
Origin of the name Uvarov: roots, history of origin, meaning

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Origin of the name Uvarov: roots, history of origin, meaning
Origin of the name Uvarov: roots, history of origin, meaning

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Video: A new view on Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812: a lecture by historian Evgeny Ponasenkov 2024, July

The number of currently known surnames is huge. Some come from appearance or personality traits, others from occupation or place of residence. You always want to know the origin of your surname - who were your ancestors, whose surname you now bear. In this article we will consider the origin of the surname Uvarov, its meaning, etymology, who wore it from famous people.


The origin of the surname Uvarov is Russian in 50 cases out of a hundred, about 30% is Belarusian, Ukrainian - 5%, Serbian or Bulgarian - 5%, the remaining 10 belong to the languages ​​of the nationalities of the Russian Federation (Tatars, Buryats, Bashkirs, etc.).

No matter what nation you belong to, your distant male ancestor got his last name from his occupation, name or place of residence.


One of the most plausible versions of where the name Uvarov came from is expressed by the linguistic historian Yuri Fedosyuk. He believes that the ancestor was called by the Greek name Uar, in common people - Uva, Uvar. Even the Greeks themselves do not remember what the name means, but, according to one version, it meant "timeliness." In Orthodoxy, this name is known thanks to the great martyr Huara of Egypt.


Another theory explaining the origin of the surname Uvarov is from the occupation. He was a cook, and the root "boil" came from the Old Slavonic word "var" - heat. According to the dictionary of V.I. Dahl, ovar means:

decrease in brew from boiling.

But this word has a flip side, because the second meaning of this word is to digest. That is, the origin of the surname Uvarov comes from a nickname that a not very good owner could get. After all, he constantly digested food, made it tasteless.

The third theory is where the name Uvarov came from - from the Greek word "uva" - which means "grape brush" in Russian.

A word could come to us from the Lithuanian (Latvian) language, where verdu means "boil", in the Armenian language there is also a cognate word varem - "I light."

Whatever the meaning of the Uvarov surname, you can wear it with pride, because many people with that surname have become famous.

Who wore it?

For the first time the surname Uvarov is found in records dated 1482, Chernysh Uvarov is mentioned there. There is an old document which indicates that in the battle with the Tatars near Moscow in 1571, residents of the city of Tula Nikita and Ivan Uvarov were killed.

The ancestor of the Russian noble family of the Uvarovs was the son of Murza Minchak Kosaevich, who after baptism became Simeon back in the days of Prince Vasily Dmitrievich. Uvar Semenovich became the owner of the Pskov lands.

Alexander Artamonovich, who was an associate of Suvorov during the capture of Ishmael, was known as the adjutant wing and served under Empress Catherine II herself.

The genus of the Uvarovs is included in the family book of the Tula and Moscow provinces, the second branch of the surname is included in the family books of Kharkov and Tver. It is found in the records of the Simbirsk province.

Count Alexei Sergeevich Uvarov and his wife Praskovya Sergeevna were engaged in archeology and contributed to the study of Russian history. The President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the researcher of antiquity and literature, Sergei Semenovich, also bore this name.


Do you know the Arc de Triomphe on Stachek Square in St. Petersburg? But the money for its construction was allocated by General Fedor Uvarov.

But these are all historical figures. Are personalities with such an ancient surname known today? Of course. And, above all, this is Alexander Uvarov - stuntman, stunt director and actor. His most famous works are the series "Foundry" and the film "Sniper".


Another contemporary with a famous surname is Honored Artist of Russia Vladimir Uvarov. Now he is not only an actor of the Theater. Vakhtangov in Vladikavkaz, but also its artistic director.