the culture

"Travelers in pajamas": in the city of Suzhou, officials will pay $ 2.12 to everyone who will publicly "disgrace" uncivilized people

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"Travelers in pajamas": in the city of Suzhou, officials will pay $ 2.12 to everyone who will publicly "disgrace" uncivilized people
"Travelers in pajamas": in the city of Suzhou, officials will pay $ 2.12 to everyone who will publicly "disgrace" uncivilized people

In the Chinese city of Suzhou, west of Shanghai, government officials are introducing an extremely strange practice. People who, in the opinion of the authorities, were dressed inappropriately, were publicly dishonored: they were photographed on the streets of the city, and then they were uploaded to the network with personal data. Moreover, officials urge other citizens to join the hunt and even promise to pay money for this.

Shame on your pajamas


The object of the persecution turned out to be pajamas, but not literally pajamas, but rather clothes reminiscent of homewear. People who go outside dressed in this way are accused of misconduct and are called "travelers in pajamas."


The popular social network WeChat in China began to fill up with pictures from the streets, shopping centers and other public places of the city. In the photo you can see not only the “traveler in pajamas”, so to speak, at the crime scene, but also a card with his personal information.


According to authorities, this is not the first time they have banned the wearing of home clothes in public places.