the culture

A beggar man found a wallet full of money and waited three days for its owner

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A beggar man found a wallet full of money and waited three days for its owner
A beggar man found a wallet full of money and waited three days for its owner

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Once a homeless man wandered in search of several coins. A battered bag with a single change of clothes hung on his back. He walked and suddenly saw a wallet on the ground. The beggar looked around, but there was nobody around. Then he took his wallet and opened it. He was shocked to find inside a thick wad of money with several credit cards and ID.


He was torn between the desire to leave with a wallet full of money, and the desire to wait for the owner, who would come and take the wallet. He knew that it was best to return it to its rightful owner. After all, the person who dropped this wallet will be very concerned about the loss.


He did not dare to leave his wallet there, as someone irresponsible could see him and collect money and credit cards. Even as a beggar, he knew that this did not give him a reason to steal someone else's money. Beggars, like everyone, have their own principles. Thus, he wanted to return the wallet to the owner as soon as possible.

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