
The regions of the Far North of Russia are waiting for workers

The regions of the Far North of Russia are waiting for workers
The regions of the Far North of Russia are waiting for workers

Video: Ice Race - Episode 01 Season 01 2024, July

Video: Ice Race - Episode 01 Season 01 2024, July

From the school bench, we all know where the north is and how cold it is. But there are territories that are called "regions of the Far North." They are located beyond the Arctic Circle, where there is a forest-tundra, tundra and Arctic zone with a very harsh climate, in which it is not so easy to acclimatize. On the vast territory of our country in some regions there are areas that, by their natural and climatic characteristics, are equated with the conditions in which the regions of the Far North are located. For example, Ulagansky and Kosh-Agachsky administrative areas in the Altai Republic, located in the highlands and the spread of permafrost.


Features of the natural conditions of the north

The north of Russia is known for its harsh climate, for living and working in which you need to have excellent health. The peculiarities of the natural conditions and climate of this territory include: extremely low winter air temperature, harsh and long winters, cold short summers, ultraviolet deficiency, violation of photoperiodicity (day and night). This can also include light starvation on a polar night and light excess on a polar day, oxygen starvation and rarefied air, sharp jumps in humidity and temperature, atmospheric pressure. Here, geomagnetic and gravitational perturbations are pronounced, the influence of space adversely affects.

Adaptive stress of the body

All of these factors, as well as a forced reduction in motor activity, frequent and prolonged flights (with a shift method of work), periodic climate change reduce the working capacity, immunity and health of people coming to the Far North. Most often this is expressed in a person acquiring cardiovascular diseases, hormonal and metabolic disorders. According to doctors, it takes several years to adapt a newcomer to the northern climate.


Work in the Far North

In the Soviet period, the Far North could be reached by a Komsomol ticket, enlisted voluntarily at construction sites, in geological expeditions, at oil-gas-gold mining enterprises. Among the visitors there were those who were forcibly settled for reeducation by work and harsh living conditions. Work in the Far North and at present, as they say, is not endless. The work is mainly related to oil and gas production, laying of oil and gas pipelines, construction of roads, residential and industrial premises. Employing companies for shift work are recruiting young people who have been examined in a medical institution and who have a medical certificate about their state of health. A medical examination of employees is carried out periodically. In the north, mainly working specialties are in demand: truck drivers and special vehicles, drillers, welders. Pregnant women and mothers with children under three years of age, guardians of minor children, male fathers engaged in raising children without a mother, and also persons who do not meet the age limit are not allowed to work on a rotational basis.


Benefits for working in the Far North

For all able-bodied northerners who live there permanently or work on a rotational basis, a number of benefits are established at the legislative level, divided into 2 groups. The benefits of the first group are cash payments for the difficult climatic conditions of the territories where the regions of the Far North of Russia are located. Such benefits include: an increased regional coefficient, monthly and growing salary increases, additional payments for temporary disability, additional leave, benefits for pensions, benefits for joining a housing construction cooperative. The benefits of the second group are enjoyed only by workers of a certain category who have moved north due to public appeal with the conclusion of a contract of employment for a period of 3 years (or 2 years if the labor activity will take place on the island territory of the Arctic Ocean). This group of benefits includes: compensation for relocation, reimbursement of expenses for returning to the place of former residence at the end of the employment contract, a one-time allowance in case of renewal of the contract for another period, booking a home at the place of former residence, benefits for calculating the length of service upon retirement. Some of these benefits will be enjoyed by family members. The employer may also indicate other benefits in the employment contract.