." But access to cheap Internet was only in the neighboring city. In the end, having spent a lot of time on numerous trips, Muhammad got acquainted with a large number of online projects of "homegrown" aviators. Having systematized all the acquired knowledge, he made a drawing of his future “brainchild”.

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In order to purchase all the necessary details, Muhammad got two jobs at once: during the day he traded in popcorn, and at night served as a security guard. The 32-year-old Pakistani saved on everything, but there was clearly not enough financial means. Therefore, he sold part of the family land, took a loan from a non-governmental microfinance organization in the amount of 50, 000 rupees (22, 800 rubles) and proceeded to purchase spare parts. As a power plant, the seller of popcorn decided to use an engine from an asphalt road cutter. To close the wing frame, he bought the necessary amount of tarpaulin. The chassis of the future aircraft "aircraft engineer" decided to make the wheels of a motorcycle rickshaw. When everything needed was bought, Muhammad began to build an aircraft. Despite the constant ridicule of neighbors and reproaches of his mother, the Pakistani continued his “thorny” path to the realization of his cherished dream. And, in the end, a small, fragile-looking, bright blue painted airplane was built.


Aircraft Test

The exciting moment of the first flight has arrived. It happened in February 2019. As a runway, the enthusiastic aviator decided to use the section of the nearest road, which Muhammad’s friends had blocked in advance for the passage of vehicles. The tiny home-made plane accelerated, took off the ground and flew. The newly minted pilot was “over the moon” with happiness. Later, one of the witnesses of this event Amer Hussein (Ameer Hussain) shared details with the correspondent of the news agency France Presse (AFP). He claimed that at the time of separation from the ground, the speed of the aircraft was 120 km / h. Amer clearly recorded this figure on the speedometer of his motorcycle, on which he rode next to the plane throughout the "experiment". For some, the technical indicators of the first flight will seem simply ridiculous: the height above the ground is only about 70 cm, and the length (to a successful “soft” landing) is 2.5-3 km. But Muhammad was simply happy even from such modest results.

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Sudden arrest

“Inspired” by his first success, Muhammad decided to demonstrate the capabilities of his “airliner” to all the villagers. The “pilot” decided to make his second flight on March 23, 2019. The date was not chosen by chance. After all, it was a national holiday - Pakistan Day. Around the house of Muhammad gathered hundreds of villagers. Everyone wanted to make sure that the information about the first successful flight was not a "fairy tale". But at that moment local police officers drove up to the house of the “engineer”. The “aviator” himself was arrested, and his aircraft was confiscated. As one of the officers subsequently stated, the flight could pose a threat to the safety of residents gathered for the holiday.

According to the court, Muhammad paid a fine of 3, 000 rupees (1, 250 rubles) and was released. The aircraft was returned to its rightful owner. Police officer Zafar Iqbal explained to the "designer" that he was forbidden to fly until he received the appropriate license or permission.