
At the wedding ceremony, the groom suddenly took off his jacket and put on a green T-shirt over his shirt. The guests and the bride were thrilled

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At the wedding ceremony, the groom suddenly took off his jacket and put on a green T-shirt over his shirt. The guests and the bride were thrilled
At the wedding ceremony, the groom suddenly took off his jacket and put on a green T-shirt over his shirt. The guests and the bride were thrilled

Video: Audio Grammar 4th CD1 2024, June

Video: Audio Grammar 4th CD1 2024, June

Organizing a wedding, as you know, is always hard work. Jennifer Sullivan, 31 years old, and Patrick Hanks, 28 years old from Pennsylvania (USA) have been preparing for this day for several months. The wedding of lovers was planned to the smallest detail. It was supposed to be a cake, beautiful flowers and, of course, a dress code. However, with the planning of the wedding there were some "difficulties". Future newlyweds did not know what Patrick would wear during the wedding.

Favorite team

Of course, the groom is supposed to wear a formal suit at the wedding. And Patrick completely agreed with that. However, it so happened that he and his bride made a real bet on this occasion.

The fact is that Hanks, who is an avid football fan, had a good feeling about his favorite Eagles Philadelphia team. Patrick believed that the players will win the U.S. Super Cup. Jennifer, in this regard, expressed some doubts.


On the success of the "Eagles" on the field, the lovers made an agreement. Patrick said that if the Eagles lose, he will watch his beloved series of his second half every evening. If the players win the Super Bowl, he will marry in a T-shirt with the logo of his favorite team.

The newlyweds notified all relatives and friends invited to the wedding about their bet. In the end, it happened that the Eagles went all the way to the finals and actually had a match with the New England Patriots.

The triumph of the groom

The newlyweds closely watched the competition. And it so happened that in relation to football, Jennifer still had to trust Patrick's intuition. The Eagles really won the tournament and got the Super Bowl.


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When the wedding day arrived, all the guests and relatives expected what Patrick would do. What happened during the marriage was later filmed on video. The video eventually became viral and quickly spread throughout the Internet.


Green t-shirt

In the video you can see how, standing in front of the guests, Patrick takes off his jacket and puts on a green Orlov T-shirt right on top of his shirt. Thus, the happy groom proved himself to be the man of the word.
