
Kings can do everything: 10 of the most extravagant weddings of monarchs of our time

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Kings can do everything: 10 of the most extravagant weddings of monarchs of our time
Kings can do everything: 10 of the most extravagant weddings of monarchs of our time

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A wedding is one of the most important and memorable days in the life of every person. Each of us strives to make our wedding special: choose the best outfit, choose the most delicious treats, invite a professional who could entertain guests. However, our weddings cannot be compared with the ceremonies of the royal people. Such a luxury with which the monarch’s wedding is celebrated can only be seen in a fairy tale. Probably, it will not surprise anyone if at such a ceremony some wizard meets.

Princess Hajj Hafiz Surual Bolkiah and Pengiran Haji Muhammad Ruzaini


This celebration took place in Brunei and lasted a whole week. All events were held in the palace of Istan Nurul Iman. This royal house has 1700 rooms, the wealth of which is impossible to describe. Each of them is more beautiful and more magnificent than the other.


Of course, all attention was directed to the beautiful princess, who conquered everyone with her appearance. When all the rituals were carried out, the whole family left on a golden Rolls-Royce.


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Prince William and Kate Middleton

This is one of the most anticipated modern weddings that took place in 2011 at Westminster Abbey.

The ceremony was announced to the whole world. In England, the streets were crowded with people. Everyone wanted to congratulate the royal people on this wonderful event. People all over the world watched the broadcast on TV.

Kate from a simple girl turned into the Duchess of Cambridge. This alliance can go down in history, because royal people usually marry people like themselves.

Jigme Hesar Namgyel Wangchuk and Jetsun Pema

The monarch of the kingdom of Bhutan married in 2011. Jetsun Pema became his wife. This is another important event in the history of mankind, which has long been expected. The most incredible decorations and decorations that are rarely found in the West were presented at the celebration. Thousands of people came to see this ceremony. All of them had the opportunity to watch various dances and excellent archery.


The wedding day was planned in advance, the royal astronomers worked on it. The date was calculated so that this day brings as much happiness as possible to the Wangchuk family. When the ceremony came to an end, Jetsun received the crown, which defined her as the new queen of Bhutan.

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Princess Haju and Prince Notonegoro


In 2013, this Indonesian wedding between two old friends conquered many. Twelve horse-drawn carriages marched through the streets of Jakarta, which were crowded with people.


The whole royal family welcomed the locals. The whole ceremony took three days. All the traditions and customs of Muslims were observed here.


King Letsi III and Anna Motosheneng, Lesotho

This is surprising, but the king married a prostitute whom he had known since university. Almost all the inhabitants of the country watched this wedding. When Anna ascended the throne, they changed her name, and she became Masenate Mojato Seizo.

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Mary Donaldson and Prince Frederick, Denmark

Mary Donaldson is an Australian. She met her future husband, Prince Frederick, at a Sydney bar, and he soon made her Princess of Denmark.

This alliance was concluded in 2004 at the Copenhagen Cathedral. There was a veil on Mary, which passed from generation to generation of royal brides of Scandinavia.


This wedding can be called fabulous. After the ceremony, the newlyweds and all the guests went to the Fredensbog Palace, where the young showed everyone their first dance.

Prince Guillaume and Countess Stephanie de Lannoy, Luxembourg

This wedding was waiting for the whole of Luxembourg, and especially the royal family. Since the prince could not find his beloved for a long time, and he was the last heir to the throne, therefore, if he did not get married, the royal family would be interrupted.

But in 2012, the prince finally married his distant cousin Stefania de Lanna.

The ceremony was amazing. The veil of the bride had no end. And the young people were not released for a long time until all theatrical performances were completed.

Prince Shivraj Singh and Princess Gayatri Kumari Pal, India

Prince Shivraj Singh knew that his wedding would be gorgeous, but this ceremony exceeded all his expectations.

The whole procession took place at the Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur. A real elephant brought the bride and groom there. Only the closest people attended the wedding. There were several families of Bollywood stars.

The young were dressed in traditional Indian wedding dresses. Note that there they are red, not white.

Prince Felipe de Bourbon and Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, Spain

Prince Felipe was known as a real bachelor, and for many it was a surprise that he moved to his beloved Letizia, and in 2004 they played a wedding. At that time, the broadcast of this event gained the greatest popularity on television.

This wedding was also distinguished by the fact that it was the first royal wedding in 100 years, which took place in Madrid. And in 2014, after the abdication of the king of King Juan Carlos I, Felipe and Letizia became monarchs of Spain.