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Farewell letter from daughter to mom. A letter for my daughter from mom and dad just like that

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Farewell letter from daughter to mom. A letter for my daughter from mom and dad just like that
Farewell letter from daughter to mom. A letter for my daughter from mom and dad just like that

Video: Father Finds Goodbye Letter From 16 Year-Old Daughter. The Last Line Leaves Him Stunned 2024, July

Video: Father Finds Goodbye Letter From 16 Year-Old Daughter. The Last Line Leaves Him Stunned 2024, July

There are all kinds of situations in life, and it often happens that mother and daughter can’t just talk heart to heart, revealing to each other their secrets and anxieties. In this case, you can try to write a letter to a loved one. After all, at least you don’t have to experience those emotions that can interfere with the conversation. The daughter’s letter from her mother is simple, farewell and mentoring - that's what I want to talk about now.


What can I write about?

Initially, I would like to highlight those topics that can be addressed in such letters.

  1. You can tell your daughter about your past. Especially in the event that everything to say eye to eye for certain reasons does not work. Thus, mothers can tell about the mistakes of their youth, about their relationships and love, about a dad who is not around. There can be a lot of topics.

  2. Hint letter. It happens that mom and daughter do not communicate. But a loved one still wants to tell his child how to do the right thing. In this case, you need to write a letter where the mother on a personal example or simply from her own experience tells you what to do in a given situation.

  3. Letter of apology. This type of letter is used very often. After all, it happens that the mother simply can’t admit her mistakes in the eyes. And on paper, speaking out and asking for forgiveness is always easier. There is nothing wrong. This is just the first step towards bringing people closer together.

  4. Farewell letter. It also happens that the mother understands that she has only a little left to live. But it’s always very, very difficult to say to your child’s eyes. Therefore, you need to try to write. The message can reach the daughter during the life of her parent, and after. In any case, this is a very important letter in which mom puts her whole soul.

  5. Request letter. In this case, mothers often turn to their “difficult” daughters with a request for normal behavior. With a plea for understanding. It should be noted that such a method of communicating with a child sometimes even works better than a simple heart-to-heart talk. Indeed, it’s very difficult to say everything in your eyes, and it’s always easier to pour your soul onto paper.


Rules for writing a letter

You can make a letter to your daughter from mom in any form. It can be a verse or prose. A couple of lines can be written, or a whole notebook can be written down. This is not the main thing, only the meaning that the parent puts in the message is important here. But still there are some rules for writing such a letter:

  • You need to write in ordinary language. That is, so that the child understands what his “mother” is saying to him, and not the character from the film or someone else’s woman. In the lines, the daughter must recognize the style of maternal speech.

  • It is best to write by hand (exception - the letter will be sent by e-mail).

  • You need to think about the design. If the letter is serious (for example, an apology), do not paint it, decorate it with drawings. It should be as simple as possible. Everything can be made vivid and memorable in a humorous message.


How to write a request letter?

Modern life is such that children sometimes have to live far from their parents, moving not only to another city, but even to another country. Therefore, increasingly mothers began to turn to their children with a request to take care of them in old age. There is nothing wrong with this, because it is the child who must look after the parents, paying them a debt for their infancy and childhood. But people often forget about it. In this case, each mother should have a letter of request in stock.

  • In such a message, it is necessary to indicate that old age is waiting for everyone, so you need to try to treat old people as if to yourself.

  • You can apologize for your actions, nuances of character.

  • You can indicate what problems may arise in the future: dementia, leg problems, etc., so that the child is simply ready for what he will have to face.

  • And at the very end, you need to ask the child not to forget about his parents, if possible - to help. But here you need to remember that you should not tell your daughter what and how to do. In this case, the letter will simply be a dummy.

Example: "Dear daughter! I perfectly understand that you have your own life, your own concerns. I don’t want to burden you with my problems. I will try to do everything myself. But I beg you if I don’t have the opportunity to take care of myself, don’t leave me, don’t give into the care of strangers. Accept my old age, accept my illnesses and problems and try to make my life easier. I will be infinitely grateful to you even if I don’t talk about it. Daughter, forgive me if I have to disturb you "I love you infinitely, dear!"


Farewell letter

Sometimes life develops in such a way that you have to write a farewell letter to your daughter. It’s very, very difficult to get such a message from mom. After all, basically it comes after death, when it is already hard to remember a deceased parent. But here it should be noted that such a message is basically the most valuable. After all, in it, the mother tells everything that during life she could not or simply could not tell her child. Most often in this case, the parent apologizes to the child for the fact that she could not live longer, could not raise grandchildren. Moms also write that they will necessarily become guardian angels to their children and will look after them from heaven.

It also happens that a daughter’s farewell letter from her mother comes when a woman leaves her child for certain circumstances. In such a message, the parent most often asks for forgiveness for her act, tries to somehow justify herself. There are also promises here, most often - to fix everything.

Example: "My beloved girl! The circumstances are so bad that I have to leave you. But only physically. My soul will always be with you. I do this only with good intentions. Only this way I can be happy, and with me - and "You. Accept my act, do not blame me, and if you can, forgive me. I love you, your mother."

Story letter

Sometimes a woman decides to just write a letter for her daughter. From mom just to hear a story about her past or certain intimate circumstances of life is not always possible. And to read everything in the letter is much easier. In this case, the parent can talk about his first love (to protect his daughter from mistakes made in his youth), about the rules of relations with the opposite sex (again, based on the example of his experience). Often, mothers tell their children in this message the story of their husband (the father of the children). Honest, truthful and unadorned.



You can write a letter to your daughter from mom and dad. This type of message is very popular in the west. There, before the wedding or as a wedding gift, this child is presented with such a letter. Most often, it reveals the secrets of family happiness of mom and dad, tips on what to do in a given situation, what needs to be done to strengthen family relationships, and what is best avoided.

Example: "Daughter! You are on the verge of committing an act that at one time could ruin my life. The fact is that at your age I, like you, was fascinated by an older man. I was ready to run away with him, but higher powers saved me from this. And, apparently, not in vain. He turned out to be married, and he needed me only as a living toy. Therefore, daughter, I ask you: think everything and weigh all the pros and cons "But remember, no matter what decision you make, I will support you. Mom who loves you."

Request letter

A daughter’s letter from mom can be made in the form of a request. So, a parent may wish from his child a better behavior, an understanding of certain actions. It should be noted that psychologists say that such messages work very well if you need to agree with a child not to commit a certain act. Indeed, eye-to-eye conversations in such cases often end in quarrels and mutual accusations. And if a letter is received, the daughter will be able to at least “listen” to her mother and understand why she is trying to say this.
