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“Goose the pig is not a friend”: the meaning of phraseology

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“Goose the pig is not a friend”: the meaning of phraseology
“Goose the pig is not a friend”: the meaning of phraseology

Video: Funny GERMAN INSULTS (with translations) 2024, July

Video: Funny GERMAN INSULTS (with translations) 2024, July

“Goose is not a pig, ” is a long-standing expression in which it is impossible to replace even one word. Russian understands this phraseologism on the fly, and a foreigner needs to explain it.

Imagery and expressiveness of this design

This is a very vivid expression. It accurately characterizes the opposed pair: a goose and a pig. Physiologically and in character, they are very different, because a goose a pig is not a friend. The goose is tall, proud, clean, sleek, eats grain. Ordinary people perceived the goose as an aristocrat. The pig rummages through scraps and does not mind to wallow in a dirty puddle.


She is completely unpretentious. Since the goose and the pig cannot have anything in common, such a phrase appeared.

Figurative meaning

The statement “A goose is not a comrade” is also considered an old Russian proverb. Its essence and meaning lies in the fact that the communication of people should occur in one society, and they can not intersect. These are various social strata that differ in terms of income, upbringing, education, occupations and interests. There is nothing in common between people standing at different levels of the social hierarchy and cannot be.


What can unite the oligarch who owns a football club, yachts, lives in New York, then in London, flies on a private plane, teaches children in Oxford, gives next more and more young girlfriends jewelry from Cartier or Harry Winston, with a hard worker who relaxing with friends from Friday to Saturday? Such a maximum goes fishing and brings home several minnows and barely reaches the advance payment to the payday. On March 8 will bring a bunch of half-dead mimosas or tulips. Here you say it: "Goose pig is not a friend." In this case, you will not sympathize with the goose, which, like a vampire, sucks your blood. But our contemporaries easily translate everything as a joke, and even since the time of Chatsky's mockery, everyone has been terribly scared and kept in shame.