
Ukhta River: geography, fishing

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Ukhta River: geography, fishing
Ukhta River: geography, fishing

Video: Ловим хариуса на кораблик. Восемь дней в тайге. Судоверфь. Коми край. Ukhta. 2024, July

Video: Ловим хариуса на кораблик. Восемь дней в тайге. Судоверфь. Коми край. Ukhta. 2024, July

The Ukhta River (Komi) is one of the rivers of the Komi Republic. Represents the left tributary of the river. Izhma. Belongs to the basin of the Pechora River. The total length of the channel is 199 km. The width of the water part is significant - 60 - 100 meters, and the depth - 0.7 - 2 meters. The flow velocity is low - 0.6 - 0.8 m / s. The volume of transported water is 47.1 m 3 / s (from 957 m 3 / s during the peak of spring flood to 8.58 m 3 / s in the winter minimum).


The Ukhta River has a mixed diet, mostly snow. The water surface is covered with ice in late autumn, and the opening of the crust occurs in late April. The largest runoff is observed from April to June.

River geography

The Ukhta river begins after the confluence of the river. Lun-Vozh with r. Howl Vozh. Both have a length of 29 km. And they begin on the eastern slopes of the Timan Ridge, at heights of 200 - 250 meters. The river has many rapids and rocky rifts. It flows through a hilly low mountain plateau covered with coniferous and mixed forests. Boggy plains, which alternate with hilly hills, predominate on the watersheds. The heights there do not exceed 160 meters. The territory is sparsely populated. The direction of the current is mainly to the south. In the lower reaches there are various settlements, including the village of Ust-Ukhta. The river near it flows into Izhma.

Territory development

Previously, the river was used for rafting timber. In ancient times, a trade waterway passed through the riverbed, which connected the central regions of the country with the Pechora North.


Although these areas are poorly developed, various minerals have been discovered here: titanium, bauxite, oil, sand, clay, gravel, marls, oil shales. The city of Ukhta, located near the river, is the center of the oil and oil refining industry. And in the village of Yarega they produce heavy oil through mines.

In order to protect nature in the river basin, the Chutinsky reserve and three natural monuments of a geological orientation were created: Ukhta, Chutinsky and Neftyelsky.

Climate Ukhta

The Ukhta river basin is dominated by a cold boreal climate. The average annual temperature is -2 degrees. In January, the figure is -17 degrees, and in July - +14. Over 700 mm of precipitation falls during the year, most of which falls in the summer. Of great importance are the arctic and boreal air masses.

Ukhta Vegetation

The river basin belongs to the taiga zone. The most common spruce forests, often belonging to the category of green-openers. Birch is also found in forests, sometimes Siberian fir. The stand has an average height of 25 meters. In the understory grow: several species of mosses, horsetail, ferns. Thickets of willow, bird cherry, mountain ash, gray alder, juniper and other plants are not uncommon. Sometimes there are birches: winding and dangling. Together with spruce, you can often find aspen, and in its pure form, aspen forests are rare.


Pine forests are less common than spruce. Quite often there are groves of Siberian larch.

Meadow spaces are small in size. Most often they are located in floodplains. The predominant type of meadow vegetation is cereal or forbs.

Animal world

The fauna of Ukhta is rich and diverse. Almost all representatives of living creatures living in different regions of Komi are found here. These are more than 10 thousand species, primarily insects and arachnids. The region is home to up to 200 species of birds, 13 species of rodents, 1 species of reptiles (mountain lizard), as well as brown bear, mole, wolf, fox, ermine, marten, otter, weasel, lynx. In the century before last, a beaver could be found here. Moose is also present, and in the past, reindeer were sometimes found.

The number of fish species is 17.

Fishing on the Ukhta River

There is not much fishing information. You can learn about it only from the forums of fishermen. The sparsely populated and wild terrain, of course, is a big plus, especially for those who like to catch without too much fuss. The greatest interest for visiting fishermen is grayling fish. It belongs to the salmon family and is a famous freshwater. Grayling has a moderately elongated body and a large dorsal fin with a characteristic shape. This fish is considered one of the most beautiful freshwater.


This species lives in mountain rivers with clean and cold water, as well as in lakes. It feeds on zoobenthos (larvae of springflies, caddis flies, and other animals), and in the summer also by flying insects. Some species of grayling can devour other fish, and the largest individuals - small rodents.

It is best to catch grayling on a float fishing rod with bait (worm), spinning on a spinner and fly.