
Birds of the Nizhny Novgorod region: photos and names

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Birds of the Nizhny Novgorod region: photos and names
Birds of the Nizhny Novgorod region: photos and names

Video: Novgorod the Great - One of the oldest historic cities in Russia 2024, June

Video: Novgorod the Great - One of the oldest historic cities in Russia 2024, June

The Nizhny Novgorod region is rich in forest zones, in which 293 species of birds live. These are very common, and rare, and even those that are listed in the Red Book. Birds of the Nizhny Novgorod region are divided into 19 orders. Some of the species usually nest far from the area, so they rarely appear in the area. They nest constantly in the area of ​​only 17 squads.

Flying birds

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, having lost their course, such birds as the thick-billed guillemot, pink pelican, and cormorant fly in. In rare cases, even flamingos were met, which became a sensation for scientists. These birds do not belong to the birds of the Nizhny Novgorod region, they live in other places.

Thick-billed murre is found in the Arctic territories, on the island of Vaigach and on the two islands of Novaya Zemlya. Pink Pelican lives on the lands of Southeastern Europe, in Africa and Asia. Cormorant is widespread in areas with tropical and temperate climates.

Flamingo is a surprisingly beautiful creature that lives in Africa, Azerbaijan, Southeast and Central Asia, and America. This stately bird, as a rule, does not leave its territory. But despite this, in the Nizhny Novgorod region she was met twice. Unfortunately, both times she became a victim of hunters.

Sometimes a small grebe, a pegank duck, a gyrfalcon, a peregrine falcon, a thornbill, a black-headed laughter, a polar owl and others fly here.


Nesting birds

17 nests of birds make their nests in this region. All of them are common in neighboring areas. If you look at the photo of the birds of the Nizhny Novgorod region, it is amazing how diverse the avifauna of this region is. Waterfowl, small birds of forests and meadows are especially common. They can easily be found even near human habitation. These include the following units:

  • grebe-like - the chomga and the black-necked grebe are the most common of them;

  • storks are mainly represented by herons and drink; storks are rare;

  • Anseriformes - the most numerous detachment, this is a goose, goose, different types of ducks, swans, pelicans and others;

  • chickens - hazel grouse, black grouse, capercaillie, partridge - live in forests;

  • of the crane-like species, the common crane, the herd, the corral and the coot are common;

  • Charadriiformes are gulls and waders: black, snipe, woodcock, lake gull, klush and others;

  • pigeons are widespread in the area not only in nature, but also in cities;

  • of the cuckoo species, 2 species live here;

  • a goat is widespread, but difficult to see;

  • black swift is ubiquitous in the region in large flocks;

  • hoopoe lives mainly on the right bank of the Volga, it is difficult to see it;

  • Charadriiformes are less common in the region - they are the golden bee-eater, kingfisher and blue-tooth;

  • woodpeckers - it is yellow, large and small variegated, white-backed;

  • Passeriformes are the most numerous detachment; such birds are found everywhere in central Russia.


Birds of Prey of Nizhny Novgorod Region

A large number of rodents in the region contributes to the spread of day and night predators. It is more difficult to see such birds, they are more secretive. Moreover, many of them are very rare. The most common order of daytime birds of prey. It includes 27 subspecies, of which 21 nest here permanently. These are birds such as buzzard, spotted eagle, osprey, black kite, snake-eater, goshawk, harrier, kestrel, falcon and others.

Found in the Nizhny Novgorod region and night predators. These are 12 subspecies of owls. A long-eared owl, splyushka, boreal owl, gray owl live in the area constantly. And sometimes a polar owl also flies here for the winter.


Birds of the Red Book of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

There are also rare endangered birds. These include 70 subspecies. Photos and names of birds of the Nizhny Novgorod region need to know all the people living here and in neighboring regions. After all, these birds in the future can no longer be found. Rare birds include gray heron, bittern, chomga, white stork, mute swan, osprey, peregrine falcon, small gull, eagle owl, common kingfisher and many others. Quite rarely there are loons, gray woodpeckers, gyrfalcons. But there are those who are threatened with extinction. This is a black stork, golden eagle, eagle burial ground and bearded owl. In order to protect these proud and beautiful birds from extinction, special reserves are created where they breed.

Black stork

Refers to the order of Ciconiiformes. A fairly large bird with a wingspan of about 1.5 meters. The color is remarkable: the body is dark with a greenish tint, the belly is whitish. Young individuals have a black beak, legs with a green tint.

This beautiful bird is included in the Red Book, because it was almost destroyed. The last two nests that were found in the region were destroyed in the early 80s. But more recently, a new nest with a brood of chicks was found in the region. The black stork is a secretive bird, does not like the society of people. Nests, as a rule, in a thicket of forests, near forest lakes, swamps, rivers.


Golden eagle

This bird belongs to the hawk detachment. Golden eagle is recognized as the largest eagle in the world. The length of his body grows to one meter, and the wingspan of more than two meters. These birds of the Nizhny Novgorod region, as a rule, try to stay in pairs near their nest.

The golden eagle is brown, the crown and back of the neck are lightish in color, reddish-golden. The beak is dark brown, with a blue tint, legs, like all eagles, are feathered to the toes, and the fingers are yellow. The claw of the back finger reaches five centimeters in a bend, which is not found in other birds of prey.

This hunter, like other representatives of the subspecies, has very good eyesight, but only in the daytime. An object the size of a hare, he sees at a distance of a couple of kilometers. The neck of the golden eagle can rotate 270 degrees, which increases the field of view. Frowning eyebrows protect the eyes from bright sunlight.

The golden eagle is included in the Red Book in connection with its mass extermination. Also an important factor in the extinction of the species is the use of pesticides by humans and their invasion of the wild.
