the culture

The rarest names of girls: a list. What name should I give my daughter?

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The rarest names of girls: a list. What name should I give my daughter?
The rarest names of girls: a list. What name should I give my daughter?



For many parents, the choice of a name for a daughter has always been, is and will be a very difficult question. Young families pre-select several options, make a list, but even in this case, from this list you need to choose only one name, and this is very difficult. In addition, parents are well aware that with this choice the child will have to live his whole life. The main criterion in the selection of a suitable option is the consonance of the name with the middle name and surname, while its rarity, beauty and unusual play an important role. Many also want to give their children rare and original names, and the demand for them is growing every year. After all, a beautiful, exotic and rare name provides the child with increased attention. The article will discuss old Slavic, exotic, original and, of course, the rarest names for girls.

Difficult choice. How to make it right?

When choosing a name for a girl, parents need to like it, combine beautifully with patronymic, and be fashionable. And, of course, it suited the child.

The choice of what name to give your daughter very often turns into the subject of fierce disputes between all relatives. Modern parents very often resort to drawing lots, the church or astrological calendar.


Subconsciously, everyone wants to choose not only a beautiful, but also a happy name for their daughter, because deep down in their souls they understand that with the name they partly choose the fate and character of a person. Scientists have proven that ancient names have a strong energy, which is why recently it has become very popular to call children Old Slavic, Old Russian, Orthodox names. Among them there are very beautiful, harmonious, original and rather rare names.

Church names

Recently, the tradition of choosing a name for the baby according to the church calendar (Saints) has become urgent. The most beautiful and rare Orthodox names for girls: Agnia, Efrosinya, Melania, Juliana, Zinaida, Seraphim, Ulyana, Anfisa, Evdokia, Emilia, Anisia, Claudia, Nonna, Ilaria, Capitolina, Praskovya, Rimma, Raisa, Faina, Fotina.

The name according to the Saints can be given, focusing on:

  1. Girl's birthday.
  2. The gap between birthday and baptism.
  3. Baby's baptism day.

The names of the saints that fall on these dates are beautiful and rare Orthodox names, and for girls they are most suitable, according to the church name.

Female rare names on the Astrological calendar

Astrologers compiled a unique calendar in which the names and their relationship with the zodiac signs are indicated. Here are the rarest names of girls on the astrological calendar:

  • If the girl is Aries, then, most likely, names like Alla, Raisa, Alice will suit her.
  • If the daughter of Taurus is Sabina, Monica, Maya, Angela, Diana.
  • For Gemini - Taisia, Eliza, Lucien, Yvette, Clara, Albina, Gloria, Aksinya.
  • Cancers fit Simon, Melania, Selena, Letizia, Bogdan, Lolita, Juliet.
  • For Lionesses, Emma, ​​Ilona, ​​Laura, Adelaide, Eleanor, Roxanne, Aurora, Bella, Ariadne, Lada, Dora, Capitoline will be suitable.
  • The following rare girl names are suitable for virgins - Stella, Linda, Hertha, Edith, Regina, Constance, Vita.
  • Libra - Pelagia, Milena, Isabella, Veronica, Snejana, Nelly, Love, Zlata.
  • Teresa, Seraphim, Magdalen, Zara, Elina, Tahira, Marta, Louise are suitable for Scorpions.


  • For Sagittarius girls, names such as Patricia, Marianne, Jeanne, Berthe, Thekla, Muse, Isolde, Violetta are most suitable.
  • Capricorns - Renata, Cyrus, Eleanor, Nora, Barbara.
  • Aquarius - Novella, Aelita, Frida, Gloria, Ilona.
  • Pisces fit Venus, Amelia, Ninel, Eve, Adele.

Ancient and rare names

Many names appeared in our culture from the ancient Christian world and do not have Slavic roots. But some female native Russian names are associated with the beliefs, history, customs and rites of the ancient Slavs. Such rare names of girls include: Fun (funny, mischievous), Snezhana (gentle, modest), Dobroslava (thinking sensibly), Mstislav (exacting).

The cultural ties of our ancestors (ancient Slavs) facilitated the exchange of traditions and customs with the cultures of neighboring peoples. This also affected names, most of which are of Scandinavian origin. Not all of them are forgotten, some are relevant today. For example, Rogneda (born for fame and success), Helga (then interpreted into Olga, more harmonious for the Slavic ear), Inga (winter), Kara (“curly”, Karina came from him).

Names with meaning

When using a name, you must pay attention to the meaning of the name. As you know, the name affects the nature and fate of a person. For example, if there is a dream that the daughter was a successful, purposeful winner in life, she should be called Victoria, but this name is very common and not rare. An rarer and more unusual name for the girl will be Anfisa, translated from Greek as “blooming”. A little girl with that name is very calm, but, having matured, she becomes stubborn and decisive, does not commit rash acts and always finds a common language with people.


An interesting name is Valeria, translated from Latin “strong”. A child with this name, as a rule, has a well-developed fantasy and a wonderful memory. She is unpredictable and sensual. Adult Valeria is a caring, economical and hospitable woman.

A very rare name for a girl is Dominica, translated from Latin as "mistress." Girls with this name have good intuition, are able to lead and manage. They, as a rule, are confident in themselves, always bring everything to the end, achieve success in painting, design, architecture.

Rare names

Many parents try to call the child a name that is not very popular, that is, rare and unique, but at the same time beautiful and harmonious. These names, according to statistical services, include: Lyubava, Cleopatra, Leia, Aurora, Spring, Nicoletta, Ustinha, Indira, Emily, Alexandria, Bozen.

Popular, but very rare names for girls come to us from other cultures, songs, films. For example, Bella (European); Venus, Stella, Liliana, Palmyra, Regina (Latin); Juno, Helia, Oia, Melania, Ellina, Yunna, Ida, Nelly, Olympics, Junia (Greek); Daniela (Jewish); Carolina (Germanic).


Fancy female names

Always and at all times there are lovers of everything original. According to statistics, the most unusual and rarest names of girls are: Chelsea, Russia, Joy, Legend, Ocean, Byzantium, Moon, Cherry.

Some parents give names to their daughters, which belong to fairy-tale heroes: Malvina, Roxanne, Jasmine.

Beautiful foreign names

Actual, fashionable, but at the same time rare are foreign names. This tradition of naming is connected with the fact that English has become an international language, so some of the names are always well-known. For example, names that are popular, but not very common: Grace, Camilla, Bella, Jessica, Roxanne, Carolina, Monica, Vanessa, Charlotte, Patricia, Stephanie, Nicole. Many moms and dads consider these names to be the most beautiful.

Strange female names

There are also very strange names that are the result of originality of parents and a creative approach to naming. The most common such trend was in the Soviet era: Pravdin, Stalin, Traktorin, Dresin and so on.


Some names are half-abbreviations or abbreviated slogans: Velira - "The Great Labor Force", Dinera - "The Child of a New Era."

But this phenomenon is not only widespread in our country, the name Gwyneth Paltrow is translated from English as “Apple”, Julia Roberts has “Hazelnut”, and Madonna has “Bell”.

Name Meaning

Rare female names now sound more and more often. Forgotten Slavic variants are returning to use. Many ancient names are not at all harmonious with modern man, but they have strong energy and bring good luck and happiness to their owner. In addition, from the numerous list you can find a more pleasant ear and a beautiful old name, here are some of them:

  • Ulyana. The name for the girl comes from the male - Julius, and is often associated with Julius Caesar; it is not surprising that the girl grows brisk and with strong energy. The abbreviated form of the name is Ulya. It is very rare and original.
  • Melissa. This is a rare name that has a strong energy. That was the name of the nymph in ancient Greece, and in ancient Babylon the goddess of fertility. The name is associated with creation, hard work and creation.


  • Eve. The name is associated with the birth of all life on Earth, with the feminine principle. It was translated as “giving life”, but over time it began to mean “life”. It is the basis of such names as Evangeline, Evstigney, Evgeniy, Evdokia. All Eve have a strong-willed strong character, a high level of intelligence. Always get what they want. They are very talented and creative people.
  • Aida. First appeared in the opera by Giuseppe Verdi, the so-called princess from Ethiopia. But in Greek mythology, Hades was called the king of the underworld, and in Arabic the word means "the one that returns"; in addition, according to the African theory of origin, the name means “first daughter” or “power”. A girl with this name has creative abilities and highly developed intuition.
  • Maryana. A sister name to Anna and Maria, his other famous form is Marianne. The name is translated as "sad beauty." A girl with that name is very gentle, kind, but at the same time she has a very strong character. She is persistent and stubborn.
  • Stanislav. Short form Stasya. This is an internally strong girl. She always lives only by her own rules, in her childhood as a fidget and rebel, and with age she learns to control her emotions. She is a clear leader, strong and independent.
  • Aurora. The name for the girl, which in Latin means “morning dawn, ” is exactly what the goddess of dawn was called in Roman mythology. Short form - Ava. She is a shy, secretive, emotional and hypersensitive woman. For her, the main thing is internal emotional peace. She has a good imagination, great intuition. If you use such a name for the girl - Aurora, it will endow the owner with success and luck, she will succeed in life, albeit slowly, but very confidently.
  • Miloslava. The shortened form is Mila. This is a Slavic name, which is interpreted as "sweet for glory." The name gives the girl an extraordinary fate. She is caring, kind, sympathetic, emotional and enthusiastic, friendly and good-natured.
  • Lada. The name for the girl is associated with the Slavic goddess of beauty and love. Since childhood, such girls have been given great attention, both parents and all relatives indulge them, which is why they, most often, grow up very moody. By nature, they are maximalists, with whom it is very difficult to agree. But at the same time, Frets are decisive and stubborn, which helps them a lot in their careers.
  • Zlata. The name is most likely of Jewish origin, the root "gold" means "gold". The woman who bears this name is very thrifty, economical, intelligent, considerate, considerate, but can be secretive and even suspicious.
  • Nika. The name for the girl has Greek roots, in mythology this was the name of the goddess of victory. It is found in Orthodox clergy, in addition, it is an abbreviated form from many names: Dominic, Veronica, Monica, Evnik. This name for the girl, Nick, gives the bearer the following character traits: kindness, honesty, justice. She is always ready to help. She has a very developed intuition, but at the same time a sober calculating mind. She loves esotericism and everything mysterious. She is a vibrant, positive and emotional woman. She is absolutely not vindictive and not vindictive. At work, this is a responsible employee that you can always rely on.