
Time difference between Vienna and Moscow and other Russian cities

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Time difference between Vienna and Moscow and other Russian cities
Time difference between Vienna and Moscow and other Russian cities

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The countdown, by universal agreement, on our globe comes from the zero meridian, which is otherwise called Greenwich. Time in countries located on his right hand is counted with an error expressed by the “+” sign, on the left hand - by the “-” sign. The number of hours behind or ahead of normal time is calculated based on the distance from the zero meridian of the time zone in which the country is located. On the agenda is the question: what is the time difference between Vienna and Moscow?

Austria time zone


Since all Central European countries, including Austria and its capital Vienna, are located in close proximity to the Greenwich meridian, its time error is only +1. That is, while in the zone of the prime meridian it will be 12 o’clock in the afternoon, in Vienna it will already be one o'clock in the afternoon, that is, noon there was already an hour ago.

Time zone of Russia

Everything is much more complicated with Russia. From west to east, it has a huge length, and therefore, like little Austria, it does not fit in one time zone. Moreover, it is crossed by many time zones. For example, the Moscow Region, which was earlier in the time zone +4, after the government refused to switch to winter-summer time, is now constantly in the time zone +3, so the time difference between Moscow and Vienna is 2 hours. That is, while in Austria it will be noon, in Moscow the chimes will strike two in the afternoon. But this error is true only in the winter. Since in Austria, in summer, unlike Russia, the clock is switched to daylight saving time, that is, they add +1 to the existing error, so in the summer time the time difference with Moscow will be only 1 hour.