the culture

The origin and meaning of the word "kugut"

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The origin and meaning of the word "kugut"
The origin and meaning of the word "kugut"

The meaning of the word “kugut” has a contemptuous connotation, the adage is addressed to people who are near, stubborn, ignorant. Most often it is used as a synonym for "redneck" or with the figurative meaning of the word "cock". Where did this insult come from, what is its history, and what does the word “kugut” really mean?


In the Hutsul dialect of Western Ukraine, the claw is called a domestic rooster, a male black grouse bird and a bunch of cock feathers on a hat. The word sounds like “kogut” with accent on the first syllable and probably comes from the Polish language, in which kogut also means rooster. Kogut has a diminutive and magnifying magnifying form of the word: kogutik, kogutishche. This interpretation is given by the dictionary of the Ukrainian language, published in 1970-1980, Academy of Sciences of the Urals Republic of Ural Republic. An example of a Western Ukrainian proverb: "Two claws, like two mistresses, will never come to an agreement." But why did kogut change to kugut and the meaning of the word became offensive?


Vulgarism and jargon

Even before the revolution, the word “kugut” appeared in the criminal language of the Russian-speaking population of Odessa. It could get into the language environment of the port city from migrants from territories belonging to modern Western Ukraine, or from Polish Jews. The word had two meanings, and both were used with a derogatory meaning. As a designation of a rooster, it has become synonymous with a word denoting people of non-traditional sexual orientation. Kuguts also called the most unworthy individuals from the category of goons.