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The origin of the surname Lazarev: history, versions, meaning

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The origin of the surname Lazarev: history, versions, meaning
The origin of the surname Lazarev: history, versions, meaning

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Video: Brief History of the Royal Family 2024, July

At present, it is difficult to imagine that a few centuries ago, few had a family name. We take the generic name for granted and for granted. Many do not even think about where it came from, how it was formed, what its history is. Today there are a huge number of family names. They were formed by reflecting the appearance or character traits of a person. There are surnames that descended from a geographical name. But the most common are those that are formed on behalf of or on behalf of the craft and profession of a person. And what are the versions of the origin of the name Lazarev? How was she educated? What is her story?

Origin of the surname

The origin of the surname Lazarev is associated with a personal name and refers to the common way of forming generic names. After the official baptism ceremony, every Orthodox Christian received from the clergyman a baptismal church name, which served to provide a person with a personal name.


Thus, the basis of the surname Lazarev lay the church Lazarus. Often, the Slavs attached the name of their father or grandfather to the name of the newborn baby, thus denoting the child's belonging to a particular genus. This is due, first of all, to the fact that there were not so many baptismal names entered in the Saints, they were repeated all the time. The middle name or grandfather's name helped solve the problem of personal identification. Subsequently, these names were transformed into the generic names of the descendants.

Lazarus - the church name, comes from the Jewish Elazar, which translates as "God helped." It was very common in the XIX-XX centuries, but is currently very rare. In Russian, it is associated with two winged expressions: “Singing Lazarus” - which means “begging, begging”, and “Poor as Lazarus” - means “extreme poverty and frustration”.

It is possible that the origin of the Lazarev surname is associated with the common nickname Lazar, in some dialects it means “dodger”, “flatterer”, “lazy student”.


In the XV-XVI centuries in the Russian Empire surnames began to be fixed and inherited, which denoted a person's belonging to a particular family and kind. So, the descendants of a man named Lazarus eventually got this surname.

In the bible

Lazarus in the Bible is Martha’s brother from Bethany, who hospitably received Christ. Lazarus was seriously ill, and when Christ came to their house, it turned out that he was dead for four days. Martha and Jesus went to the tomb of Lazarus, in whom Jesus said: “Lazarus, go from here!”, He rose and went with his feet. After this miracle, he lived another 40 years and became a bishop in Cyprus.

Jewish version

The origin of the surname Lazarev could be associated with the male Jewish name Eliezar, which means "My God is my help." Jews in the Russian Empire were given last names from the end of the 18th century, after the annexation of the lands of Poland. In those days, Catherine the Great, along with the western regions, acquired a large number of Jews.


They did not have surnames, and in order to find out the number of new subjects, she introduced a population census, which began to be carried out once every 10 years. This was the time when everyone was given surnames. Last names were formed either by the name of one of the parents, or by profession, or by appearance.


There are three noble families of the Lazarevs of both Russian and Armenian origin: from Grigory Lazarev, Timofey Lazarev, Philip and two more families who acquired the nobility thanks to the bureaucratic service: from Nikolai and Alexander Lazarev.

Some of them and the branch to which Admiral Lazarev Mikhail Petrovich belongs have a common ancestor. The descendants of Grigory Lazarev, owned at the beginning of the XVII century estates in the Nizhny Novgorod province. Among them - Admiral Lazarev M.P., Russian navigator, naval commander, admiral. He made three round the world expeditions, as a result of one of them, together with Bellingshausen F.F., discovered Antarctica.


The descendants of Timothy were landowners in the middle of the XVII century in the Kazan province. The noble families are included in the 4th part of the genealogy book, and they belong to those branches whose proof of the noble dignity is impossible and whose origin is shrouded in mystery. The history of the noble beginning has been going on for more than 100 years.