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The origin of the word "mother in law" in Russian

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The origin of the word "mother in law" in Russian
The origin of the word "mother in law" in Russian

Video: Where do Monsters come from? 2024, June

Video: Where do Monsters come from? 2024, June

Most women have a lump in their throat with the word "mother-in-law". Love the cute "mothers" to harm the daughter-in-law. Of course, there are good mother-in-law who adore their daughter-in-law, nurse their grandchildren with rapture and tell everyone what kind of golden wife their son got.

What is the origin of the word mother-in-law? Especially embarrassing is the "blood." Not only as it reflects the essence of the husband’s mother. Let us dwell on this in more detail.

Who is mother in law

In Russian, mother-in-law is called the mother-in-law. As early as the beginning of the 20th century, this word was given the following definition: a woman who came from outside, but who has her own rights in the family. By the way, this value has been preserved to this day. In Serbian, the mother-in-law is a newcomer woman in the family. However, it plays a significant role in the family.


Lyrical digression

What is the origin and meaning of the word mother-in-law? We will talk about this later, and now consider the relationship between the husband’s mother and daughter-in-law.

Why do mother-in-law for the most part so dislike the acquired "daughters"? It would seem that the son grew up, married. He gave birth to grandchildren, he does not forget about his mother. Grandchildren are drawn to grandmother. What else does?

The mother-in-law begins to gnaw the daughter-in-law. What is the fault of the spouse of the son? It’s just that she appeared in the family.

When a child grows up, it is difficult for parents, especially mothers, to accept and understand. There is some internal crisis. Other mothers do everything to tie their son or daughter to themselves. Others humble themselves and let go. But if the former eat the daughter-in-law as a result, destroying the family, the latter do it quietly and imperceptibly. Having done disgust, they begin to groan and lament, telling their son that they wanted to help. And there it is. The daughter-in-law begins to deny her guilt, to prove that the cute "mommy" did everything on purpose. The result is a conflict.

Why does the mother-in-law do this? From jealousy. The son grew up, and some new girl takes him from his mother. How does it feel to give your bloodstream? So the mother-in-law begins to bite her daughter-in-law. And then it gnaws completely.


Origin of the word

What is the origin of the word "mother in law" in Russian? It came from the Pre-Slavic language. And there, in turn, from the Indo-European. The mother-in-law has two meanings: "holy blood" or "own blood."

For some reason, earlier, special attention in languages ​​was paid to the relatives of the husband. And as for blood, bitter irony is appropriate here: the mother-in-law "drinks blood."

Mother-in-law in Russia

What is this mother-in-law? More precisely, who?

In Russia, it was customary to turn to mother-in-law "mother". It is believed that this word is a derivative of "father-in-law". "Father-in-law" is the father of the husband, according to the pro-Slavic meaning.

In the old days, a young family lived with her husband's parents. Until they put their hut. And then the young daughter-in-law had a hard time. Mother-in-law most often liked to "strangle" daughter-in-law at work. Yes, and "hump" could hit. It was impossible to complain, complain or give back. The poor thing could not even say anything to her parents. There is only one answer: be patient.

It is good if the husband had the brains to stand up for his wife and not allow such an attitude to her. But most often, the husband not only did not interfere with this, but he himself could succumb to the cuff. In general, a young wife lived unsweetened in Russia. Many committed suicide, not withstanding bullying. Only about this was silent.

Currently, no normal woman will not tolerate bullying. She will be able to give a fitting rebuff to "beloved mother." Of course, moral. Some wives manage to set husbands against their mother-in-law.



Another frequently asked question: "What is the origin of the words" mother-in-law "and" mother-in-law "?" If we sorted out the first, now we will pay attention to the second.


Mother-in-law is the mother of the wife. A lot of jokes and tales go about mother-in-law and son-in-law. He does not like the good "mother" of the acquired son. Tries to intrigue him to build, but it doesn’t work out very well.

Meanwhile, the word came from the Ukrainian language. In Russia, it is believed that it came from the word "crack". The mother-in-law chatters incessantly, climbs with advice, which madly annoys her son-in-law.

Another variant of the origin of the word - "crack with nails." Allegedly the mother-in-law snaps her fingers and nails cracking. Here is the son named and is angry at "mother."

Difficult relationship

We found out what versions exist regarding the origin of "mother-in-law" and how this word came into our language. Let's touch on the topic of relations between sons-in-law and mother-in-law, for we have already talked about daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.

Why don't mother-in-law love son-in-law? Probably for the same reason as the mother-in-law of the daughter-in-law. Jealousy is commonplace. It seems that the daughter was raised, nurtured, and then some guy appeared and took her. She treats the girl badly, offends. And it’s nothing that the girl doesn’t work, but she is engaged in the house. Son-in-law is bad.

Mother in law - bad blood

In the origin of the word "mother in law" there is such an interpretation as "holy blood". What is she holy about? Your crazy attitude to the daughter-in-law?

There are mother-in-law who justify this interpretation. The daughter-in-law for them is a daughter. Sometimes they love her more than their son. No matter what happens, the mother-in-law takes the side of the daughter-in-law. Tells her how to be, how to behave. Helps with grandchildren, and with great pleasure.


If the mother-in-law is like that, the daughter-in-law is lucky. She got a nugget, for such a second mother is a huge rarity in life. Another thing is that the daughter-in-law does not always behave correctly. Climbing mother-in-law with tips? Silently listen, do it your own way. Nod, smile sweetly and all. “Mother” is happy: the daughter-in-law pleased, did not quarrel with her, but did as she sees fit.

If the daughter-in-law does not want to make contact, and the mother-in-law is from the category of monsters, then, regardless of the origin of the word, “mother-in-law” is more likely to be interpreted as “bad” blood than as “holy”.

Morpheme parsing

Let's analyze the word "mother in law" by composition:

  • Beetroot is the root.
  • "Ov" is a suffix.
  • There is no ending.

Sentences with the word

We figured out the origin of the word "mother in law." Let's make a few sentences with him:

  • The mother-in-law is the second mother. She deserves respect.
  • Relations with the mother-in-law bursting at the seams.
  • Anna cried, dreaming of leaving her husband’s house as soon as possible and living separately from her mother-in-law.
  • The mother-in-law seeks to help the daughter-in-law with children.
  • The mother-in-law has a good son, and his wife is a monster in the image of a new maid.


We talked about the origin of the word "mother in law." We outline the main aspects of the article:

  • The word came from the Indo-European language.
  • It means "native blood" or "holy blood."
  • At the beginning of the 20th century, the mother-in-law's definition was this: an alien woman who had entered the clan and had rights in the family.


  • Not always the mother-in-law is bad. There are such daughters-in-law that no key is selected for them.
  • A good mother in law is worth its weight in gold. That's who should be appreciated and be friends with her.
  • "Mother-in-law" is a word of Ukrainian origin. Translated as "crack".
  • According to the second version, the word "mother-in-law" came from "cracking with nails."
  • Why mother-in-law and mother-in-law do not like their acquired sons and daughters? From jealousy - the most suitable answer.